93 research outputs found

    miRNAs in Lung Development and Diseases

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    The development of the lung involves a diverse group of molecules that regulate cellular processes, organ formation, and maturation. The various stages of lung development are marked by accumulation of small RNAs that promote or repress underlying mechanisms, depending on the physiological environment in utero and postnatally. To some extent, the pathogenesis of various lung diseases is regulated by small RNAs. In this review, we discussed miRNAs regulation of lung development and diseases, that is, COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary arterial hypertension, and also highlighted possible connotations for human lung health

    Detection of secretory IgA antibodies against gliadin and human tissue transglutaminase in stool to screen for coeliac disease in children: validation study

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    Objective To evaluate two commercial stool tests for detection of secretory IgA antibodies against gliadin and human tissue transglutaminase for diagnosis of coeliac disease in children with symptoms.Setting Tertiary care children's hospital.Participants Coded stool samples from 20 children with newly diagnosed coeliac disease and 64 controls. Six children with coeliac disease had stool tests every two weeks for three months after starting a gluten-free diet.Main outcome measures Secretory IgA antibodies against gliadin and human tissue transglutaminase in stool samples, determined in duplicate by using recommended cut-off limits.Results Sensitivity of faecal antibodies against human tissue transglutaminase was 10% (95% confidence interval 1% to 32%), and specificity was 98% (91% to 100%). For antibodies against gliadin, sensitivity was 6% (0% to 29%) and specificity was 97% (89% to 100%). Optimisation of cut-off limits by receiver operating characteristic analysis and use of results of both tests increased sensitivity to 82%, but specificity decreased to 58%. All follow-up stool tests remained negative, except for two positive anti-gliadin results in one patient, six and 10 weeks after the gluten-free diet was started.Conclusions Neither stool test was suitable for screening for coeliac disease in children with symptoms

    Atypical CD3+ CD4(low) cell population in a boy with fatal EBV-infection

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    A previously healthy 10-year-old Greek boy born to nonconsanguineous healthy parents developed progressive liver disease after acute infectious mononucleosis. EBV-induced autoimmune hepatitis was suspected and treatment was started with high-dose prednisolone, acyclovir and intravenous immunoglobulins. Despite therapy his liver function continuously deteriorated and the child died 9 months later in profound immune deficiency from candida septicemia. Flow cytometric analysis of his lymphocytes revealed a major subpopulation of atypical cells (20.3%) which were CD3+, fitted into the lymphocyte gate bur showed a very low level of CD4 expression, comparable to that of monocytes. After short-time cell culture, the cells became adherent and developed granules and dendrites; We conclude that these cells may represent strongly activated CD4+ T lymphocytes with downregulated CD4 expression or a subtype of dendritic cells

    Autoantibodies in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the fourth leading cause of death worldwide, is characterized by irreversible airflow limitation based on obstructive bronchiolitis, emphysema, and chronic pulmonary inflammation. Inhaled toxic gases and particles, e.g., cigarette smoke, are major etiologic factors for COPD, while the pathogenesis of the disease is only partially understood. Over the past decade, an increasing body of evidence has been accumulated for a link between COPD and autoimmunity. Studies with clinical samples have demonstrated that autoantibodies are present in sera of COPD patients and some of these antibodies correlate with specific disease phenotypes. Furthermore, evidence from animal models of COPD has shown that autoimmunity against pulmonary antigens occur during disease development and is capable of mediating COPD-like symptoms. The idea that autoimmunity could contribute to the development of COPD provides a new angle to understand the pathogenesis of the disease. In this review article, we provide an advanced overview in this field and critically discuss the role of autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of COPD

    Role of airway epithelial cell miRNAs in asthma

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    The airway epithelial cells and overlying layer of mucus are the first point of contact for particles entering the lung. The severity of environmental contributions to pulmonary disease initiation, progression, and exacerbation is largely determined by engagement with the airway epithelium. Despite the cellular cross-talk and cargo exchange in the microenvironment, epithelial cells produce miRNAs associated with the regulation of airway features in asthma. In line with this, there is evidence indicating miRNA alterations related to their multifunctional regulation of asthma features in the conducting airways. In this review, we discuss the cellular components and functions of the airway epithelium in asthma, miRNAs derived from epithelial cells in disease pathogenesis, and the cellular exchange of miRNA-bearing cargo in the airways

    Cord Blood Vα24-Vβ11+ Natural Killer T Cells Display a Th2-Chemokine Receptor Profile and Cytokine Responses

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    Background: The fetal immune system is characterized by a Th2 bias but it is unclear how the Th2 predominance is established. Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a rare subset of T cells with immune regulatory functions and are already activated in utero. To test the hypothesis that NKT cells are part of the regulatory network that sets the fetal Th2 predominance, percentages of Vα24(+)Vβ11(+) NKT cells expressing Th1/Th2-related chemokine receptors (CKR) were assessed in cord blood. Furthermore, IL-4 and IFN-γ secreting NKT cells were quantified within the single CKR(+) subsets. Results: Cord blood NKT cells expressed the Th2-related CCR4 and CCR8 at significantly higher frequencies compared to peripheral blood NKT cells from adults, while CXCR3+ and CCR5+ cord blood NKT cells (Th1-related) were present at lower percentages. Within CD4negCD8neg (DN) NKT cells, the frequency of IL-4 producing NKT cells was significantly higher in cord blood, while frequencies of IFN-γ secreting DN NKT cells tended to be lower. A further subanalysis showed that the higher percentage of IL-4 secreting DN NKT cells was restricted to CCR3+, CCR4+, CCR5+, CCR6+, CCR7+, CCR8+ and CXCR4+ DN subsets in cord blood. This resulted in significantly decreased IFN-γ /IL-4 ratios of CCR3+, CCR6+ and CCR8+ cord blood DN NKT cells. Sequencing of VA24AJ18 T cell receptor (TCR) transcripts in sorted cord blood Vα24Vβ11 cells confirmed the invariant TCR alpha-chain ruling out the possibility that these cells represent an unusual subset of conventional T cells. Conclusions: Despite the heterogeneity of cord blood NKT cells, we observed a clear Th2-bias at the phenotypic and functional level which was mainly found in the DN subset. Therefore, we speculate that NKT cells are important for the initiation and control of the fetal Th2 environment which is needed to maintain tolerance towards self-antigens as well as non-inherited maternal antigens

