43 research outputs found

    Double schwannomas of the ulnar nerve: case report

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    Background: Schwannomas are benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors, mainly solitary, well defined and with low incidence of malignant transformation. The incidence of schwannomas in hand tumors is 5%. Schwannomas are initially asymptomatic, but later due to their growth they can compress surrounding tissue and cause pain. Case study: We present a case of a 68-year-old patient with a double schwannoma of the right ulnar nerve. The MRI showed a soft tissue mass which was suspected to be a schwannoma and the diagnosis was confirmed by pathohistology. Enucleation of both tumors with nerve preservation was performed and the patient is without any postoperative neurological deficit. Conclusion: Intra-capsular enucleation with nerve preservation is a treatment option which may significantly lower postoperative nerve damage with an acceptable risk of local recurrence

    The influence of size, depth and histologic characteristics of invasive ductal breast carcinoma on thermographic properties of the breast

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    Invasive breast carcinoma is the most common oncologic disease worldwide. The existing diagnostic methods use morphologic changes in the breast to diagnose a carcinoma when it has reached a certain size. Therefore, it is important to augment the morphologic diagnostic examinations with a new method that focuses on characteristics other than morphology such as electromagnetic changes produced by cancer. 50 adult female patients with confirmed ductal carcinoma following a core biopsy due to a suspicious breast mass were included in the study. They underwent breast thermography us ing a specially designed infrared camera. The data collected was statistically analyzed to determine how the presence of a tumor and its histologic characteristics influence breast thermographic properties. Twenty eight [56 %] patients in the study had an abnormal thermogram. Following statistical analysis, it was found that temperature of the diseased breast was directly correlated to tumor volume [p=0.009] and negatively correlated to depth of tumor [p=0.042]. Tumors that were ER+ and PR+ tumors produced warmer temperatures [p=0.017 and p=0.038 respectively] than tumors without these receptors. HER2 status and Ki-67 index had no statistical correlation with breast temperature. Tumor size, distance from the skin surface and receptor status cause changes in breast thermographic properties. Despite technical advances in the field of thermography, there are still contradictory results associated with thermography. Its diagnostic abilities are generally poorer than conventional methods and its use in breast cancer screening or as an adjunctive tool for diagnostic purposes is not recommended

    The Supply of Blood in the Skin Territory Above the Lower Part of the Serratus Anterior Muscle

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    At present, the putative clinical use of the musculocutaneous and ostomusculocutaneous serratus anterior flaps has been compromised by the risk of partial or total necrosis of the skin overlying the lower part of the serratus anterior muscle. Therefore, the aim of this study was to delineate a skin area vascularized by perforant musculocutaneous branches of arteries stemming from the lower segment of the anterior serrated muscle. Black ink was injected in thoracodorsal artery branches for the serratus anterior muscle in 50 human cadavers before the autopsies (the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board). The surface area of the labeled skin was determined and its borders delineated by means of transparent millimeter grid. Planimetry data were subsequently analyzed with the aid of PC computer program. The results show that the calculated mean surface area (143.792.68 2.077; range 138.22ā€“149.36 cm2) of the skin vascularized by perforant musculocuaneous branches stemming from the lower segment of the anterior serrated muscle, can serve as a reliable guide for taking serratus anterior flap in any patient. Therefore, appropriately sized musculocutaneous or osteomusculocutaneous serratus anterior flap can be safely and efficiently used in plastic and reconstructive surgery

