145 research outputs found

    Sebastiano dall'Aquila (c.1440-c.1510), el mal francés. y la "disputa de Ferrara" (1497)

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    El presente articulo pretende iluminar las actividades profesionales y la personalidad intelectual del médico italiano Sebastiano dall'Aquila (Sebastianus Aquilanus) (c. 1440-c.1510), reinterpretando el conjunto de datos dispersos en fuentes manuscritas e impresas, y por lo general de escasa circulación entre los historiadores de la medicina. Los resultados de la pesquisa se presentan en dos partes. En la primera se trazan los rasgos principales de su perfil biográfico. En la segunda se aborda su participación activa en la llamada "disputa de Ferrara"; una notoria disputa médica en torno al "mal francés". (morbus gallicus) que tuvo lugar en esta ciudad del norte de Italia en 1497, cuyas circunstancias se precisan. En las nuevas coordenadas, tanto la "disputa de Ferrara" como la figura de este médico cobran una significación histórica un tanto diferente.Peer reviewe

    Open 3D Environments for Competitive and Collaborative Educational Games

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    Klemke, R., & Kravčík, M. (2012). Open 3D Environments for Competitive and Collaborative Educational Games. In S. Bocconi, R. Klamma, & Y. Bachvarova (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Pedagogically-driven Serious Games (PDSG 2012). In conjunction with the Seventh European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2012) (pp. 15-18). September, 18, 2012, Saarbrücken, Germany. CEUR workshop proceedings, Aachen, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-898/Educational games have a lot of potential to raise students’ motivation and improve the quality of education when applied properly. But finding a suitable game for a particular learning objective is not easy and development of a new one is expensive. In our university course a group of students developed a prototype of a serious gaming tool for architectural design, which is based on the Google Street View environment. With this tool teams can model 3D buildings, place them in real world images, share their results, and rate them. The solution provides a better contextualization of the model and paves a way towards integration with a full 3D environment, which should even more improve the serious gaming experience in the architectural design.GALA NoE, Surfnet/Kennisnet Innovation Programme 201

    Using Emotional Intelligence in Personalized Adaptation

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    Damjanovic, V. & Kravcik, M. (2007). Using Emotional Intelligence in Personalized Adaptation. In V. Sugumaran (Ed.), Intelligent Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1716-1742). IGI Publishing.The process of training and learning in Web-based and ubiquitous environments brings a new sense of adaptation. With the evelopment of more sophisticated environments, the need for them to take into account the user’s traits, as well as the user’s devices on which the training is executed, has become an important issue in the domain of building novel training and learning environments. This chapter introduces an approach to the realization of personalized adaptation. According to the fact that we are dealing with the stereotypes of e-learners, having in mind emotional intelligence concepts to help in adaptation to the e-learners real needs and known preferences, we have called this system eQ. It stands for the using of the emotional intelligence concepts on the Web.PROLEARN - Network of Excellence in Professional Learnin

    Report on Competence Network for Associate Partners

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    In the first 12 months of the TENCompetence project WP9 was tasked with, among other things, the setting up of networks of Associate Partners. With the networks in place and the advent of the second Detailed Implementation Plan (DIP2), in month 13 of the project, the onus of the task has shifted from the creation of the network to its ongoing maintenance. Details relating to the job of maintaining and developing the network forms the main focus of this report which will also provide an overview of the various Associate Partner roles, an update of their status and a description of target achievements to be undertaken in the coming months.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Метод расчета параметра цифрового фильтра с функцией усреднения

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    The possibility of implementation of the method of determination of a digital filter’s time constant with average function for algorithms of control of cyclic processes