51 research outputs found

    Niche Overlap between Pongo pygmaeus wurmbiiand Helarctos malayanusRaffles within Small Scale Habitat in Punggualas Area, Sebangau National Park

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    The SebangauNational Park is a major stronghold for Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) ranging from 6000 –9000 individuals. In comparison with Bornean Orangutans, very little ecological fieldwork has been conducted to inves-tigate sun bear biology, and there have been no thorough surveys of distribution or population densities. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the basic information on niche overlap between these two endangered species,specifically to quantify their relationship within the small-scale habitat in Punggualas area, SNP. Data was collected and measured during 15 –21 June 2019; using line transects methods. A total of 6580 m waswalked along 8 consecutive transects. Bear and aging sign follow Augeri protocols. A total 18 printed mark-claw and 17 Orangutan nests was measured according to the mentioned methodology. The relationships be-tween signs use binary logistic regressions (StatPlus for Mac) and PCA model (using R), while interspecific relationships use Co-Occurrence modeling,ESP for Windows. The results showed that there is no difference between bear sign and orangutan nest (2: 26.249; df :1, p-value:0.001); While the results on habitat selection between transects isfailed to reject the null hypothesis (2= 0.29; df :1, p-value : 0.490). The Mann-Whitney U test, also confirmed no distinctive overlap between the Orangutan and the Sun Bear (Z: 0.84; p-value: 0.40). The co-occur-rence simulations also revealed significant results (C-Score = 1.00), by means both target animals co-existed in the habitat. Obviously, the Orangutan and Sun Bear occupy the same habitat. There is no distinctive overlap between them in termsof tree species selection and having a close interrelationship in terms of feeding ground,whereas the fruiting is not available. The only distinctive difference is that the Bear sign was tend hindering waterlogged terrai

    Understanding the acoustic implications of digital transmission on fricatives

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    The aim of this thesis is to provide a better understanding of the acoustic implications of digital transmission on fricatives relevant across research fields. This is motivated by the increasing amount of digital transmitted speech across the world, and the limited knowledge on the effects of digital transmission on consonants. The thesis investigates the fricatives /f/, /θ/, /s/, /ʃ/, /z/, /ð/ and [fj]. Fricatives were expected to be particularly affected by codec compression because of their noise-like and aperiodic structure, which might be mistaken for noise by the codecs. The thesis investigates the effects of the AMR-WB-, Opus-, and MP3 codec using three different bitrates and in live transmission. The acoustic implications were measured as the first four spectral moments, peak frequency, and via spectrographic analysis. These measures were compared between baseline uncompressed WAV files and each of the codec compressed versions. This resulted in three studies. The first two are in controlled conditions i.e. the WAV files are codec compressed via a computer, whereas the third study is live with the speech transmitted between two mobile phones with and without background noise. The findings indicate significant effects of the codec compressions on the spectral measures with segment, codec and bitrate dependent tendencies. The live transmission and background noise generally produced larger effects than the controlled conditions. Intensity played a key role in the magnitude of the effects of the codec compressions and live transmission. This has implications when using codec compressed speech as data, but especially in socio- and forensic phonetics with possible diffusion of sound changes and speaker comparisons. In addition, the results have implications beyond linguistics e.g. in psychology, where clarity of speech plays a role in perceived charisma, and in hearing aid and cochlear implant technology, which both approach speech digitally and incorporate noise reduction


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan konsentrasi larutan gula terhadap terjadinya peristiwa osmosis pada kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen melalui praktikum dan pengamatan di laboratorium. Bahan yang digunakan adalah kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.), aquades, larutan gula, kertas label dan tisu. Kentang dicuci, dikupas dan dipotong kotak dengan ukuran 2 x 2 x 1 cm, lalu ditimbang dengan neraca dan diukur panjangnya. Setiap sampel potongan kentang mendapatkan perlakukan yang berbeda yaitu dengan perendaman dalam air dan larutan gula dengan empat perbedaan konsentrasi. Konsentrasi yang digunakan terdiri atas 0% (air), 5%, 10% dan 30%. Waktu perendaman potongan kentang dalam beberapa perlakuan berdasarkan konsentrasi larutan gula yaitu 30 menit.  Parameter yang diamati yaitu berat, ukuran dan tekstur kentang sebelum dan setelah mendapat beberapa perlakuan yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi perubahan berat, panjang dan tekstur yang beragam pada masing – masing kentang yang direndam dalam larutan yang memiliki konsentrasi berbeda – beda. Pada pengamatan konsentrasi 0% (air) gula terdapat penambahan berat dan ukuran serta tekstur menjadi lebih keras, sedangkan pada konsentrasi 5%, 10%, dan 30% potongan kentang mengalami penyusutan berat dan ukuran serta terdapat perubahan tekstur menjadi lebih lembek dari pada tekstur awal yang lebih keras. Perubahan berat, panjang, dan tekstur dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi larutan, serta kepekatan dari larutan gula