    Airway remodeling: The Drosophila model permits a purely epithelial perspective

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    Airway remodeling is an umbrella term for structural changes in the conducting airways that occur in chronic inflammatory lung diseases such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The pathobiology of remodeling involves multiple mesenchymal and lymphoid cell types and finally leads to a variety of hardly reversible changes such as hyperplasia of goblet cells, thickening of the reticular basement membrane, deposition of collagen, peribronchial fibrosis, angiogenesis and hyperplasia of bronchial smooth muscle cells. In order to develop solutions for prevention or innovative therapies, these complex processes must be understood in detail which requires their deconstruction into individual building blocks. In the present manuscript we therefore focus on the role of the airway epithelium and introduce Drosophila melanogaster as a model. The simple architecture of the flies’ airways as well as the lack of adaptive immunity allows to focus exclusively on the importance of the epithelium for the remodeling processes. We will review and discuss genetic and environmentally induced changes in epithelial structures and molecular responses and propose an integrated framework of research for the future

    The potential for targeted rewriting of epigenetic marks in COPD as a new therapeutic approach

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an age and smoking related progressive, pulmonary disorder presenting with poorly reversible airflow limitation as a result of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The prevalence, disease burden for the individual, and mortality of COPD continues to increase, whereas no effective treatment strategies are available. For many years now, a combination of bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory corticosteroids has been most widely used for therapeutic management of patients with persistent COPD. However, this approach has had disappointing results as a large number of COPD patients are corticosteroid resistant. In patients with COPD, there is emerging evidence showing aberrant expression of epigenetic marks such as DNA methylation, histone modifications and microRNAs in blood, sputum and lung tissue. Therefore, novel therapeutic approaches may exist using epigenetic therapy. This review aims to describe and summarize current knowledge of aberrant expression of epigenetic marks in COPD. In addition, tools available for restoration of epigenetic marks are described, as well as delivery mechanisms of epigenetic editors to cells. Targeting epigenetic marks might be a very promising tool for treatment and lung regeneration in COPD in the future

    Early life determinants induce sustainable changes in the gut microbiome of six-year-old children

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    While the association between early life determinants and the development of the gut microbiome composition in infancy has been widely investigated, a potential persistent influence of early life determinants on the gut microbial community after its stabilization at later childhood remains largely unknown. Therefore, we aimed to identify the association between several early life determinants and the gut microbiome composition in six-year-old children from the LISA birth cohort. A total number of 166 fecal samples were analyzed using 16S rRNA gene-based barcoding to assess bacterial diversity pattern. The bacterial profiles were investigated for their association with maternal smoking during pregnancy, mode of delivery, breastfeeding, antibiotic treatment between one and two years of age, gender and socioeconomic status (SES). While alpha and beta diversity of the infants' gut microbiome remained unaffected, amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) annotated to Firmicutes and Actinobacteria responded to early life determinants, mostly to feeding practice and antibiotics use. ASVs associated to Bacteriodetes remained unaffected. Our findings indicate that early life determinants could have a long-term sustainable effect on the gut microflora of six-year-old children, however, associations with early life determinates are weaker than reported for infants

    microRNA Expression Profile of Purified Alveolar Epithelial Type II Cells

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    Alveolar type II (ATII) cells are essential for the maintenance of the alveolar homeostasis. However, knowledge of the expression of the miRNAs and miRNA-regulated networks which control homeostasis and coordinate diverse functions of murine ATII cells is limited. Therefore, we asked how miRNAs expressed in ATII cells might contribute to the regulation of signaling pathways. We purified "untouched by antibodies" ATII cells using a flow cytometric sorting method with a highly autofluorescent population of lung cells. TaqMan® miRNA low-density arrays were performed on sorted cells and intersected with miRNA profiles of ATII cells isolated according to a previously published protocol. Of 293 miRNAs expressed in both ATII preparations, 111 showed equal abundances. The target mRNAs of bona fide ATII miRNAs were used for pathway enrichment analysis. This analysis identified nine signaling pathways with known functions in fibrosis and/or epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). In particular, a subset of 19 miRNAs was found to target 21 components of the TGF-β signaling pathway. Three of these miRNAs (miR-16-5p, -17-5p and -30c-5p) were down-modulated by TGF-β1 stimulation in human A549 cells, and concomitant up-regulation of associated mRNA targets (BMPR2, JUN, RUNX2) was observed. These results suggest an important role for miRNAs in maintaining the homeostasis of the TGF-β signaling pathway in ATII cells under physiological conditions
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