77 research outputs found

    Application of new materials during rehabilitation of road structures using cold recycling technology

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    The economic attractiveness of cold recycling technology provides, first of all, the reuse of the existing material on the road for the arrangement of new pavement layers, so there is no need to equip special sites for the storage and disposal of old asphalt concrete. The essence of cold recycling technology which is most commonly used for arranging the subbase in Ukraine is that the defective and destroyed layers of road pavement are reinforced on-site by combined additives of organic and mineral binders. Cold recycling by complexity of works is divided into several types depending on the depth of milling. The choice of a rehabilitation type depends mainly on the general state of the pavement structure state which is determined before the beginning of repair work. In Ukraine, the main focus of R&D in cold recycling technology is the use of new materials such as fiber - basalt or polymer, stabilizing additives, industrial waste - slag of various types of industries or other byproducts. Conducted research has shown that the use of organic and mineral mixtures from an optimal mix design with the introduction of basalt fibers increases the crack resistance and durability of the arranged subbase

    Use of basalt materials in constructions of roads and airports

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    Автомобільні дороги і аеродроми є головними складовими транспортної системи України. Соціально-економічний розвиток країни, її інтеграція у світове співтовариство значною мірою залежить від транспортно-експлуатаційного стану автомобільних доріг і аеродромів. Саме з розвитку цих складових починався розвиток економіки в багатьох країнах світу. Так США, Німеччина та Японія, які у свій час визначили розвиток транспортних засобів серед основних пріоритетів економічної політики. В результаті отримали не лише розвинений сегмент транспортної інфраструктури, але й стимулювали зростання практично всіх галузей промислового виробництва. Але ефективне функціонування автомобільних доріг буде тільки у тому випадку, якщо забезпечений пропуск навантажень, на які вона була розрахована при проектуванні. Кожна дорога служить десятки років і тому неможливо заздалегідь точно спрогнозувати та врахувати параметри автомобілів, що будуть їздити по ній у майбутньому. В економічному плані недоцільно будувати дороги з надлишковим запасом міцності, розрахованим на багато років уперед. Елементи автомобільних доріг при проектуванні, як правило, пристосовуються до існуючих стандартів на габарити та інші параметри автомобілів.Highways and airfields are the main components of Ukraine's transport system. Socio-economic development of the country, its integration into the world community largely depends on the transport and operational condition of roads and airfields. It is with the development of these components began the development of the economy in many countries. So the United States, Germany and Japan, which at one time identified the development of vehicles among the main priorities of economic policy. As a result, we received not only a developed segment of transport infrastructure, but also stimulated the growth of virtually all branches of industrial production. But the effective functioning of roads will be only if the passage of loads for which it was designed during the design is provided. Each road lasts for decades and therefore it is impossible to accurately predict and take into account the parameters of cars that will drive on it in the future. In economic terms, it is impractical to build roads with excess strength, designed for many years to come. Elements of highways in the design, as a rule, are adapted to existing standards for dimensions and other parameters of cars

    Express method for assessing proteolysis in cheese and aromatic addi- tives with cheese flavor

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    The method based on the determination of the amount of active amino groups using o-Phthaldialdehyde (OPA method) can be applied in practice to assess accurately the degree of proteolysis in cheeses. The work establishes that the OPA method gives results that strictly correlate (R2 > 0.80, p < 0.01) with the results of assessing the degree of proteolysis by the Kjeldahl method. The results of the OPA method, expressed in the absorption intensity of the colored sample at a wavelength of 340 nm (OD340), can be converted to the content of soluble nitrogenous substances in cheese (WSN), using the calibration relationship between these indicators.The accuracy of the calibration relationship between WSN and OD340 can be increased (R2 > 0.91, p< 0.01) when using the OPA method in relation to a homogeneous group of cheeses produced by the same technology using the same type of milk clotting enzyme and lactic acid starter culture and having a similar shape of the molecular mass distribution of proteolysis products.The OPA method can be used to assess the content of proteolysis products, which form cheese flavor, in EMС. The results of assessing the degree of proteolysis by the OPA method (OD340) are proportional to both the total content of soluble nitrogen and the proportion of nitrogenous substances in it with a mass of less than 0.5 kDa, which make the greatest contribution to the formation of cheese flavor.The advantage of using the OPA method for assessing proteolysis in cheeses and EMC instead of the Kjeldahl method is a simpler measurement procedure and the possibility of studying more samples in less time


