40 research outputs found

    Coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2) in obesity and diabetes comorbidities : is heat shock response determinant for the disease complications?

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    Chronic infammation is involved in the pathogenesis of several metabolic diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). With the recent worldwide outbreak of coronavirus disease (SARS-CoV-2), it has been observed that individuals with these metabolic diseases are more likely to develop complications, increasing the severity of the disease and a poorer outcome. Coronavirus infection leads to the activation of adaptive and innate immune responses, resulting in massive infammation (to so called cytokine storm), which in turn can lead to damage to various tissues, septic shock and multiple organ failure. Recent evidence suggests that the common link between metabolic diseases and SARS-CoV-2 is the infammatory response (chronic/low-grade for metabolic diseases and acute/intense in coronavirus infection). However, the ability of the infected individuals to resolve the infammation has not yet been explored. The heat shock response (HSR), an important anti-infammatory pathway, is reduced in patients with metabolic diseases and, consequently, may impair infammation resolution and control in patients with SARS-CoV-2, thus enabling its amplifcation and propagation through all tissues. Herein, we present a new hypothesis that aims to explain the increased severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection in people with metabolic diseases, and the possible benefts of HSR-inducing therapies to improve the infammatory profle in these patients

    O perfil do financiamento dos partidos brasileiros (2006-2012): o que as tipologias dizem?

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    Resumo Na análise sobre partidos políticos há um debate clássico sobre tipologias partidárias. Modelos tipológicos são construídos especialmente a partir de indicadores. O financiamento partidário é uma dimensão central, que oferece parâmetros para a identificação das tipologias. Neste artigo, propomos contrapor os distintos modelos partidários destacados na literatura com os perfis de financiamento encontrados nas organizações partidárias brasileiras. Através de dados do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE), identificamos a origem dos recursos que financiam as legendas. Concluímos que há um nítido afastamento do caso brasileiro com partidos de quadros e de massa e uma aproximação com um tipo catch-all ou cartel. No entanto, o fundo partidário não tem apresentado elementos que fortalecem a tese de um processo de cartelização. Ao contrário, ele tem contribuído para garantir menor concentração na competição política, bem como manter no mercado maior oferta partidária. Palavras-chave: Partidos políticos, financiamento partidário, fundo partidário, partido cartel, Brasil.   Abstract  In analysis about political parties, there is a classical debate about types of parties. Typological models are based specially on indicators. Party funding is a central dimension that provides parameters to identify types. In this paper, we propose contrasting different party models highlighted in literature with the profile of funding found in Brazilian party organizations. Through data provided by the Electoral Supreme Court (TSE), we identify the origin of resources that fund parties. We conclude that there is, in case of Brazil, a clear departure from cadre-based parties of and mass parties and an approximation to a catch-all or cartel party. However, the Party Fund has not shown evidence to support the thesis of a process of cartelization. Instead, it has helped to guarantee smaller concentration in political competition and also to keep a larger supply in the party market. Keywords: Political parties, party funding, Party Fund, cartel party, Brazil

    Altered muscle mitochondrial, inflammatory and trophic markers, and reduced exercise training adaptations in type 1 diabetes

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    none7sìGrowing evidence of impaired skeletal muscle health in peoplewith type 1 diabetes points toward the presence of a mild myopathy in this population. However, this myopathic condition is not yet well characterised and often overlooked, even though it might affect the whole-body glucose homeostasis and the development of comorbidities. This study aimed to compare skeletal muscle adaptations and changes in glycaemic control after 12 weeks of combined resistance and aerobic (COMB) training between people with type 1 diabetes and healthy controls, and to determine whether the impaired muscle health in type 1 diabetes can affect the exercise-induced adaptations. The COMB training intervention increased aerobic capacity and muscle strength in both healthy and type 1 diabetes sedentary participants, although these improvements were higher in the control group. Better glucose control, reduced glycaemic fluctuations and fewer hypoglycaemic events were recorded at post- compared to pre-intervention in type 1 diabetes. Analysis of muscle biopsies showed an alteration of muscle markers of mitochondrial functions, inflammation, ageing and growth/atrophy compared to the control group. These muscular molecular differences were only partially modified by the COMB training and might explain the reduced exercise adaptation observed in type 1 diabetes. In brief, type 1 diabetes impairs many aspects of skeletal muscle health and might affect the exercise-induced adaptations. Defining the magnitude of diabetic myopathy and the effect of exercise, including longer duration of the intervention, will drive the development of strategies to maximise muscle health in the type 1 diabetes population.openMinnock, Dean; Annibalini, Giosuè; Valli, Giacomo; Saltarelli, Roberta; Krause, Mauricio; Barbieri, Elena; De Vito, GiuseppeMinnock, Dean; Annibalini, Giosuè; Valli, Giacomo; Saltarelli, Roberta; Krause, Mauricio; Barbieri, Elena; De Vito, Giusepp