    Trigger thumb in children

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    Prirodan tijek bolesti kod Å”kljocavog palca u djece joÅ” je predmet neslaganja, a sukladno tomu i preporuke za liječenje znatno se razlikuju te ne postoje jasne i Å”iroko prihvaćene smjernice. Ovim radom pokuÅ”ali smo dati trenutačni literaturni pregled spoznaja o tijeku bolesti te dijagnostičkim i terapijskim mogućnostima s naglaskom na konačnom ishodu liječenja. Å kljocavi palac jedna je od najčeŔćih anomalija dječje Å”ake i uglavnom se vidi u djece predÅ”kolske dobi. Karakteristično je otežano klizanje tetive fleksora policisa longusa kroz njezinu ovojnicu, Å”to je posljedica anatomskog nesklada njihovih veličina. Tipičan klinički nalaz jest palac fiksiran u fleksijskoj kontrakturi, na razini interfalangealnog zgloba. Prvi opis dao je Notta, čije ime i danas nosi palpabilna masa tetive fleksora policisa longusa u području A1 pulleya. Dijagnoza se obično postavlja temeljem anamneze i fizikalnog pregleda, uz ultrazvuk kao korisno rano dijagnostičko sredstvo. Å kljocavi palac dijagnostički treba razlučiti od dislokacije, frakture ili anomalije poznate kao deformacija palca u dlanu. Klinička istraživanja poboljÅ”ala su razumijevanje i benignost prirodnog tijeka bolesti. Terapijski postupak ovisi o izboru roditelja i liječnika. On može biti konzervativan, s pomoću udlage i izvođenjem vježba pasivne ekstenzije, ili kirurÅ”ki, presijecanjem A1 pulleya, Å”to pouzdano vraća pokretljivost interfalangealnog zgloba palca. Spontani oporavak može trajati godinama, no on pruža obiteljima voljnim čekanja mogućnost izbjegavanja stresa hospitalizacije i operacijskog liječenja.The natural course of the condition in pediatric trigger thumb is still controversial, and accordingly, the recommendations for treatment vary considerably and there are no clear and broadly accepted guidelines. In this paper, we tried to provide a current literary overview of the disease progression and diagnostic and therapeutic abilities with an emphasis on the ultimate outcome of the treatment. Trigger thumb represents one of the most common pediatric hand conditions, mostly seen in preschool children. As a result of anatomic size mismatch between the flexor pollicis longus tendon and its sheath, disrupted tendon gliding is characteristic. The interphalangeal joint of the affected thumb fixed in a flexion contracture presents typical clinical finding. The first description of trigger thumb is attributed to Notta, and the palpable nodule at the volar aspect of the interphalangeal joint flexion crease still bears his name. Medical history and physical examination are used to diagnose this deformity with ultrasound as a potential early diagnostic tool. It is possible to misdiagnose a fracture, dislocation of the thumb or thumb-in-palm deformity. Clinical investigation has improved our understanding of the natural history and its benignancy. Therapeutic treatment depends on parent and physician preference. It can be either conservative, consisting of splint therapy and passive stretching exercises, or surgical, releasing of the A1 pulley that reliably restores thumb interphalangeal joint motion. Although it may take several years for spontaneous resolution, families willing to wait are given an opportunity to avoid hospitalization stress and surgical intervention

    Reconstruction of extension tendon and soft tissue defect on the right hand with palmaris longus and radial forearm free flap

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    Extensor tendons of the hand are prone to injuries due to their superficial location. Complex injuries with loss of tendon and or soft tissue cover require extensive reconstructive plastic surgery. In order to achieve good functional and aesthetic results, extensive soft tissue defects need to be reconstructed simultaneously with extensor tendon reconstruction

    Excision of subungual melanoma in situ followed by reconstruction of finger soft-tissue defect using homodigital dorsal adipofascial reverse flap

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    Subungual melanoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of melanocytes that arises from the nail matrix. In the early phase, it presents as darkened longitudinal band under nail plate (melanonychia), and can be misdiagnosed as benign nail pigmentation disorders such as nail matrix nevi or subungual lentigo. It is usually more advanced than other melanomas at the time of diagnosis and has therefore relatively poor prognosis. Wide excision with phalanx amputation was once considered the first-line therapy, but in recent years there is a trend toward a more conservative approach


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    Background: Breast carcinoma is the most common malignant disease in women in the majority of developed countries. The development of depression as well as the quality of life (QoL) in these patients depends not only on the result of oncologic treatment, but on the cosmetic outcome as well. The primary aim of this prospective study was to investigate the changes in QoL and depressive symptoms among patients undergoing surgical treatment for breast cancer. Subjects and methods: We conducted a prospective study that included 100 female patients (mean age 60.26 years) who underwent surgical and oncological treatment for breast carcinoma at the University Hospital Center Zagreb, Croatia. The patients were photographed before and after treatment and were required to fill out a standardized quality of life questionairres QLQ ā€“ C30 and QLQ ā€“ BR23, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and a questionnaire on breast asymmetry. Results: Our results show that patients had significantly higher QoL levels compared with their pre-surgical results. Statistical trend of a lower degree of depression was also observed. A worse cosmetic outcome (i.e., postoperative assymetry) was associated with a lower QoL, but there was no association with depression. Depression was significantly related to the level of pain and lower financial status. Conclusion: QoL improved after surgical treatment of breast cancer and was dependant on postoperative asymmetry, whereas the findings for depressive symptoms remained less clear. Future research should investigate more factors that may contribute to the QoL and degree of depression in this patient population