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    Pupuk hayati lokal sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah. Beberapa produk pupuk hayati di pasaran, juga mengandung mikroorganisme dengan berbagai keunggulan, namun keberhasilan aplikasi mikroorganisme ini di lapangan, sangat bergantung pada kemampuan adaptasinya terhadap kondisi lokal yang ada. Potensi mikroorganisme untuk pupuk hayati dari tanah gambut Kalampangan, Kalimantan Tengah, sangat perlu untuk dieksplorasi dan dikembangkan, karena tanah gambut mendominasi areal daratan di Kalimantan Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap: 1) karakteristik mikroorganisme yang potensial sebagai pupuk hayati dari tanah gambut Kalampangan, Kalimantan Tengah; 2) potensi mikroorganisme untuk melarutkan posfat (bakteri pelarut posfat), menambat nitrogen (bakteri penambat N), dan memecahkan selulosa (fungi selulitik); 3) potensi komposisi mikroorganisme potensial, untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman (kedelai). Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan penelitian eksploratif dan eksperimen. Sumber sampel untuk penelitian eksploratif berasal dari tanah gambut di daerah Kalampangan, sedangkan perlakuan eksperimen terdiri dari 8 (delapan) perlakuan termasuk kontrol positif (EM4) dan kontrol negatif (air). Penelitian dilakukan pada skala laboratorium, menggunakan polibag untuk menguji pengaruh pupuk terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kedelai, pada media tanah gambut. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan: 1) Karakteristik mikroorganisme yang potensial sebagai pupuk hayati dari tanah gambut Kalampangan, Kalimantan Tengah adalah sebagai berikut: bakteri pelarut fosfat terdiri dari Bacillus sp. dan Pseudomonas sp. Bakteri penambat nitrogen, termasuk ke dalam genus Azotobacter, sedangkan cendawan selulitik termasuk ke dalam genus Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp., dan Trichoderma sp. 2) Mikroorganisme dari tanah gambut Kalampangan, yang ditemukan potensial untuk melarutkan posfat (bakteri pelarut fosfat), menambat nitrogen (bakteri penambat nitrogen non simbiotik, dan memecahkan selulosa (fungi selulitik). 3) Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa pemberian pupuk hayati ditambah dengan bahan organik, rata-rata memperlihatkan kemampuan mendukung pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman kedelai yang lebih baik, pada tanah gambut dibandingkan dengan pemberian pupuk hayati cair tanpa bahan organik. 4) Hasil perlakuan pupuk hayati tanpa bahan organik, memperlihatkan bahwa pupuk hayati cair EM4, lebih baik dalam meningkatkan tinggi tanaman dan jumlah polong tanaman kedelai, dibandingkan dengan kelompok pupuk hayati cair lokal, sebaliknya pupuk hayati cair lokal (BPF, CS, BPN) lebih mampu meningkatkan jumlah daun dan berat basah polong tanaman kedelai dibandingkan dengan EM4

