23 research outputs found

    Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the development times and survival of Synopsyllus fonquerniei and Xenopsylla cheopis, the flea vectors of plague in Madagascar

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    Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr Lila Rahalison and Jocelyn Ratovonjato for their advice and help during the experiment. We are grateful to the staff of the Plague Unit and the Medical Entomology Unit at the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar, particularly Dr Nohal Elissa. Without their expertise this study would not have been possible. Sincere thanks to Mr Tojo Ramihangihajason for his technical assistance. We are indebted to the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar for an internal grant which facilitated additional laboratory research. Two Wellcome Trust fellowships supported ST during this work (081705 and 095171).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A Non-Stationary Relationship between Global Climate Phenomena and Human Plague Incidence in Madagascar

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    Acknowledgments We thank the Plague and Immunology Unit at the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar for data collection and management and supporting the study. Funding The analysis of the study was supported by the Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Award F/0025/AC: ‘‘Predicting the effects of climate change on infectious diseases of animals’’ (awarded to MB). Funding for KSK was provided by a University of Liverpool PhD studentship award and for MB by BBSRC award ISIS 1813, ‘‘Climate change and the future of plague in Madagascar.’’ The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Mosquito electrocuting traps for directly measuring biting rates and host-preferences of Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles funestus outdoors

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    Background: Mosquito biting rates and host preferences are crucial determinants of human exposure to vectorborne diseases and the impact of vector control measures. The human landing catch (HLC) is a gold standard method for measuring human exposure to bites, but presents risks to participants by requiring some exposure to mosquito vectors. Mosquito electrocuting traps (METs) represent an exposure-free alternative to HLCs for measuring human exposure to malaria vectors. However, original MET prototypes were too small for measuring whole-body biting rates on humans or large animals like cattle. Here a much larger MET capable of encompassing humans or cattle was designed, and its performance was evaluated relative to both the original small MET and HLC and for quantifying malaria vector host preferences. Methods: Human landing catch, small human-baited METs (MET-SH), and large METs baited with either a human (MET-LH) or calves (MET-LC) were simultaneously used to capture wild malaria vectors outdoors in rural southern Tanzania. The four capture methods were compared in a Latin-square design over 20 nights. Malaria vector host preferences were estimated through comparison of the number of mosquitoes caught by large METs baited with either humans or cattle. Results: The MET-LH caught more than twice as many Anopheles arabiensis than either the MET-SH or HLC. It also caught higher number of Anopheles funestus sensu lato (s.l.) compared to the MET-SH or HLC. Similar numbers of An. funestus sensu stricto (s.s.) were caught in MET-LH and MET-SH collections. Catches of An. arabiensis with human or cattle-baited large METs were similar, indicating no clear preference for either host. In contrast, An. funestus s.s. exhibited a strong, but incomplete preference for humans. Conclusions: METs are a sensitive, practical tool for assessing mosquito biting rates and host preferences, and represent a safer alternative to the HLC. Additionally these fndings suggest the HLC underestimate whole-body human exposure. MET collections indicated the An. funestus s.s. population in this setting had a higher than expected attack rate on cattle, potentially making eliminating of this species more difiicult with human-targeted control measures. Supplementary vector control tools targeted at livestock may be required to effectively tackle this species

    The sero-epidemiology of Neospora caninum in cattle in northern Tanzania

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    Neospora caninum is a protozoan intracellular parasite of animals with a global distribution. Dogs act as definitive hosts, with infection in cattle leading to reproductive losses. Neosporosis can be a major source of income loss for livestock keepers, but its impacts in sub-Saharan Africa are mostly unknown. This study aimed to estimate the seroprevalence and identify risk factors for N. caninum infection in cattle in northern Tanzania, and to link herd-level exposure to reproductive losses. Serum samples from 3,015 cattle were collected from 380 households in 20 villages between February and December 2016. Questionnaire data were collected from 360 of these households. Household coordinates were used to extract satellite derived environmental data from open-access sources. Sera were tested for the presence of N. caninum antibodies using an indirect ELISA. Risk factors for individual-level seropositivity were identified with logistic regression using Bayesian model averaging (BMA). The relationship between herd-level seroprevalence and abortion rates was assessed using negative binomial regression. The seroprevalence of N. caninum exposure after adjustment for diagnostic test performance was 21.5% [95% Credibility Interval (CrI) 17.9–25.4]. The most important predictors of seropositivity selected by BMA were age greater than 18 months [Odds ratio (OR) = 2.17, 95% CrI 1.45–3.26], the local cattle population density (OR = 0.69, 95% CrI 0.41–1.00), household use of restricted grazing (OR = 0.72, 95% CrI 0.25–1.16), and an increasing percentage cover of shrub or forest land in the environment surrounding a household (OR = 1.37, 1.00–2.14). There was a positive relationship between herd-level N. caninum seroprevalence and the reported within-herd abortion rate (Incidence Rate Ratio = 1.03, 95% CrI 1.00–1.06). Our findings suggest N. caninum is likely to be an important cause of abortion in cattle in Tanzania. Management practices, such as restricted grazing, are likely to reduce the risk of infection and suggest contamination of communal grazing areas may be important for transmission. Evidence for a relationship between livestock seropositivity and shrub and forest habitats raises questions about a potential role for wildlife in the epidemiology of N. caninum in Tanzania

