767 research outputs found

    Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of the quasi two-dimensional trapped Bose gas

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    We present Quantum Monte Carlo calculations with up to N=576000 interacting bosons in a quasi two-dimensional trap geometry closely related to recent experiments with atomic gases. The density profile of the gas and the non-classical moment of inertia yield intrinsic signatures for the Kosterlitz--Thouless transition temperature T_KT. From the reduced one-body density matrix, we compute the condensate fraction, which is quite large for small systems. It decreases slowly with increasing system sizes, vanishing in the thermodynamic limit. We interpret our data in the framework of the local-density approximation, and point out the relevance of our results for the analysis of experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Depinning exponents of the driven long-range elastic string

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    We perform a high-precision calculation of the critical exponents for the long-range elastic string driven through quenched disorder at the depinning transition, at zero temperature. Large-scale simulations are used to avoid finite-size effects and to enable high precision. The roughness, growth, and velocity exponents are calculated independently, and the dynamic and correlation length exponents are derived. The critical exponents satisfy known scaling relations and agree well with analytical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Driven interfaces in random media at finite temperature : is there an anomalous zero-velocity phase at small external force ?

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    The motion of driven interfaces in random media at finite temperature TT and small external force FF is usually described by a linear displacement hG(t)V(F,T)th_G(t) \sim V(F,T) t at large times, where the velocity vanishes according to the creep formula as V(F,T)eK(T)/FμV(F,T) \sim e^{-K(T)/F^{\mu}} for F0F \to 0. In this paper, we question this picture on the specific example of the directed polymer in a two dimensional random medium. We have recently shown (C. Monthus and T. Garel, arxiv:0802.2502) that its dynamics for F=0 can be analyzed in terms of a strong disorder renormalization procedure, where the distribution of renormalized barriers flows towards some "infinite disorder fixed point". In the present paper, we obtain that for small FF, this "infinite disorder fixed point" becomes a "strong disorder fixed point" with an exponential distribution of renormalized barriers. The corresponding distribution of trapping times then only decays as a power-law P(τ)1/τ1+αP(\tau) \sim 1/\tau^{1+\alpha}, where the exponent α(F,T)\alpha(F,T) vanishes as α(F,T)Fμ\alpha(F,T) \propto F^{\mu} as F0F \to 0. Our conclusion is that in the small force region α(F,T)<1\alpha(F,T)<1, the divergence of the averaged trapping time τˉ=+\bar{\tau}=+\infty induces strong non-self-averaging effects that invalidate the usual creep formula obtained by replacing all trapping times by the typical value. We find instead that the motion is only sub-linearly in time hG(t)tα(F,T)h_G(t) \sim t^{\alpha(F,T)}, i.e. the asymptotic velocity vanishes V=0. This analysis is confirmed by numerical simulations of a directed polymer with a metric constraint driven in a traps landscape. We moreover obtain that the roughness exponent, which is governed by the equilibrium value ζeq=2/3\zeta_{eq}=2/3 up to some large scale, becomes equal to ζ=1\zeta=1 at the largest scales.Comment: v3=final versio

    Lifted TASEP: a Bethe ansatz integrable paradigm for non-reversible Markov chains

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    Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), the field of stochastic algorithms built on the concept of sampling, has countless applications in science and technology. The overwhelming majority of MCMC algorithms are time-reversible and satisfy the detailed-balance condition, just like physical systems in thermal equilibrium. The underlying Markov chains typically display diffusive dynamics, which leads to a slow exploration of sample space. Significant speed-ups can be achieved by non-reversible MCMC algorithms exhibiting non-equilibrium dynamics, whose steady states exactly reproduce the target equilibrium states of reversible Markov chains. Such algorithms have had successes in applications but are generally difficult to analyze, resulting in a scarcity of exact results. Here, we introduce the "lifted" TASEP (totally asymmetric simple exclusion process) as a paradigm for lifted non-reversible Markov chains. Our model can be viewed as a second-generation lifting of the reversible Metropolis algorithm on a one-dimensional lattice and is exactly solvable by an unusual kind of coordinate Bethe ansatz. We establish the integrability of the model and present strong evidence that the lifting leads to faster relaxation than in the KPZ universality class.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Mean properties and Free Energy of a few hard spheres confined in a spherical cavity