    Effects of n-3 fatty acids and exercise on oxidative stress parameters in type 2 diabetic : a randomized clinical trial

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    Background: The relationship between diabetes and oxidative stress has been previously reported. Exercise represents a useful non-pharmacological strategy for the treatment in type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients, but high intensity exercise can induce a transient inflammatory state and increase oxidative stress. Nutritional strategies that may contribute to the reduction of oxidative stress induced by acute exercise are necessary. The aim of this study was to examine if n-3 PUFA supplementation intervention can attenuate the inflammatory response and oxidative stress associated with high intensity exercise in this population. As a primary outcome, lipoperoxidation measurements (TBARS and F2-isoprostanes) were selected. Methods: Thirty T2DM patients, without chronic complications, were randomly allocated into two groups: placebo (gelatin capsules) or n-3 PUFA (capsules containing 180 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and 120 mg of docosahexaenoic acid). Blood samples were collected fasting before and after 8 weeks supplementation. In the beginning and at the end of protocol, an acute exercise was performed (treadmill), and new blood samples were collected before and immediately after the exercise for measurements of oxidative stress and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Results: After the supplementation period, a decrease in triglycerides levels was observed only in n-3 PUFA supplementation group (mean difference and 95% CI of 0.002 (0.000–0.004), p = 0.005). Supplementation also significantly reduced TRAP levels after exercise (mean difference and 95% CI to 9641 (− 20,068–39,351) for − 33,884 (− 56,976 - -10,793), p = 0.004, Cohen’s d effect size = 1.12), but no significant difference was observed in n-3 PUFA supplementation group in lipoperoxidation parameters as TBARS (mean difference and 95% CI to − 3.8 (− 10–2.4) for − 2.9 (− 1.6–7.4) or F2-isoprostanes (mean difference and 95% CI -0.05 (− 0.19–0.10) for − 0.02 (− 0.19–0.16), p > 0.05 for both. Conclusion: PUFA n-3 supplementation reduced triglycerides as well as TRAP levels after exercise, without a significant effect on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers. This study is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov with the registration number of NCT03182712

    The impact of dehydration and hyperthermia on circulatory glutathione metabolism after exercise in the heat with insights into the role of erythrocytes

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    Background: Reduced glutathione (GSH) is one of the main thiols involved in antioxidant defense. Changes in circulatory levels of GSH during exercise are associated with hyperthermia and dehydration. The mechanisms by which these alterations occur are not entirely known. We hypothesize that erythrocytes could be an important source of circulatory GSH during heat stress conditions. We performed two separate experiments to address this hypothesis. Methods: In the first experiment, we sought to investigate the impact of exercise in the heat and dehydration on erythrocyte levels of GSH. A total of 10 men performed 60 min of cycling at 60% VO2peak in the heat (38.0 ± 0.9 °C) or in a control temperate environment (23.0 ± 1.0 °C), both with and without dehydration. Relative humidity ranged from 50 to 70%. Blood samples were taken before and after exercise to measure GSH and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione. In the second experiment, erythrocytes were isolated from blood samples taken at rest and heated in vitro to determine the impact of heat on erythrocyte glutathione content. Tubes with erythrocytes were exposed to water baths at different temperatures; one tube was exposed to a water bath at 35 °C and the other tube to a water bath at 41 °C for a period of 30 min. After exposure to heat, plasma and erythrocytes were extracted for GSH and GSSG analyses. Results: Dehydration decreased circulatory GSH, regardless of ambient temperature (temperate and heat decreased 15.35% and 30.31%, respectively), resulting in an altered redox balance. Heat increased GSH levels in vitro. Conclusion: Our data suggest that dehydration decreases circulatory GSH levels regardless of environmental temperature. In addition, in vitro data suggests that erythrocytes may contribute to the release of GSH during exposure to heat stress

    Effects of high-intensity interval and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on inflammatory, leptin, IgA, and lipid peroxidation responses in obese males

