1,207 research outputs found

    Multi-channel Bethe-Salpeter equation

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    A general form of multi-channel Bethe-Salpeter equation is considered. In contradistinction to the hitherto applied approaches, our coupled system of equations leads to the simultaneous solutions for all relativistic four-point Green functions (elastic and inelastic) appearing in a given theory. A set of relations which may be helpful in approximate treatments is given. An example of extracting useful information from the equations is discussed: we consider the most general trilinear coupling of N different scalar fields and obtain - in the ladder approximation - closed expressions for the Regge trajectories and their couplings to different channels in the vicinity of l = -1. Sum rules and an example containing non-obvious symmetry are discussed.Comment: 16 pages. Extended version published in JHEP. Uses JHEP.cls (included

    The efficacy of halofantrine in the treatment of acute malaria in nonimmune travelers

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    A multicenter prospective trial was performed to investigate the efficacy and the tolerability of halofantrine in nonimmune patients with malaria imported from areas with drug-resistant falciparum parasites (mainly Africa). Forty-five of the 74 subjects were treated with a one-day regimen (3 x 500 mg) of halofantrine, and the other 29 received the same regimen with an additional treatment on day 7. In the second group, a 100% efficacy rate was demonstrated, but in the group receiving the one-day regimen, four recrudescences were observed in patients with falciparum malaria. Only five mild adverse reactions were seen, which disappeared spontaneously after the end of the treatment. We conclude that halofantrine is highly effective in curing malaria in nonimmune subjects. The treatment scheme for such persons should include an additional treatment on day 7 for nonimmune individuals. This drug was well tolerated in our patients, indicating that halofantrine will be useful in the treatment of multidrug-resistant malaria in nonimmune persons

    Isolated vertebral fractures give elevated serum protein S-100B levels

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Serum protein S-100B determinations have been widely proposed in the past as markers of traumatic brain injury and used as a predictor of injury severity and outcome. The purpose of this prospective observational case series was therefore to determine S-100B serum levels in patients with isolated injuries to the back. METHODS: Between 1 February and 1 May 2008, serum samples for S-100B analysis were obtained within 1 hour of injury from 285 trauma patients. All patients with a head injury, polytrauma, and intoxicated patients were excluded to select isolated injuries to the spine. 19 patients with isolated injury of the back were included. Serum samples for S-100B analysis and CT spine were obtained within 1 hours of injury. RESULTS: CT scans showed vertebral fractures in 12 of the 19 patients (63%). All patients with fractures had elevated S-100B levels. Amongst the remaining 7 patients without a fracture, only one patient with a severe spinal contusion had an S-100B concentration above the reference limit. The mean S-100B value of the group with fractures was more than 4 times higher than in the group without fractures (0.385 vs 0.087 mug/L, p = 0.0097). CONCLUSION: Our data, although limited due to a very small sample size, suggest that S-100B serum levels might be useful for the diagnosis of acute vertebral body and spinal cord injury with a high negative predictive power. According to the literature, the highest levels of serum S-100B are found when large bones are fractured. If a large prospective study confirms our findings, determining the S-100B level may contribute to more selective use of CT and MRI in spinal trauma

    ifo Branchen-Dialog 2011

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    Am 26. Oktober 2011 fand der diesjƤhrige ifo Branchen-Dialog statt. Wie Ć¼blich folgten auf AusfĆ¼hrungen zur allgemeinen wirtschaftlichen Lage und den PersĀ­pektiven fĆ¼r das nƤchste Jahr vier Foren: zur Industrie, zum Handel, zur Bauwirtschaft und zu den Dienstleistungen. Den Abschluss bildete eine Podiumsdiskussion Ć¼ber die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Energiewende. Der Beitrag fasst die Tagungsergebnisse zusammen

    A New Approach to Analyzing Patterns of Collaboration in Co-authorship Networks - Mesoscopic Analysis and Interpretation

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    This paper focuses on methods to study patterns of collaboration in co-authorship networks at the mesoscopic level. We combine qualitative methods (participant interviews) with quantitative methods (network analysis) and demonstrate the application and value of our approach in a case study comparing three research fields in chemistry. A mesoscopic level of analysis means that in addition to the basic analytic unit of the individual researcher as node in a co-author network, we base our analysis on the observed modular structure of co-author networks. We interpret the clustering of authors into groups as bibliometric footprints of the basic collective units of knowledge production in a research specialty. We find two types of coauthor-linking patterns between author clusters that we interpret as representing two different forms of cooperative behavior, transfer-type connections due to career migrations or one-off services rendered, and stronger, dedicated inter-group collaboration. Hence the generic coauthor network of a research specialty can be understood as the overlay of two distinct types of cooperative networks between groups of authors publishing in a research specialty. We show how our analytic approach exposes field specific differences in the social organization of research.Comment: An earlier version of the paper was presented at ISSI 2009, 14-17 July, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Revised version accepted on 2 April 2010 for publication in Scientometrics. Removed part on node-role connectivity profile analysis after finding error in calculation and deciding to postpone analysis

    Ordering of dipolar Ising crystals

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    We study Ising systems of spins with dipolar interactions. We find a simple approximate relation for the interaction energy between pairs of parallel lattice columns of spins running along the Ising spin direction. This relation provides insight into the relation between lattice geometry and the nature of the ordered state. It can be used to calculate ground state energies. We have also obtained ground state energies and ordering temperatures T_0 from Monte Carlo simulations. Simple empirical relations, that give T_0 for simple and body centered tetragonal lattices in terms of lattice parameters are also established. Finally, the nature of the ordered state and T_0 are determined for Fe_8 clusters, which crystallize on a triclinic lattice.Comment: 13 pages, 4 eps figures, to be published in PRB. For related work, see http://pipe.unizar.es/~jf

    Increasing Dominance - the Role of Advertising, Pricing and Product Design

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    Despite the empirical relevance of advertising strategies in concentrated markets, the economics literature is largely silent on the effect of persuasive advertising strategies on pricing, market structure and increasing (or decreasing) dominance. In a simple model of persuasive advertising and pricing with differentiated goods, we analyze the interdependencies between ex-ante asymmetries in consumer appeal, advertising and prices. Products with larger initial appeal to consumers will be advertised more heavily but priced at a higher level - that is, advertising and price discounts are strategic substitutes for products with asymmetric initial appeal. We find that the escalating effect of advertising dominates the moderating effect of pricing so that post-competition market shares are more asymmetric than pre-competition differences in consumer appeal. We further find that collusive advertising (but competitive pricing) generates the same market outcomes, and that network effects lead to even more extreme market outcomes, both directly and via the effect on advertising
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