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    We use analytical calculations and event-driven molecular dynamics simulations to study a small number of hard sphere particles in a spherical cavity. The cavity is taken also as the thermal bath so that the system thermalizes by collisions with the wall. In that way, these systems of two, three and four particles, are considered in the canonical ensemble. We characterize various mean and thermal properties for a wide range of number densities. We study the density profiles, the components of the local pressure tensor, the interface tension, and the adsorption at the wall. This spans from the ideal gas limit at low densities to the high-packing limit in which there are significant regions of the cavity for which the particles have no access, due the conjunction of excluded volume and confinement. The contact density and the pressure on the wall are obtained by simulations and compared to exact analytical results. We also obtain the excess free energy for N=4, by using a simulated-assisted approach in which we combine simulation results with the knowledge of the exact partition function for two and three particles in a spherical cavity.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures and two table

    Coulomb and Liquid Dimer Models in Three Dimensions

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    We study classical hard-core dimer models on three-dimensional lattices using analytical approaches and Monte Carlo simulations. On the bipartite cubic lattice, a local gauge field generalization of the height representation used on the square lattice predicts that the dimers are in a critical Coulomb phase with algebraic, dipolar, correlations, in excellent agreement with our large-scale Monte Carlo simulations. The non-bipartite FCC and Fisher lattices lack such a representation, and we find that these models have both confined and exponentially deconfined but no critical phases. We conjecture that extended critical phases are realized only on bipartite lattices, even in higher dimensions.Comment: 4 pages with corrections and update

    A polynomial training algorithm for calculating perceptrons of optimal stability

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    Recomi (REpeated COrrelation Matrix Inversion) is a polynomially fast algorithm for searching optimally stable solutions of the perceptron learning problem. For random unbiased and biased patterns it is shown that the algorithm is able to find optimal solutions, if any exist, in at worst O(N^4) floating point operations. Even beyond the critical storage capacity alpha_c the algorithm is able to find locally stable solutions (with negative stability) at the same speed. There are no divergent time scales in the learning process. A full proof of convergence cannot yet be given, only major constituents of a proof are shown.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 4 EPS figure

    Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in Disordered Optical Superlattices

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    The influence of disorder on ultracold atomic Bose gases in quasiperiodic optical lattices is discussed in the framework of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. It is shown that simple periodic modulations of the well depths generate a rich phase diagram consisting of superfluid, Mott insulator, Bose-glass and Anderson localized phases. The detailed evolution of mean occupation numbers and number fluctuations as function of modulation amplitude and interaction strength is discussed. Finally, the signatures of the different phases, especially of the Bose-glass phase, in matter-wave interference experiments are investigated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, using REVTEX

    Aging without disorder on long time scales

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    We study the Metropolis dynamics of a simple spin system without disorder, which exhibits glassy dynamics at low temperatures. We use an implementation of the algorithm of Bortz, Kalos and Lebowitz \cite{bortz}. This method turns out to be very efficient for the study of glassy systems, which get trapped in local minima on many different time scales. We find strong evidence of aging effects at low temperatures. We relate these effects to the distribution function of the trapping times of single configurations.Comment: 8 pages Revtex, 7 figures uuencoded (Revised version: the figures are now present

    Coexistence of solutions in dynamical mean-field theory of the Mott transition

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    In this paper, I discuss the finite-temperature metal-insulator transition of the paramagnetic Hubbard model within dynamical mean-field theory. I show that coexisting solutions, the hallmark of such a transition, can be obtained in a consistent way both from Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations and from the Exact Diagonalization method. I pay special attention to discretization errors within QMC. These errors explain why it is difficult to obtain the solutions by QMC close to the boundaries of the coexistence region.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, RevTe