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    Статья посвящена особенностям, преимуществам и рискам автономных учреждений. Автор представляет сравнительный анализ бюджетных автономных учреждений, ограничиваемых авторитетом государства, с руководстовм независимых учреждений.The article is devoted to the characteristics, advantages, risks of the independent institutes. The author presents relative analysis between independent and budget institutes, determines authorities of the organs by the administration of the independent institutes

    Growth Phase Proteomics of the Heterotrophic Marine Bacterium \u3ci\u3eRuegeria pomeroyi\u3c/i\u3e

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    The heterotrophic marine bacterium, Ruegeria pomeroyi, was experimentally cultured under environmentally realistic carbon conditions and with a tracer-level addition of 13C-labeled leucine to track bacterial protein biosynthesis through growth phases. A combination of methods allowed observation of real-time bacterial protein production to understand metabolic priorities through the different growth phases. Over 2000 proteins were identified in each experimental culture from exponential and stationary growth phases. Within two hours of the 13C-labeled leucine addition, R. pomeroyi significantly assimilated the newly encountered substrate into new proteins. This dataset provides a fundamental baseline for understanding growth phase differences in molecular physiology of a cosmopolitan marine bacterium

    Perspectives and commitments of smart education in Russia

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    The challenges of modern world are not only numerous, but also diverse – from a positive impact on the development of society to clearly unfriendly attacks in the economy, politics, science and education. Positive trends are associated with the smart education development, a new cognitive sphere that involves complex communication of all participants in the educational process in order to continuously improve the methods and technologies of the knowledge economy. In the digital paradigm of social development management, the knowledge sources are not only various formats (digital and paper) of textbooks, manuals and other, but also a close creative union between a teacher and a student, which allows not to get lost in the endless expanses of the Internet. The article highlights the trends in the domestic and foreign authors’ studying problems and prospects for the development of smart education. A mechanism for transforming the established methods of vocational training in Russian universities into a new concept of smart education is proposed. The principles of digital education format are formulated. The article content is determined by the methodology for the knowledge economy development: the basic principles of smart education and conceptually important methods for educational process organising. The studies of professors A.A. Bubenchikov, V.V. Glukhov, M.K. Novikov, V.P. Tikhomirov, etc., facilitated the idea of a prospective smart university concept development. The article is based on scientific research methods such as: comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, historical and logical methods, positive and normative analysis, and the method of scientific logic

    Влияние рекомбинантных химозинов разного типа на процесс производства мягкого сыра

