2,605 research outputs found

    Роль двостулкового аортального клапану в вининкненні та розвитку аневризм аорти

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    The paper presents the data on the diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease in the patients operated for ascending aortic (AA) aneurysm. A brief historical review of the study of the BAV problem is presented; the data on the BAV incidence in the development of ascending aortic aneurysm and its dissection, the results of surgical treatment of BAV disease in patients with AA aneurysm are displayed. The objective of the research was to study the role of the bicuspid aortic valve in the occurrence (dissection) of ascending aortic aneurysms. Materials and methods The retrospective analysis of the patients operated at the institute during the period of 1.01.2013 to 1.01.2019 for ascending aortic aneurysm or aneurysms of both ascending aorta and aortic arch confirmed that aneurysm occurrence (dissection) was caused by the presence of bicuspid valve. During this time, 1120 patients were operated on for ascending aortic aneurysm or aneurysms of both ascending aorta and aortic arch. 340 (30.4%) patients with diagnosed and confirmed BAV disease were included in the analysis. BAV diagnosis was based on echocardiography with obligatory intraoperative confirmation and on the basis of histological examination. Histological examination of the fragments of the aortic wall and aortic valve taken during operations was performed in 68 (20.0%) patients. Results and discussion BAV is the most common of all cardiac failures with a prevalence of up to 2% in the population constituting up to 30-50% of cases among the patients with aortal disorders. Two-dimensional echocardiography gives better results and provides an opportunity to detect BAV in 95% of cases, which was confirmed by our studies. According to our research, cases with BAV included 30.4% of all possible aneurysm causes, and BAV as a cause of dissection was noted in 46 (13.5%) of all dissecting aneurysms. Regarding the results of the surgical treatment, 2 patients out of 340 operated at the hospital stage died constituting 0.6%. Conclusions Among all ascending aortic aneurysms or aneurysms of both ascending aorta and aortic arch, BAV was determined as their cause in 30.4% of cases. Dissection (rupture) of the aortic aneurysm occurred in 13.5% of patients with aneurysm and bicuspid valve and thus required an urgent surgery.  Patients with BAV require lifelong care.Резюме: В роботі представлені дані по діагностиці хвороби двостулкового аортального клапану (ДАК) у пацієнтів, що оперовані з приводу аневризми ВА. Подається короткий історичний огляд вивчення проблеми  ДАК, подані дані про частоту ДАК в розвитку аневризми висхідної аорти і її розшарування, результати оперативного лікування хвороби ДАК у хворих з аневризмою ВА. Мета: Вивчити роль двостулкового аортального клапана в формуванні (розшаруванні) аневризм висхідної аорти. Матеріали і методи: Проведено ретроспективний аналіз пацієнтів, оперованих в інституті за період 1.01.2013 по 1.01.2019 з аневризмою висхідної або аневризмою висхідної і дуги аорти, де підтверджено, що причиною розвитку( розшарування) аневризми була наявність двостулкового клапану. За цей час в інституті прооперовано 1120 хворих з аневризмою висхідної або аневризмою висхідної і дуги аорти. В роботу для аналізу включили 340( 30,4%) пацієнтів, у яких поставлений і підтверджений діагноз хвороби ДАК.    Діагностика ДАК базувалася на даних Ехо-кардіографії з обов’язковим інтраопераційним підтвердженням та на підставі даних гістологічного дослідження. Гістологічне дослідження фрагментів стінки аорти та аортального клапана взятих під час операцій виконано у 68 (20,0%) хворих. Результати й обговорення: ДАК – найбільш частих із всіх вад серця з поширеністю до 2 % серед населення [9,10], а серед пацієнтів з аортальними вадами до 30-50% - це люди з хворобою двостулкового аортального клапану. Двовимірна ехокардіографія дає кращі результати і дає змогу виявити ДАК у 95 % випадків, що підтверджено нашими дослідженнями. З нашого дослідження випливає, що випадки з ДАК включають 30,4% від усіх можливих причин розвитку аневризми, а ДАК як причина розшарування – у 46(13,5%) всіх розшаровуючих аневризм. Що стосується результатів хірургічного лікування, то із 340 оперованих на госпітальному етапі померли 2 хворих – 0,6%. Висновки: 1) Серед всіх аневризм ВА або висхідної і дуги ДАК як причина розвитку склав 30,4%.                 2) У 13,5% хворих з аневризмою і двостулковим клапаном, наступило розшарування             ( розрив) аневризми аорти, що  потребувало ургентного хірургічного втручання. 3) Пацієнти з хворобою ДАК потребують пожиттєвого нагляду   Ключові слова: двостулковий аортальний клапан, аневризма ВА