    Plague and Climate: Scales Matter

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    Plague is enzootic in wildlife populations of small mammals in central and eastern Asia, Africa, South and North America, and has been recognized recently as a reemerging threat to humans. Its causative agent Yersinia pestis relies on wild rodent hosts and flea vectors for its maintenance in nature. Climate influences all three components (i.e., bacteria, vectors, and hosts) of the plague system and is a likely factor to explain some of plague's variability from small and regional to large scales. Here, we review effects of climate variables on plague hosts and vectors from individual or population scales to studies on the whole plague system at a large scale. Upscaled versions of small-scale processes are often invoked to explain plague variability in time and space at larger scales, presumably because similar scale-independent mechanisms underlie these relationships. This linearity assumption is discussed in the light of recent research that suggests some of its limitations

    Evaluation of housing as a means to protect cattle from Culicoides biting midges, the vectors of bluetongue virus.

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    Research Articles published by The Royal Entomological SocietyThe housing of animals at night was investigated as a possible means of protecting them from attack by Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), the vectors of bluetongue. Light-trap catches of Culicoides were compared inside and outside animal housing, in the presence and absence of cattle. A three-replicate, 4 x 4 Latin square design was used at four farms in Bala, north Wales, over 12 nights in May and June 2007, and the experiment repeated in October. In the two studies, respectively, >70 000 and >4500 Culicoides were trapped, of which 93% and 86%, respectively, were of the Culicoides obsoletus group. Across the four farms, in May and June, the presence of cattle increased catches of C. obsoletus by 2.3 times, and outside traps caught 6.5 times more insects than inside traps. Similar patterns were apparent in October, but the difference between inside and outside catches was reduced. Catches were strongly correlated with minimum temperature and maximum wind speed and these two variables explained a large amount of night-to-night variation in catch. Outside catches were reduced, to a greater extent than inside catches, by colder minimum temperatures and higher maximum wind speeds. These conditions occur more frequently in October than in May and June, thereby suppressing outside catches more than inside catches, and reducing the apparent degree of exophily of C. obsoletus in autumn. The results suggest that the risk of animals receiving bites from C. obsoletus is reduced by housing at both times of year and the benefit would be greatest on warm, still nights when outside catches are at their greatest

    Numerik von Anfangswertmethoden fuer gewoehnliche Differentialgleichungen

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    Revised and enlarged version of a lecture at Berlin Freie Univ., winter term 87/88SIGLETIB Hannover: RO 9118(89-2) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    The effectiveness of interventions to reduce cardio-metabolic risk factors among regular street food consumers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: The pre-post findings from a cluster randomized trial (Registered by Pan African clinical trial registry with trial # PACTR202208642850935).

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    IntroductionThe healthy plate model (HPM) is a practical guide to modulate the portion of staple food in main meals, subsequently affecting the risks associated with Non-communicable Diseases include type2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).ObjectiveThis study investigated the effectiveness of health information and the healthy plate model on cardio-metabolic risk factors, knowledge and attitude towards T2DM prevention measures.MethodsA pre-post analysis, as part of a cluster randomized trial with street food vendors and their customers, was implemented in three randomly selected districts in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Two vendor-customer clusters each with 15 and more vendors from each district were randomly assigned to receive either T2DM health information only (Intervention package1 [IP1]) or IP1 plus a subsidized meal with vegetables and fruits, following the principles of the HPM (Intervention package2 [IP2]). Within the clusters the participants were informed on the importance of the intervention they received. An intervention period lasted for three months from 1st April to 31st June 2019. We applied Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Bayesian Modelling (for sensitivity analysis) to assess the effectiveness of the interventions.ResultsOverall, 336 (IP2 = 175 and IP1 = 161) out of 560 (280/arm) previous study participants participated in evaluation. Diastolic BP was lower among IP2 participants in the evaluation than baseline AβC = -4.1mmHg (95%CI:-5.42 to -2.76). After adjusting for the interaction between IP2 and age of the consumers, the BMI was significantly lower among IP2 in the evaluation than baseline AβC = -0.7kg/m2 (95%CI: -1.17 to -0.23). With interaction between IP2 and income, BMI was higher in the IP2 in the evaluation than baseline AβC = 0.73kg/m2 (95%CI: 0.08 to 1.38). Systolic and diastolic BP were significantly lower among IP1 in the evaluation than baseline AβC = -3.5mmHg (95%CI:-5.78 to -1.24) and AβC = -5.9mmHg (95%CI:-7.34 to -4.44) respectively. Both the knowledge scores and positive attitudes towards T2DM prevention measures were higher in the evaluation than baseline in both interventions arms.ConclusionThe positive effects on cardio-metabolic risk factors, knowledge and attitude were observed in both intervention arms. Due to interactions between IP2, age and income; designing interventions relating to food and cardio-metabolic risk factors, should consider combining socio-economic factors

    Plague incidence anomalies data.

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    <p>(A) Monthly human plague incidence anomalies from 1960 to 2008 for Madagascar. (B) Associated continuous wavelet power spectrum. The dark contours denote power significance at the 95% level. (C) Global wavelet spectrum. A Gaussian filter has been applied before calculating the continuous wavelet power spectrum and the global spectrum.</p