5 research outputs found

    Effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) peel powder meal dietary supplementation on antioxidant status and quality of breast meat in broilers

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    This study examined the antioxidant status and quality of breast meat in broiler birds fed diets supplemented with pomegranate peel powder meal (PPPM). During the 35-d feeding trial, broiler birds were fed six experimental diets: diet with 0% additives (negative control; NEGCON); diet with α-Tocopherol acetate at 200 g/tonne (positive control; POSCON); and four levels (2, 4, 6 and 8 g/kg) of PPPM, designated as PPPM2, PPPM4, PPPM6, and PPPM8. Breast muscle pH was determined 15mins and 24hrs postmortem. The breast muscles were then stored at 4 °C to determine shelf-life attributes (pH, colour, hue angle, and chroma) for 16 days. Meat from the 8 g/kg PPPM had the highest thawing loss, whereas cooking loss was lowest at 2 g/kg PPPM inclusion. The meat of birds fed 2 g/kg and 4 g/kg PPPM had the highest (P<0.05) ability to scavenge the ABTS [(2, 2-azinobis (3ethylbenzothiazoline-6 sulfonic acid))] radical cation (ABTS+), whereas, catalase activity was increased at 8 g/kg PPPM. The results obtained in this study indicate that 2 g/kg supplementation of pomegranate peel powder meal significantly improved the water-binding capacity of broiler breast meat, owing to the reduced cooking loss of the meat, and meat from the PPPM2 (2 g/kg) group had the highest ability to scavenge ABTS

    The second life client-viewer : a case study in using open source

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    Second Life as an extension of web technology into the Virtual World arena, has had an enormous growth over the last year. Resulting from user demand, at the start of 2007, its creator Linden Lab has released the client software as open source software. It has now over 7,000 files and makes use of libraries or scripts from a number of areas such as Microsoft Platform SDK Microsoft Direct X SDK, Apple QuickTime SDK, Cygwin and ActivePython. These are needed for various internet and file operations, graphics, video and audio, mathematics algorithms and related tasks. This paper examines the current Second Life open-source client, itemises its components, identifies various compilation problems, and gives practical solutions to producing working builds. The overall work points to two main conclusions. The first is, unsurprisingly, that knowledge of the client software is essential to develop Second Life interfaces and to integrate it into the "first life" web environment. The other one is that, although open-source and thus collaborative, the project still has many problems of "missing" files, incomplete documentation, compiling orders and version control. These poblems exist in other large open-source software as well, pointing to the necessity of building robust infrastructures to facilitate better coordination and faster progress in open-source projects