    Trends and Prospects in Development of the Russian Energy Organisations Selling Electrical Energy

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    The paper contains the objectives, tasks, and directions for the reform of the electrical energy industry in the Russian Federation as well as the negative aspects of the reform. The authors underline the relevance of the development of the methodological, economic-mathematical and information tools for assessment and an increase in the efficiency of the energy organisations selling electrical energy. They suggest using the statistical and rank analysis for the assessment of the performance indicators of the last resort energy suppliers, including the profit margin. Based on the obtained results of the analysis, the authors described the trends of the last resort suppliers' functioning that take an adverse effect on market relations in the electrical energy industry. They recommend the approaches that allow changing the established work system of the organisations selling electrical energy through the activation of the state regulation and the change in the approaches towards the formation of the range of additional services aimed at the support and development of the activities for the increase in the energy efficiency

    The effect of superabsorbent and different rates of the local fertilizer on garlic productivity in the forest-steppe of Ukraine

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    Saabunud: 25.02.2022 Aktsepteeritud: 06.06.2022 Avaldatud veebis: 06.06.2022 Vastutav autor: Viacheslav YatsenkoThis study aimed to determine the effect of different rates of topical fertilizers on the background of superabsorbent polymers (absorbents; SAP) on plant growth, pigments content in leaves and activity of antioxidant enzymes in leaves and soil, yield and nutritional value of products. For this purpose, an absorbent at the rate of 15 kg ha–1 and fertilizers were applied, spread on the soil surface 100% (control), and locally in the furrows when planting at the rate of 25, 50, 75, and 100% of the recommended rate were applied. The results showed that the use of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) and the local application of fertilizers with increasing their rate, a significant increase in chlorophyll b and the number of chlorophylls. However, the use of SAP reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the leaf (superoxide dismutase by 9.5–23.2%; glutathione S-transferase by 7.4–13.4%; peroxidase by 8.4–19.0%). The bulb’s weight with the absorbent increased by 31.2–45.4% compared to similar options without the introduction of absorbent. The local fertilizer without absorbent increased garlic yield by 3.5–13.9% relative to control. With the introduction of the absorbent, the local application of fertilizers contributed to the increase of yield by 4.2–25.4%. The application of fertilizers at the rate of 50 and 75% separately and together with the absorbent contributed to the improvement of nutritional value (dry matter, ash, proteins and carbohydrates, fat and caloric content of products). In conclusion, the combination of SAP with local fertilization in crop production technology can be used in today's dynamic climate conditions, due to their beneficial effects on plant productivity and savings and efficient use of water and fertilizers. Further research consists of a more detailed study of the rate of application of absorbents, the duration of their effective action, and the rate and ratio of nutrients

    Growth diagram of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films using pulsed laser deposition

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    An experimental study was conducted on controlling the growth mode of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on SrTiO3 substrates using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) by tuning growth temperature, pressure and laser fluence. Different thin film morphology, crystallinity and stoichiometry have been observed depending on growth parameters. To understand the microscopic origin, the adatom nucleation, step advance processes and their relationship to film growth were theoretically analyzed and a growth diagram was constructed. Three boundaries between highly and poorly crystallized growth, 2D and 3D growth, stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric growth were identified in the growth diagram. A good fit of our experimental observation with the growth diagram was found. This case study demonstrates that a more comprehensive understanding of the growth mode in PLD is possible

    Intelligent Multi-channel Meta-imagers for Accelerating Machine Vision

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    Rapid developments in machine vision have led to advances in a variety of industries, from medical image analysis to autonomous systems. These achievements, however, typically necessitate digital neural networks with heavy computational requirements, which are limited by high energy consumption and further hinder real-time decision-making when computation resources are not accessible. Here, we demonstrate an intelligent meta-imager that is designed to work in concert with a digital back-end to off-load computationally expensive convolution operations into high-speed and low-power optics. In this architecture, metasurfaces enable both angle and polarization multiplexing to create multiple information channels that perform positive and negatively valued convolution operations in a single shot. The meta-imager is employed for object classification, experimentally achieving 98.6% accurate classification of handwritten digits and 88.8% accuracy in classifying fashion images. With compactness, high speed, and low power consumption, this approach could find a wide range of applications in artificial intelligence and machine vision applications.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure