495 research outputs found

    Secretive Marsh Bird Species Co-Occurrences and Habitat Associations Across the Midwest, USA

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    Because secretive marsh birds are difficult to detect, population status and habitat use for these birds are not well known. We conducted repeated surveys for secretive marsh birds across 264 sites in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture region to estimate abundance, occupancy, and detection probabilities during the 2008 and 2009 breeding seasons. We identified species groups based on observed species co-occurrences. Two species, least bittern Ixobrychus exilis and American bittern Botaurus lentiginosus, co-occurred with other species less often than expected by chance, and two species groups, rails (Virginia rail Rallus limicola and sora Porzana carolina) and openwater birds (pied-billed grebe Podilymbus podiceps, common moorhen Gallinula chloropus, and American coot Fulica americana; coots were only surveyed in 2009), co-occurred more often than expected by chance. These groupings were consistent between years. We then estimated the relation of these species and groups to landscape and local site characteristics by using zero-inflated abundance models that accounted for incomplete detection. At the landscape level (5-km radius), the amount of emergent herbaceous wetland was positively associated with least bittern occupancy, whereas the amount of woody wetland was negatively associated with least bittern, rail, and open-water bird occupancy. At the local level, habitat variables that were associated with abundance were not consistent among groups or between years, with the exception that both least bitterns and open-water birds had a strong positive association between abundance and water–vegetation interspersion. Land managers interested in marsh bird management or conservation may want to consider focusing efforts on landscapes with high amounts of emergent herbaceous wetland and low amounts of woody wetland, and managing for high amounts of water–vegetation interspersion within the wetland

    Autumn Migration of Mississippi Flyway Mallards as Determined by Satellite Telemetry

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    We used satellite telemetry to study autumn migration timing, routes, stopover duration, and final destinations of mallards Anas platyrhynchos captured the previous spring in Arkansas from 2004 to 2007. Of those mallards that still had functioning transmitters on September 15 (n = 55), the average date when autumn migration began was October 23 (SE = 2.62 d; range = September 17–December 7). For those mallards that stopped for .1 d during migration, the average stopover length was 15.4 d (SE = 1.47 d). Ten mallards migrated nonstop to wintering sites. The eastern Dakotas were a heavily utilized stopover area. The total distance migrated per mallard averaged 1,407 km (SE = 89.55 km; range = 142–2,947 km). The average time spent on migration per individual between September 15 and December 15 was 27 d (SE = 2.88 d; range = 2–84 d). The state where most mallards were located on December 15 was Missouri (11) followed by Arkansas (8), while 5 mallards were still in Canada, and only 8 of 43 females and 0 of 10 males were present in Arkansas. The eastern Dakotas are a heavily utilized migration stopover for midcontinent mallards that may require more attention for migration habitat management. The reasons for so few mallards, especially male mallards, returning to Arkansas the following year deserves further research

    Bioenergetics Of Breeding House Sparrows

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    Between April, 1981 and July, 1983, I collected 563 (211 male, 352 female) house sparrows (Passer domesticus) around London, Ontario, weighed their nutrient reserves (protein, fat, calcium) and determined their food habits, to see if nutrient reserves proximately control clutch size in this species. Daily energy demands during egg production were evaluated by analyzing changes in nutrient reserves. Captive house sparrows were studied to determine if stored fat was deposited in eggs.;The proportion of males and females that consumed high-protein foods varied with the seasonal availability of insects. Insect use was low until egg laying but then increased and remained high thereafter. Insect consumption by males and females was similar throughout breeding. The porportion of males and females that ate calciferous material was constant (low) until egg production began. Then most females, but few males, consumed claciferous materials. After laying, female consumption of calciferous materials declined and again equaled males.;Before egg production began, males used protein and fat but not calcium reserves; protein and fat reserves of females were constant but calcium was accumulated. Because the proportion of females that consumed calciferous materials did not change during prereproduction, females must have accumulated calcium through increased retention of calcium from their normal diet. After egg production began, male nutrient reserves remained constant through postreproduction. Female protein and calcium reserves declined linearly during egg production; fat reserves, however, increased while 50% of the fat in a clutch was being allocated, and declined rapidly thereafter. The use of protein and fat reserves was independent of clutch size as all postlaying females had at least enough protein and fat to build an additional egg. Protein and calcium reserves of postlaying females remained constant but fat increased.;Maximum daily energy required for egg production was, at most, 50% of basal metabolic rate. Fat ingested by captive house sparrows was deposited daily in the developing follicles and fat not put into follicles went to fat depots, which were used rapidly. I conclude that, although female house sparrows do use nutrient reserves during egg laying, their clutch size is not controlled thereby