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    Purpose: To compare the effects of a single high-intensity interval exercise session (HIIE) with amoderate-intensity continuous exercise session (MICE) on the inflammatory profile, IgA levels, and lipid peroxidation in sedentary obese males. Methods: Ten sedentary obese men (age 28.5 ± 2.7 years; BMI 35.9 ± 4.9 kg/m2; body fat 40.6 ± 2.0%) performed three experimental sessions, on separate days with 1 week wash-out period between interventions, according to a randomized order: (1) HIIE: 10 × 60 s at 90% of the HRmax alternated by 60 s of active recovery; (2) MICE: 20min at 70% of the HRmax; (3) Rest—control. Blood and saliva samples were collected before, immediately after and 60min after the end of each session in order to analyse serum levels of cytokines, IgA, and lipoperoxidation markers. Results: Leptin levels decreased immediately after HIIE (P = 0.033) and was different from the MICE (P = 0.025). IFN-g levels were reduced immediately after (P = 0.032) and 60min after HIIE (P = 0.003) compared to baseline, and it also increased IL-4 levels immediately after exercise (P = 0.007) compared to resting values. MICE promoted an increase in IFN-g levels immediately after exercise (P = 0.025) and 60min after exercise (P = 0.004) in relation to baseline. Both exercise conditions increased IL-6 levels up to 60min after exercise (P < 0.05). The IFN-g/IL-4 ratio decreased immediately after (P = 0.002) and 60min after HIIE (P = 0.005) in relation to pre-exercise. No changes were found for IgA-S and TBARS for any of the conditions. Conclusion: A single HIIE session is able to decrease IFN-g/IL-4 ratio, indicating an anti-inflammatory response, without alterations in the function of the mucosal immune systemand lipoperoxidation. On the other hand, a brief session ofMICE induced changes in the pattern of cytokines associated with increased cellular immune function

    Metabolic and molecular subacute effects of a single moderate-intensity exercise bout, performed in the fasted state, in obese male rats

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    Introduction and objectives: Obesity represents a major global public health problem. Its etiology is multifactorial and includes poor dietary habits, such as hypercaloric and hyperlipidic diets (HFDs), physical inactivity, and genetic factors. Regular exercise is, per se, a tool for the treatment and prevention of obesity, and recent studies suggest that the beneficial effects of exercise can be potentiated by the fasting state, thus potentially promoting additional effects. Despite the significant number of studies showing results that corroborate such hypothesis, very few have evaluated the effects of fasted-state exercise in overweight/obese populations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the subacute effects (12 h after conclusion) of a single moderate-intensity exercise bout, performed in either a fed or an 8 h fasted state, on serum profile, substrate-content and heat shock pathway–related muscle protein immunocontent in obese male rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats received a modified high-fat diet for 12 weeks to induce obesity and insulin resistance. The animals were allocated to four groups: fed rest (FER), fed exercise (FEE), fasted rest (FAR) and fasted exercise (FAE). The exercise protocol was a 30 min session on a treadmill, with an intensity of 60% of VO2max. The duration of the fasting period was 8 h prior to the exercise session. After a 12 h recovery, the animals were killed and metabolic parameters of blood, liver, heart, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles were evaluated, as well as SIRT1 and HSP70 immunocontent in the muscles. Results: HFD induced obesity and insulin resistance. Soleus glycogen concentration decreased in the fasted groups and hepatic glycogen decreased in the fed exercise group. The combination of exercise and fasting promoted a decreased concentration of serum total cholesterol and triglycerides. In the heart, combination fasting plus exercise was able to decrease triglycerides to control levels. In the soleus muscle, both fasting and fasting plus exercise were able to decrease triglyceride concentrations. In addition, heat shock protein 70 and sirtuin 1 immunocontent increased after exercise in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Conclusions: An acute bout of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, when realized in fasting, may induce, in obese rats with metabolic dysfunctions, beneficial adaptations to their health, such as better biochemical and molecular adaptations that last for at least 12 h. Considering the fact that overweight/obese populations present an increased risk of cardiovascular events/diseases, significant reductions in such plasma markers of lipid metabolism are an important achievement for these populations

    Elevated extracellular HSP72 and blunted heat shock response in severe covid-19 patients