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    The effect of milk-clotting enzymes (MCE) with different milk-clotting activity (MCA) and proteolytic activity (PA) based on recombinant calf chymosins (Chy-max® Extra: MCA=554 IMCU/g; PA=0.71 UA/g), camel (Chymax® M: MCA=904 IMCU/g; PA=0.68 PA units/g) and “modified” chymosin (Chy-max® Supreme: MCA=912 IMCU/g; PA=0.26 PA units/g) on the duration of milk coagulation, the composition of whey and fresh cheeses in the production of soft cheese of the Italian type Crescenza at a dose of MCE equal to 1500, 2500 and 3500 IMCU per 100 kg of milk was studied. With an equal introduction dose, the shortest average duration of curd formation is noted for Chy-max Supreme MCE (15.0–27.5 min), long one — for Chy-max M MCE (17.0–31.0 min), and the longest one — for MCE Chy-max Extra (18.0–35.5 min). There was no statistically significant effect (p<0.05) of the type and dose of MCE on the total duration of cheese processing, as well as on the content of fat, protein and dry matter of whey. The type and dose of MCE had an impact on the properties of fresh cheeses: cheese options produced with the maximum dose of Chy-max Supreme had a statistically significant (p><0.05) higher average dry matter content (49.61%) than cheese options made with minimal doses of MCE (47.64–47.91%).>< 0.05) of the type and dose of MCE on the total duration of cheese processing, as well as on the content of fat, protein and dry matter of whey. The type and dose of MCE had an impact on the properties of fresh cheeses: cheese options produced with the maximum dose of Chy-max Supreme had a statistically significant (p<0.05) higher average dry matter content (49.61%) than cheese options made with minimal doses of MCE (47.64–47.91%).> <0.05) of the type and dose of MCE on the total duration of cheese processing, as well as on the content of fat, protein and dry matter of whey. The type and dose of MCE had an impact on the properties of fresh cheeses: cheese options produced with the maximum dose of Chy-max Supreme had a statistically significant (p<0.05) higher average dry matter content (49.61%) than cheese options made with minimal doses of MCE (47.64–47.91%).><0.05) higher average dry matter content (49.61%) than cheese options made with minimal doses of MCE (47.64–47.91%).Исследовано влияние молокосвертывающих ферментов (МФ), обладающих разной молокосвертывающей активностью (МСА) и протеолитической активностью (ПА), на основе рекомбинантных химозинов теленка (Chy-max® Extra: МСА= 554 IMCU/г; ПА= 0,71 ед. ПА/г), верблюда (Chy-max® M: МСА= 904 IMCU/г; ПА= 0,68 ед. ПА/г) и модифицированного химозина (Chy-max® Supreme: МСА= 912 IMCU/г; ПА= 0,26 ед. ПА/г) на продолжительность свертывания молока, а  также на состав сыворотки и  свежих сыров при производстве мягкого сыра итальянского типа Кресченца при дозе внесения МФ, равной 1 500, 2 500 и 3 500 IMCU на 100 кг молока. При равной дозе внесения наименьшая средняя продолжительность образования сгустка отмечается у МФ Chy-max Supreme (15,0–27,5 мин), большая — у МФ Chy-max M (17,0– 31,0 мин) и наибольшая — у МФ Chy-max Extra (18,0–35,5 мин). Отсутствовало статистически значимое влияние (p < 0,05) типа и дозы МФ на общую продолжительность изготовления сыров, а также на содержание жира, белка и сухого вещества сыворотки. Тип и доза МФ оказали влияние на свойства свежих сыров: варианты сыров, произведенные с максимальной дозой Chy-max® Supreme, имели статистически достоверно (p < 0,05) большее среднее содержание сухого вещества (49,61%), чем варианты сыров, произведенные с минимальными дозами исследованных МФ (47,64–47,91%)

    Application of new materials during rehabilitation of road structures using cold recycling technology

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    The economic attractiveness of cold recycling technology provides, first of all, the reuse of the existing material on the road for the arrangement of new pavement layers, so there is no need to equip special sites for the storage and disposal of old asphalt concrete. The essence of cold recycling technology which is most commonly used for arranging the subbase in Ukraine is that the defective and destroyed layers of road pavement are reinforced on-site by combined additives of organic and mineral binders. Cold recycling by complexity of works is divided into several types depending on the depth of milling. The choice of a rehabilitation type depends mainly on the general state of the pavement structure state which is determined before the beginning of repair work. In Ukraine, the main focus of R&D in cold recycling technology is the use of new materials such as fiber - basalt or polymer, stabilizing additives, industrial waste - slag of various types of industries or other byproducts. Conducted research has shown that the use of organic and mineral mixtures from an optimal mix design with the introduction of basalt fibers increases the crack resistance and durability of the arranged subbase


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    Показано влияние гиротропии на процесс возбуждения спиновых волн электромагнитной при частотах антирезонанса вблизи ориентационного фазового перехода в неоднородной плоскослоистой среде. Резонансное поглощение электромагнитной энергии вблизи особенности является причиной возбуждения спиновых колебаний, которые устраняют расходимость, активируя распространение спиновой волны при учете ее дисперсии в тензоре магнитной восприимчивости.The influence of gyrotropy on the process of excitation of electromagnetic spin waves at antirezonance frequencies near the orientational phase transition in inhomogeneous plane-layered environment. Resonant absorption of electromagnetic energy near the singularity is the cause of the excitation of spin oscillations, which eliminate divergence, activating the propagation of the spin wave, taking into account its dispersion in the magnetic susceptibility tensor