22 research outputs found

    Analytical View on the Level and Changes in Labor Incomes in the Context of Sectoral Breakdown

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    The size of work income of Slovak households varies year-on-year, between sectors and between territorial units. However, regional and sectoral wage differences are different. Wage is always the result of a combination of several market and non-market factors. In the short term, wage reflects the value of the marginal product of labor, in the long run the decisive factor in the wage level is labor productivity. In the analysis performed in this study, it is monitored the sensitivity of the wage to changes in labor productivity in the conditions of the Slovak Republic. As sectoral employment and the labor market situation are considered to be important factors in the short term, in further analyzes we monitored the relationship between wages and industry performance indicators as well as labor market indicators in order to identify the decisive determinants of wages in the evaluated sectors. The current state and development in the explained and explanatory variables are quantified by a simple and multiple regression model, the results of which are supplemented by selected moment characteristics. Based on the results of the analyzes, we concluded that the certain group of monitored parameters have a positive impact on the sectoral nominal wage. The strength of their influence depends on whether they are low-capital service industries or manufacturing, usually technology-intensive industries. In addition, it is influenced by current economic trends, which we consider to limit the general validity of the conclusions of the analyses

    The municipality as a source of information?

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    The municipality as an entity of the local government and disposes defined rights and obligations, which are governed by the special regulations. In accordance with Act no. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information, the municipality is mandatory publish and make available information that this Act also more specify. This paper focuses on availability of information from websites or other available sources. The basic set was represented by 91 municipalities of Prešov district, in which were surveyed a total of 75 data (6 identification and 69 financial). Within the implemented questioning, we can conclude especially the availability of identification data, for which there are multiple sources (eg. number of inhabitants). Overall, however, the municipalities did not provide the requested information, when up to 27 municipalities did not provide more than 5 data (including 3 identification). One of the outcomes is also a proving of small correlation between the volume of data obtained from the municipality and the number of its inhabitants, respectively the distance from the district town

    The municipality as a source of information?

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    The municipality as an entity of the local government and disposes defined rights and obligations, which are governed by the special regulations. In accordance with Act no. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information, the municipality is mandatory publish and make available information that this Act also more specify. This paper focuses on availability of information from websites or other available sources. The basic set was represented by 91 municipalities of Prešov district, in which were surveyed a total of 75 data (6 identification and 69 financial). Within the implemented questioning, we can conclude especially the availability of identification data, for which there are multiple sources (eg. number of inhabitants). Overall, however, the municipalities did not provide the requested information, when up to 27 municipalities did not provide more than 5 data (including 3 identification). One of the outcomes is also a proving of small correlation between the volume of data obtained from the municipality and the number of its inhabitants, respectively the distance from the district town

    Assessing Impacts of CAP Subsidies on Financial Performance of Enterprises in Slovak Republic

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    Sustainability is a particularly crucial factor in policy formulation and analysis, including in the EU's common agricultural policy. The common agricultural policy, through a subsidy policy, has caused a significant proportion of public funding to flow to agricultural subsidies, so it is appropriate to focus on the effect of these subsidies in the context of the sustainable development of EU agriculture. The impact of agricultural subsidies on business performance is of interest to policy makers. In agrarian practice, insufficient attention is paid to the legal form of agricultural performance, so our economic analysis focused on this area of research. The aim of the paper was to evaluate the effect of financial support in the form of subsidies resulting from the EU's common agricultural policy and to verify its connection with the performance of agricultural enterprises in terms of the legal form in the context of sustainable development of the agricultural sector in Slovakia. No statistically significant linear correlation was found between farms' performance results and the volume of subsidies per hectare of agricultural land for each legal form throughout the reporting period. In each analyzed year, business companies achieved a better overall assessment than agricultural cooperatives based on monitored parameters

    Evaluating the financial health of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of the Slovak Republic using bankruptcy models

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    Under the influence of the change in the overall economic environment, the problem of measuring the performance of a company and its financial health is also changing. At present, every agricultural company is exposed to a number of internal as well as external risks, the failure of which can lead to potential bankruptcy. It is a known fact that the risks in agriculture are significantly greater than those in other sectors of the national economy. Proper diagnosis of critical aspects and measuring the development of individual financial indicators of agricultural holdings are basic prerequisites for eliminating these risks and maintaining, as well as increasing, their competitiveness. Among the key tools for measuring the financial situation of a company are bankruptcy models, three of which have been used (Altman model, Taffler model, and Bonity index). The aim of this study was to identify the comprehensive financial health of 469 agricultural enterprises in the Slovak Republic using the three above-mentioned bankruptcy models in 2016. The obtained results were verified using the Kruskal-Wallis test, Levene test, or Moran index. Altman's model indicated potential future problems of businesses and agricultural cooperatives. Using the Bonity index, the neutral situation was assessed (the financial health could be regarded as neither insufficient nor optimal). Taffler model offered contradicted results and does not expect the occurrence of problems soon. In the study, we also verified the assumption of the dependence of financial health of companies on the legal form and territorial division, which was confirmed to be insignificant.Web of Science113art. no. 24

    The municipality as a source of information?

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    The municipality as an entity of the local government and disposes defined rights and obligations, which are governed by the special regulations. In accordance with Act no. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information, the municipality is mandatory publish and make available information that this Act also more specify. This paper focuses on availability of information from websites or other available sources. The basic set was represented by 91 municipalities of Prešov district, in which were surveyed a total of 75 data (6 identification and 69 financial). Within the implemented questioning, we can conclude especially the availability of identification data, for which there are multiple sources (eg. number of inhabitants). Overall, however, the municipalities did not provide the requested information, when up to 27 municipalities did not provide more than 5 data (including 3 identification). One of the outcomes is also a proving of small correlation between the volume of data obtained from the municipality and the number of its inhabitants, respectively the distance from the district town

    Composite analysis of competitiveness: Case study of companies working the soil in the Slovak Republic

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    Competitiveness and sustainability in view of the constantly changing market environment are among the basic characteristics of a company, while its progress and growth are largely determined by the field of business and the nature of production. The introduction of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU after the accession of the Slovak Republic to the EU significantly changed the necessary conditions for the functioning of domestic agriculture. Agriculture in the European Union is highly differentiated; therefore, surveys on the sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture at the national level are very valuable. Agricultural cooperatives in Slovakia compete for market share with non-cooperative organizations. In our research, we used a sample of enterprises in the agricultural sector, and, using the RCR coefficient, we evaluated the competitiveness of enterprises from the point of view of individual legal forms. The purpose of our research is to answer a simple question: What is the cause of the recorded development of the RCR index? In the case of non cooperatives, the value of the regressor is higher in each comparison with the results of cooperatives. However, the nature of the relationship in the case of entities operating on agricultural land in the Slovak Republic with the legal form of a cooperative is significantly more homogeneous across the evaluated period.Web of Science133art. no. 60

    Income Inequality as a Result of the Different Sectoral Structure at the Local Level

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