    Facebook as a recruitment tool for adolescent health research: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Researchers are increasingly using social media to recruit participants to surveys and clinical studies. However, the evidence of the efficacy and validity of adolescent recruitment through Facebook is yet to be established. OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review of the literature on the use of Facebook to recruit adolescents for health research. DATA SOURCES: Nine electronic databases and reference lists were searched for articles published between 2004 and 2013. STUDY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Studies were included in the review if: 1) participants were aged 10 to 18 years, 2) studies addressed a physical or mental health issue, 3) Facebook was identified as a recruitment tool, 4) recruitment details using Facebook were outlined in the methods section and considered in the discussion, or information was obtained by contacting the authors, 5) results revealed how many participants were recruited using Facebook, and 6) studies addressed how adolescent consent and/or parental consent was obtained. STUDY APPRAISALS AND SYNTHESIS METHODS: Titles, abstracts, and keywords were scanned and duplicates removed by 2 reviewers. Full text was evaluated for inclusion criteria, and 2 reviewers independently extracted data. RESULTS: The search resulted in 587 publications, of which 25 full-text papers were analyzed. Six studies met all the criteria for inclusion in the review. Three recruitment methods using Facebook was identified: 1) paid Facebook advertising, 2) use of the Facebook search tool, and 3) creation and use of a Facebook Page. CONCLUSIONS: Eligible studies described the use of paid Facebook advertising and Facebook as a search tool as methods to successfully recruit adolescent participants. Online and verbal consent was obtained from participants recruited from Facebook

    Uji Efektivitas Gel Hand Sanitizer Ekstrak Daun Sembung (Blumea balsamifera) Sebagai Antimikroba

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    AbstrakHand sanitizer merupakan salah satu bahan antiseptik yang yang praktis agar tubuh terhindar dari penyakit yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisme. Hand sanitizer berbasis alkohol digunakan berlebihan dan terus menerus dapat mengakibatkan iritasi pada kulit. Kandungan yang terdapat dalam bahan alami sebagai alternatif pengganti alkohol antara lain flavonoid dan terpenoid yang terdapat di daun sembung (Blumea balsamifera). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas gel hand sanitizer dari ekstrak daun sembung pada berbagai konsentrasi. Serbuk daun sembung diekstraksi secara maserasi menggunakan etanol 70%, kemudian dibuat gel dengan konsentrasi 10%, 15%, dan 20% ditambah carbopol 940, TEA, serta metil paraben. Sediaan gel hand sanitizer dievaluasi melalui uji organoleptis, pH, dan homogenitas selama 4 minggu. Setelah itu, dilakukan pengujian daya antiseptik dan aktivitas antimikroba terhadap Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, dan Candida albicans. Sediaan gel hand sanitizer ekstrak daun sembung memiliki konsistensi kental, warna hijau kehitaman, aroma khas daun sembung, homogenitas baik, dan nilai pH 6. Sediaan ini juga memiliki daya antiseptik yang baik mampu mengurangi jumlah koloni hingga 95% sama dengan sediaan gel berbasis etanol. Sediaan gel konsentrasi 20% memiliki zona hambat yang sangat kuat terhadap S. aureus dan C. albicans, serta kuat melawan E. coli. Gel hand sanitizer ekstrak Blumea balsamifera menunjukkan aktivitas antimikroba dan dapat digunakan menjadi kandidat agen antimikroba organik alami.Kata kunci: Antimikroba; Antiseptik; Ekstrak Blumea balsamifera; Hand sanitizer  AbstractHand sanitizer is one of antiseptic so that our body avoids diseases caused by microorganism. Hand sanitizer based on ethanol using continuously can cause skin irritation. The secunder metabolit contained in herbal as an alternative to hand sanitizer based ethanol contained flavonoid and terpenoid, are found in sembung leaves (Blumea balsamifera). The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of hand sanitizer gel from sembung leaf extract at various concentrations. Sembung leaf was extracted by maceration using 70% ethanol, and then gel was made with concentrations of 10%, 15%, and 20% plus carbopol 940, TEA, methyl paraben. The hand sanitizer gel preparation was evaluated through organoleptic, pH, and homogeneity tests for 4 weeks. After that, antiseptic activity and antimicrobial activity were tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. The hand sanitizer gel preparation of sembung leaf extract has a thick consistency, blackish green color, a distinctive aroma of sembung leaves, good homogeneity, and a pH value of 6. The gel with a concentration of 20% had a very strong zone of inhibition against S. aureus and C. albicans, also strong against E. coli. Blumea balsamifera extract hand sanitizer gel exhibits antimicrobial activity and can be used as a candidate natural organic antimicrobial agent

    Новые книги и проекты в «Издательском клубе ГПИБ России»

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    “The Publishing Club” of the State Public Historical Library of Russia (SPHL of Russia) continues its work in the “A.F. Losev House” Library. At the meeting of January, 2016 there was discussed the theme “Archival Document as a Source of Information”, as well as the projects associated with the publication of archival documents and being of interest to readers. There is presented the project of the author and publisher T.A. Lobashkova “Papers of Konstantinovichs of the Romanov Dynasty”, which includes a series of 11 publications since 2013. The new books in the genre of family chronicle were issued by the publishing house “Gelios-ARV” (“Egorievsk Olden Time” by S.T. Slovutinskyi, “The Memoirs of I.S. Turgenev Fa-mily” by V.N. Zhitova) and by SPHL of Russia (Slovutinsky S.T., “General Izmailov and his Servants”). The publishing house “Minuvshee” prepared a valuable reference edition of the book by Tula researcher M.Y. Klepov “Officers - Knights of St. George of the First World War. Martyrology”, published in the “Russian Necropoleis” series.«Издательский клуб» Государственной публичной исторической библиотеки России (ГПИБ России) продолжает свою работу в Библиотеке «Дом А.Ф. Лосева». На заседании в январе 2016 г. обсуждалась тема «Архивный документ как источник информации», проекты, связанные с публикацией архивных документов и представляющие большой интерес для читателей. Показан проект автора и издателя Т.А. Лобашковой «Бумаги Константиновичей Дома Романовых», включающий серию из 11 изданий, выходящих с 2013 года. В жанре семейной хроники выпущены новые книги издательства «Гелиос-АРВ» («Егорьевская старина» С.Т. Словутинского, «Воспоминания о семье И.С. Тургенева» В.Н. Житовой) и ГПИБ России (Словутинский С.Т. «Генерал Измайлов и его дворня»). Издательством «Минувшее» подготовлено ценное справочное издание книги тульского исследователя М.Ю. Клепова «Офицеры - Георгиевские кавалеры Первой мировой войны. Мартиролог», вышедшее в серии «Российские некрополи»

    Встречи за круглым столом в Издательском клубе ГПИБ России

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    The article describes the activities of the Publishing Club of the State Historical Public Library of Russia. There is highlighted the Club Meeting of January 27, 2015. The article presents the new book of «Art-Volkhonka» Publishing House.Рассказывается о деятельности Издательского клуба Государственной публичной исторической библиотеки России. Освещено заседание клуба 27 января 2015 г. Представлена новая книга издательства «Арт Волхонка»

    Structural Phase Transformation of Rail Steel in Compression

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    The analysis of structure and defective substructure of rail steel in uniaxial compression to a degree of 50% is carried out. It is revealed that cold hardening has a multi-stage character and is accompanied by fragmentations of pearlite grains which is in field as the degree of deformation increases and reaches ≈ 0.4 volume of the foil studied at ε = 50%. The fragments being formed in ferrite plates are separated by low-angle boundaries. The average size of the fragmented ferrite decreases from 240 nm at ε = 15% to 200 nm at ε = 50%. Concurrently with the ferrite fragmentation, fragments of cementite are also observed. It is found that the sizes of the cementite fragments are in a range of 15 to 20 nm and depend weakly on the degree of sample deformation. The cementite fragmentation is caused by deformation-induced carbon dissolution and dislocation-induced fracture. The carbon atoms diffuse from cementite crystal to dislocations, which move through an interplanar space to form particles of tertiary cementite at nanoscale (2–4 nm). It is found that the increase in the degree of deformation is accompanied by a decrease in the scalar and an excess dislocation density. A physical interpretation of the observations has been given

    Development of tools for computer-aided engineering and simulation of the remote sensing satellite systems, taking into account the requirements and limitations on customer resources

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    This article examines approaches to the selection of design parameters and modelling the functioning of the remote sensing satellite systems, taking into account the requirements and restrictions on customer resources. The objective of this research is to increase the efficiency of the use of space systems to solve urgent tasks of monitoring the earth's surface. Firstly, an analysis of the requirements for space imagery materials and consumer information support for solving regional problems was carried out, secondly, mathematical models of remote sensing equipment and onboard systems of small spacecraft, as well as the ground-based complex for receiving and processing information, were developed, and finally, a database with the technical characteristics of the onboard systems and remote sensing equipment of spacecraft, launch vehicles and ground-based reception and processing information facilities was created. As a result, software to determine main design parameters and modelling the functioning of cost-effective remote sensing satellite systems was developed