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    We monitored adult and juvenile breeding-season movements and habitat use of radio-tagged Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) at the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, central Georgia, USA. We investigated the effects that management for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (Picoides borealis), thinning and burning \u3e30 year old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) habitat, had on Wood Thrushes, a ground-foraging and midstory-nesting species. Adult Wood Thrush pairs regularly moved long distances between nesting attempts (range 1 to 17,388 m). The only experimental effect we found on adult movements was a decrease in weekly emigration rates (AP) from thinned and burned compartments after silvicultural management. Adult males preferred riparian hardwoods with sparse to moderate cover and those preferences increased following management. Juveniles remained near their nest site (x = 177 m, SE = 113) for an average 24 days (SE = 6.3), and then dispersed a mean 2,189 m (SE = 342). Before dispersal, juveniles preferred upland hardwood-pine mixed habitat (P \u3c 0.05) with moderate overstory cover (P \u3c 0.05). We found no management effects on dispersal distances or predispersal habitat use. However, juveniles from thinned and burned compartments dispersed to hardwood habitats with dense cover, whereas birds from control compartments dispersed to pine-dominated habitats with sparse cover. All juveniles dispersed to areas with habitat similar to what they used before dispersal. Small-scale thinning and burning for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers may have had little effect on Wood Thrush habitat use and movements because typical movements were often larger than the scale (stand or compartment) targeted for management. Monitoreamos con radio-telemetria los movimientos y el uso de habitat durante la 6poca reproductiva de adultos y juveniles de Hylocichla mustelina en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Piedmont, en Georgia central, EEUU. Investigamos los efectos que tiene el manejo del bosque (entresaca y quema de hibitat de Pinus taeda con mas de 30 anios de edad) orientado a la conservaci6n de Picoides borealis sobre H. mustelina, una especie que se alimenta en el suelo y que nidifica a media altura del bosque. Las parejas adultas de H. mustelina por lo general se movieron largas distancias entre los intentos de nidificaci6n (rango 1 a 17,388 m). El uanico efecto experimental que encontramos en los movimientos de adultos fue una disminuci6n en las tasas semanales de emigraci6n (T) desde los sectores entresacados y quemados luego del manejo silvicultural. Los machos adultos prefirieron los bosques riberefios con poca a moderada cobertura, y estas preferencias incrementaron luego del manejo. Los juveniles permanecieron cercanos al sitio de nidificaci6n (x = 177 m, ES = 113) por un promedio de 24 dias (ES = 6.3) y luego se dispersaron una media de 2,189 m (ES = 342). Antes de la dispersi6n los juveniles prefirieron habitat no-ribereiio mixto de bosque y pino (P \u3c 0.05) con moderada cobertura del dosel (P \u3c 0.05). No encontramo


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    We monitored adult and juvenile breeding-season movements and habitat use of radio-tagged Wood Thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina) at the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, central Georgia, USA. We investigated the effects that management for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (Picoides borealis), thinning and burning \u3e30 year old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) habitat, had on Wood Thrushes, a ground-foraging and midstory-nesting species. Adult Wood Thrush pairs regularly moved long distances between nesting attempts (range 1 to 17,388 m). The only experimental effect we found on adult movements was a decrease in weekly emigration rates (AP) from thinned and burned compartments after silvicultural management. Adult males preferred riparian hardwoods with sparse to moderate cover and those preferences increased following management. Juveniles remained near their nest site (x = 177 m, SE = 113) for an average 24 days (SE = 6.3), and then dispersed a mean 2,189 m (SE = 342). Before dispersal, juveniles preferred upland hardwood-pine mixed habitat (P \u3c 0.05) with moderate overstory cover (P \u3c 0.05). We found no management effects on dispersal distances or predispersal habitat use. However, juveniles from thinned and burned compartments dispersed to hardwood habitats with dense cover, whereas birds from control compartments dispersed to pine-dominated habitats with sparse cover. All juveniles dispersed to areas with habitat similar to what they used before dispersal. Small-scale thinning and burning for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers may have had little effect on Wood Thrush habitat use and movements because typical movements were often larger than the scale (stand or compartment) targeted for management. Monitoreamos con radio-telemetria los movimientos y el uso de habitat durante la 6poca reproductiva de adultos y juveniles de Hylocichla mustelina en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Piedmont, en Georgia central, EEUU. Investigamos los efectos que tiene el manejo del bosque (entresaca y quema de hibitat de Pinus taeda con mas de 30 anios de edad) orientado a la conservaci6n de Picoides borealis sobre H. mustelina, una especie que se alimenta en el suelo y que nidifica a media altura del bosque. Las parejas adultas de H. mustelina por lo general se movieron largas distancias entre los intentos de nidificaci6n (rango 1 a 17,388 m). El uanico efecto experimental que encontramos en los movimientos de adultos fue una disminuci6n en las tasas semanales de emigraci6n (T) desde los sectores entresacados y quemados luego del manejo silvicultural. Los machos adultos prefirieron los bosques riberefios con poca a moderada cobertura, y estas preferencias incrementaron luego del manejo. Los juveniles permanecieron cercanos al sitio de nidificaci6n (x = 177 m, ES = 113) por un promedio de 24 dias (ES = 6.3) y luego se dispersaron una media de 2,189 m (ES = 342). Antes de la dispersi6n los juveniles prefirieron habitat no-ribereiio mixto de bosque y pino (P \u3c 0.05) con moderada cobertura del dosel (P \u3c 0.05). No encontramo

    Checklist of Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) From Managed Emergent Wetlands in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Arkansas

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    Background Here we present the results from a two-year bee survey conducted on 18 managed emergent wetlands in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Arkansas, USA. Sample methods included pan traps, sweep netting and blue-vane traps. We document 83 bee species and morphospecies in 5 families and 31 genera, of which 37 species represent first published state records for Arkansas. The majority of species were opportunistic wetland species; only a small number were wetland-dependent species or species largely restricted to alluvial plains. New information We present new distributional records for bee species not previously recorded in managed emergent wetlands and report specimens of thirty-seven species for which no published Arkansas records exist, expanding the known ranges of Ceratina cockerelli, Diadasia enavata, Lasioglossum creberrimum, Svastracressonii and Dieunomia triangulifera. We also distinguish opportunistic wetland bee species from wetland-dependent and alluvial plain-restricted species
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