8,003 research outputs found

    Analysis and design of a flat central finned-tube radiator

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    Computer program based on fixed conductance parameter yields minimum weight design. Second program employs variable conductance parameter and variable ratio of fin length to tube outside radius, and is used for radiator designs with geometric limitations. Major outputs of the two programs are given

    Use of computer-aided analysis techniques for cover type mapping in areas of mountainous terrain

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    On-shell consistency of the Rarita-Schwinger field formulation

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    We prove that any bilinear coupling of a massive spin-3/2 field can be brought into a gauge invariant form suggested by Pascalutsa by means of a non-linear field redefinition. The corresponding field transformation is given explicitly in a closed form and the implications for chiral effective field theory with explicit Delta (1232) isobar degrees of freedom are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    On Matrix Product States for Periodic Boundary Conditions

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    The possibility of a matrix product representation for eigenstates with energy and momentum zero of a general m-state quantum spin Hamiltonian with nearest neighbour interaction and periodic boundary condition is considered. The quadratic algebra used for this representation is generated by 2m operators which fulfil m^2 quadratic relations and is endowed with a trace. It is shown that {\em not} every eigenstate with energy and momentum zero can be written as matrix product state. An explicit counter-example is given. This is in contrast to the case of open boundary conditions where every zero energy eigenstate can be written as a matrix product state using a Fock-like representation of the same quadratic algebra.Comment: 7 pages, late

    Optical alignment and polarization conversion of neutral exciton spin in individual InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    We investigate exciton spin memory in individual InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots via optical alignment and conversion of exciton polarization in a magnetic field. Quasiresonant phonon-assisted excitation is successfully employed to define the initial spin polarization of neutral excitons. The conservation of the linear polarization generated along the bright exciton eigenaxes of up to 90% and the conversion from circular- to linear polarization of up to 47% both demonstrate a very long spin relaxation time with respect to the radiative lifetime. Results are quantitatively compared with a model of pseudo-spin 1/2 including heavy-to-light hole mixing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Concentration for One and Two Species One-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion Systems

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    We look for similarity transformations which yield mappings between different one-dimensional reaction-diffusion processes. In this way results obtained for special systems can be generalized to equivalent reaction-diffusion models. The coagulation (A + A -> A) or the annihilation (A + A -> 0) models can be mapped onto systems in which both processes are allowed. With the help of the coagulation-decoagulation model results for some death-decoagulation and annihilation-creation systems are given. We also find a reaction-diffusion system which is equivalent to the two species annihilation model (A + B ->0). Besides we present numerical results of Monte Carlo simulations. An accurate description of the effects of the reaction rates on the concentration in one-species diffusion-annihilation model is made. The asymptotic behavior of the concentration in the two species annihilation system (A + B -> 0) with symmetric initial conditions is studied.Comment: 20 pages latex, uuencoded figures at the en

    Optically probing the fine structure of a single Mn atom in an InAs quantum dot

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    We report on the optical spectroscopy of a single InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) doped with a single Mn atom in a longitudinal magnetic field of a few Tesla. Our findings show that the Mn impurity is a neutral acceptor state A^0 whose effective spin J=1 is significantly perturbed by the QD potential and its associated strain field. The spin interaction with photo-carriers injected in the quantum dot is shown to be ferromagnetic for holes, with an effective coupling constant of a few hundreds of micro-eV, but vanishingly small for electrons.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Multiple resource evaluation of region 2 US forest service lands utilizing LANDSAT MSS data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT MSS imagery provided an excellent overview which put a geomorphic study into a regional perspective, using scale 1:250,000 or smaller. It was used for deriving a data base for land use planning for southern San Juan Mountains. Stereo pairing of adjacent images was the best method for all geomorphic mapping. Combining this with snow enhancement, seasonal enhancement, and reversal aided in interpretation of geomorphic features. Drainage patterns were mapped in much greater detail from LANDSAT than from a two deg quadrangle base

    Effects of demographic stochasticity on biological community assembly on evolutionary time scales

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    We study the effects of demographic stochasticity on the long-term dynamics of biological coevolution models of community assembly. The noise is induced in order to check the validity of deterministic population dynamics. While mutualistic communities show little dependence on the stochastic population fluctuations, predator-prey models show strong dependence on the stochasticity, indicating the relevance of the finiteness of the populations. For a predator-prey model, the noise causes drastic decreases in diversity and total population size. The communities that emerge under influence of the noise consist of species strongly coupled with each other and have stronger linear stability around the fixed-point populations than the corresponding noiseless model. The dynamics on evolutionary time scales for the predator-prey model are also altered by the noise. Approximate 1/f1/f fluctuations are observed with noise, while 1/f21/f^{2} fluctuations are found for the model without demographic noise