1,337 research outputs found

    Over time, voters no longer hold former governors accountable for their economic policy successes and failures, paving the way for them to seek office once more.

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    The writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once famously said, “There are no second acts in American lives”, but does this apply to politicians as well? In new research using voting data for ex-governors for the last forty years, George A. Krause finds that, over time, governors’ reputations on the economic performance of their time in office declines, whether it is good or bad. He writes that politicians’ wishing to maximize their odds of having a ‘second electoral act’ should run for office as soon as they leave office if their record of economic performance is a good one, while those with poor prior economic records should take a considerable break when it comes to seeking office again

    The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages

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    There is quite a difference of opinion as to the extent of the Middle Ages. We will take the middle ground and roughly limit this era to the years between 500 A. D. and 1500 A. D. This procedure is to be preferred above others which begin or end an era with a certain person or event, because an era is not ushered in overnight, but is rather a gradual and often barely perceptible process. There will be a few instances in the course of this thesis where material extending a number of years either way beyond the above chronological boundaries will be presented, in order to establish the necessary continuity

    Textual-Critical Methods of R.S.V. Revision Committee ( With special Reference to the Pauline Epistles)

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    It is a well-known fact that the autographs of the writings constituting Scripture have been lost. The study of the copies of these autographs, made by a great variety of scribal bands in widely scattered areas of the ancient world, is involved and intriguing. Biblical scholarship has attempted to ascertain as closely as is humanly possible the form of those God-breathed autographs. This is a Herculean task, in addition to a painstaking and often tedious one, since the scribes who copied the inspired autographs or translations of the inspired originals allowed various alternative and sometimes widely divergent readings to enter the text. And since we have many, though most probably nor nearly all of these copies, and since we can be quite sure that the originals are irretrievably lost, we have a problem

    The Employment of Textual-Critical Methods and Principles by the Revison Committee

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    In this thesis, then we shall first review the problem of textual criticism, with its implications for the translator. In such a situation the reviser or translator must have certain criteria to guide him

    Extent and mechanism of sealing in transected giant axons of squid and earthworms

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    Transected axons are often assumed to seal at their cut ends by the formation of continuous membrane barriers that allow for the restoration of function in the axonal stumps. We have used several electrophysiological measures (membrane potential, input resistance, injury current density) and several morphological measures (phase-contrast, video-enhanced differential interference contrast, light, and electron microscopies) of living and fixed material to assess the extent and mechanism of sealing within hours after transecting giant axons of squid (Loligo pealeiand Sepioteuthis lessoniana) and earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris). Our electrophysiological data suggest that the proximal and distal ends of transected squid giant axons do not completely seal within 2.5 hr in physiological saline. In contrast, the same set of measures suggest that proximal and distal ends of transected earthworm giant axons seal within 1 hr in physiological saline. Our morphological data show that the cut ends of both squid and earthworm axons constrict, but that a 20- 70-am-diameter opening always remains at the cut end that is filled with vesicles. Axonal transection induces the formation of vesicles that are observed in the axoplasm within minutes in standard salines and that rapidly migrate to the cut ends. These injury-induced vesicles are loosely packed near the cut ends of squid giant axons, which do not functionally seal within 2.5 hr of transection. In contrast, vesicles formed a tightly packed plug at the cut ends of earthworm medial giant axons, which do functionally seal within 1 hr of transection in physiological saline. Since we detect no single continuous membrane that spans the cut end, sealing does not appear to occur by the fusion of constricted axolemmal membrane or the formation of a membranous partition at the cut end. Rather, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that a tightly packed vesicular plug is responsible for sealing of earthworm giant axons.This work was supported in part by NIH Grant NS31256 and ONR Grant N00014-90-J-1137 to H.M.F., an NIAAA fellowship to T.L.K., and an ATP grant to G.D.B.Neuroscienc

    The Financial Collapse Of The Milwaukee Public Museum

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    The 123-year old Milwaukee Public Museum, which had long been considered to be one of the top natural history museums in the country, found itself in dire financial straights in 2005. The museum had run large deficits for the past three years and had almost entirely eaten through its cash and long-term endowment. In June 2005 it was forced to lay off many of its experienced collections and research staff and had begun the process of preparing to sell off assets that were not a part of the “exhibit experience.”  Milwaukee County’s Chief Executive went so far as to suggest that the Museum’s celebrated 700-acre Tirimbina rain forest preserve in Costa Rica should be sold. How did this once renowned organization become a shell of its former self? What financial management and governance mistakes were made, if any, and how could this disaster have been prevented

    The Diminishing Benefits Of Nae International Portfolio Diversification Following The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis