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    Aims: We hypothesized that critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection and insulin resistance would present a reduced Heat Shock Response (HSR), which is a pathway involved in proteostasis and anti-inflammation, subsequently leading to worse outcomes and higher inflammation. In this work we aimed: (i) to measure the concentration of extracellular HSP72 (eHSP72) in patients with severe COVID-19 and in comparison with noninfected patients; (ii) to compare the HSR between critically ill patients with COVID-19 (with and without diabetes); and (iii) to compare the HSR in these patients with noninfected individuals. Methods: Sixty critically ill adults with acute respiratory failure with SARS-CoV-2, with or without diabetes, were selected. Noninfected subjects were included for comparison (healthy, n = 19 and patients with diabetes, n = 22). Blood samples were collected to measure metabolism (glucose and HbA1c); oxidative stress (lypoperoxidation and carbonyls); cytokine profile (IL-10 and TNF); eHSP72; and the HSR (in vitro). Results: Patients with severe COVID-19 presented higher plasma eHSP72 compared with healthy individuals and noninfected patients with diabetes. Despite the high level of plasma cytokines, no differences were found between critically ill patients with COVID-19 with or without diabetes. Critically ill patients, when compared to noninfected, presented a blunted HSR. Oxidative stress markers followed the same pattern. No differences in the HSR (extracellular/intracellular level) were found between critically ill patients, with or without diabetes. Conclusions: We demonstrated that patients with severe COVID-19 have elevated plasma eHSP72 and that their HSR is blunted, regardless of the presence of diabetes. These results might explain the uncontrolled inflammation and also provide insights on the increased risk in developing type 2 diabetes after SARS-CoV-2 infection

    A expressão e a atividade da bomba MRP1/GS-X e de proteínas de choque térmico (HSP70) no miocárdio e gastrocnêmio de ratos treinados : possível mecanismo de citoproteção induzido pelo exercício contra os efeitos do estresse oxidativo

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    A relação entre as concentrações intracelulares de glutationa (GSH) e dissulfeto de glutationa (GSSG), dita o estado redox celular que, por sua vez, modula a atividade de muitos genes e proteínas sensíveis às alterações de potencial redox. As proteínas de choque térmico (HSP) são fundamentais na defesa contra o estresse oxidativo e em processos de reparo celular. Já a bomba GS-X codificada pelo gene MRP1 pode regular o estado redox celular exportando dissulfeto de glutationa (GSSG), prevenindo o estresse oxidativo. Nosso objetivo foi verificar a expressão de HSP70, da bomba MRP1 e sua atividade, bem como o metabolismo da glutationa (GSH) no miocárdio e gastrocnêmio de ratos submetidos ao exercício agudo e ao treinamento físico de natação. Ratos machos Wistar, separados em controle e exercício (n=6; treinamento de uma semana, com carga de 5% do peso corporal na cauda, temperatura da água ± 30°C). Após o exercício os ratos foram sacrificados e o músculo cardíaco e gastrocnêmio retirados. Para análise do estado redox, foram utilizadas técnicas bioquímicas de análise do conteúdo intracelular de GSH e GSSG; para análise da expressão de HSP70 e MRP1 foram utilizadas técnicas de SDS-PAGE e Western blotting. A atividade da bomba MRP1 foi medida por técnicas espectrofotométricas em membranas isoladas dos músculos em estudo. Os resultados foram expressos como média desvio padrão da média. Foi utilizado o teste de análise de variância complementado com o teste de comparações múltiplas de Student-Newmann-Keus, para p < 0,05. Na análise do estado redox celular ([GSSG]/[GSH]), o miocárdio não apresentou mudanças significativas, enquanto que o gastrocnêmio do grupo exercício demonstrou aumento nesta modalidade indicando estresse (controle: 0,424± 0,056 e exercício: 3,775 ± 0,466). Com relação à expressão de HSP70 (unidades arbitrárias), o miocárdio não apresentou diferença, enquanto o gastrocnêmio do grupo exercício obteve um aumento significativo (controle 0,602± 0,047 e exercício 0,807 ± 0,224). Na expressão da MRP1, o coração apresentou diferença significativa (controle: 0,360± 0,028 e exercício: 0,800 ± 0,094), enquanto o gastrocnêmio não. A atividade da bomba MRP1 foi 21,4% maior no coração, e essa atividade foi diminuída pelo treinamento em 27,76% em relação ao controle. Os dados obtidos indicam que o miocárdio parece estar mais protegido do que o gastrocnêmio contra o estresse oxidativo induzido pelo exercício por apresentar maior expressão e atividade da bomba MRP1, uma vez que esta previne o acúmulo de GSSG intracelular bombeando o mesmo para o exterior da célula