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    Nae international diversification has been fundamental to portfolio management over the past 30 years, but the benefits appear to be significantly diminished following the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Using monthly return data covering the period from 1970 through 2004, we found rising correlations between U.S. and international equity markets exceeding 0.85 since July 1997. Even the return correlation of emerging countries recently has reached almost 0.80. We also found a significant reduction in the variance of the international return correlation after the financial crisis. Portfolio managers should not expect to receive the same benefits from international portfolio diversification as that obtained prior to the Asian financial crisis

    Nutrient recycling from sanitation and energy systems to the agroecosystem - Ecological research on case studies in Karagwe, Tanzania

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    Open cycles of organic carbon and nutrients cause soil degradation. Procedures such as ecological sanitation (EcoSan), bioenergy and Terra Preta practice (TPP) can contribute to closing nutrient cycles and may, in addition, sequester carbon. This paper introduces three projects in Karagwe, Tanzania, and their applied approach of integrated resource management to capture carbon and nutrients from different waste flows. Substrates derived from these case studies, biogas slurry, compost and CaSa-compost (containing biochar and sanitized human excreta), were assessed for their nutrient content by analysis of the total element composition. Evaluation focused on potential impacts of the tested amendments on the nutrient availability in the soil as well as on the local soil nutrient balance. Results revealed that all substrates show appropriate fertilizing potential compared to literature, especially for phosphorus (P). CaSa-compost was outstanding, with a total P concentration of 1.7 g dm-3 compared to 0.5 and 0.3 g dm-3 in compost and biogas slurry respectively. Furthermore, these soil amendments may reduce acidity of the soil, with a calculated liming effect of 3.4, 2.6 and 7.8 kg CaO for each kg of nitrogen added for biogas slurry, compost and CaSa-compost respectively. To offset negative P balances in Karagwe, about 8100, 6000 and 1600 dm3 ha-1 are required for biogas slurry, compost and CaSa-compost respectively. We conclude that especially CaSa-compost might offer immediate positive effects to crop production and nutrient availability in the soil

    CHANG-ES V: Nuclear Radio Outflow in a Virgo Cluster Spiral after a Tidal Disruption Event

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    We have observed the Virgo Cluster spiral galaxy, NGC~4845, at 1.6 and 6 GHz using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, as part of the `Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies -- an EVLA Survey' (CHANG-ES). The source consists of a bright unresolved core with a surrounding weak central disk (1.8 kpc diameter). The core is variable over the 6 month time scale of the CHANG-ES data and has increased by a factor of \approx 6 since 1995. The wide bandwidths of CHANG-ES have allowed us to determine the spectral evolution of this core which peaks {\it between} 1.6 and 6 GHz (it is a GigaHertz-peaked spectrum source).We show that the spectral turnover is dominated by synchrotron self-absorption and that the spectral evolution can be explained by adiabatic expansion (outflow), likely in the form of a jet or cone. The CHANG-ES observations serendipitously overlap in time with the hard X-ray light curve obtained by Nikolajuk \& Walter (2013) which they interpret as due to a tidal disruption event (TDE) of a super-Jupiter mass object around a 105M10^5\, M_\odot black hole. We outline a standard jet model, provide an explanation for the observed circular polarization, and quantitatively suggest a link between the peak radio and peak X-ray emission via inverse Compton upscattering of the photons emitted by the relativistic electrons. We predict that it should be possible to resolve a young radio jet via VLBI as a result of this nearby TDE.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, accepted July 2, 2015 to the Astrophysical Journa

    Televisiekykers se ervaring van die uitbeelding van Anima en Animus in televisieadvertensies

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    OPSOMMING Heteroseksuele interaksie word deur adverteerders in televisieadvertensies aangewend en die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe kykers dit ervaar. Data is ingesamel deur `n aantal advertensies aan skoolkinders te vertoon waarna onderhoude gevoer is om vas te stel hoe die kinders die advertensies ervaar het. Daar is van konsepte vanuit die analitiese sielkunde gebruik gemaak om kodes te identifiseer. Die navorser het deur die tegniek van inhoudsontleding die voorkoms van manifestasies van die kontraseksuele komplekse in die onderhoude bestudeer. Daar is bevind dat die erotiese aspekte van die konraseksuele komplekse by voorkeur in die bestudeerde advertensies aangewend is en dat deelnemers daarop gelet het. SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to investigate a style of advertising from the perspective of the Analytical Psychology. The style involves the depiction of a young man and woman in a state of interaction with one another. In an attempt to understand how the viewer experiences this, concepts from the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung were used. Jung claimed that the psyche contains constructs which he termed archetypes. Archetypes are ideas and predispositions, organisms are born possessing these. If the theory is correct, it can be assumed that these constructs will influence human behaviour. The archetypes responsible for initiating heterosexual interest are called the anima and the animus. The prevalence of different aspects of these in four television commercials as experienced by participants during interviews was studied by means of content analysis. Sexual manifestations were found to be the most prominently used aspects of the anima and the animus to market the advertised products.PSYCHOLOGYMA(SS) (PSYCHOLOGY