243 research outputs found

    Gauge-independent Renormalization of the N2HDM

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    The Next-to-Minimal 2-Higgs-Doublet Model (N2HDM) is an interesting benchmark model for a Higgs sector consisting of two complex doublet and one real singlet fields. Like the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric extension (NMSSM) it features light Higgs bosons that could have escaped discovery due to their singlet admixture. Thereby, the model allows for various different Higgs-to-Higgs decay modes. Contrary to the NMSSM, however, the model is not subject to supersymmetric relations restraining its allowed parameter space and its phenomenology. For the correct determination of the allowed parameter space, the correct interpretation of the LHC Higgs data and the possible distinction of beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs sectors higher order corrections to the Higgs boson observables are crucial. This requires not only their computation but also the development of a suitable renormalization scheme. In this paper we have worked out the renormalization of the complete N2HDM and provide a scheme for the gauge-independent renormalization of the mixing angles. We discuss the renormalization of the Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 soft breaking parameter m122m_{12}^2 and the singlet vacuum expectation value vSv_S. Both enter the Higgs self-couplings relevant for Higgs-to-Higgs decays. We apply our renormalization scheme to different sample processes such as Higgs decays into ZZ bosons and decays into a lighter Higgs pair. Our results show that the corrections may be sizeable and have to be taken into account for reliable predictions

    Impact of electroweak corrections on neutral Higgs boson decays in extended Higgs sectors

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    Precision predictions play an important role in the search for indirect New Physics effects in the Higgs sector itself. For the electroweak (EW) corrections of the Higgs bosons in extended Higgs sectors several renormalization schemes have been worked out that provide gauge-parameter-independent relations between the input parameters and the computed observables. Our recently published program codes 2HDECAY and ewN2HDECAY al- low for the computation of the EW corrections to the Higgs decay widths and branching ratios of the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) and the Next-to-Minimal-2HDM (N2HDM) for different renormalization schemes of the scalar mixing angles. In this paper, we present a comprehensive and complete overview over the relative size of the EW corrections to the branching ratios of the 2HDM and N2HDM neutral Higgs bosons for different applied renormalization schemes. We quantify the size of the EW corrections of Standard Model (SM)- and non-SM-like Higgs bosons and moreover also identify renormalization schemes that are well-behaved and do not induce unnaturally large corrections. We furthermore pin down decays and parameter regions that feature large EW corrections and need further treatment in order to improve the predictions. Our study sets the scene for future work in the computation of higher-order corrections to the decays of non-minimal Higgs sectors

    Gauge-independent Renormalization of the 2-Higgs-Doublet Model

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    The 2-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) belongs to the simplest extensions of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs sector that are in accordance with theoretical and experimental constraints. In order to be able to properly investigate the experimental Higgs data and, in the long term to distinguish between possible models beyond the SM, precise predictions for the Higgs boson observables have to be made available on the theory side. This requires the inclusion of the higher order corrections. In this work, we investigate in detail the renormalization of the 2HDM, a pre-requisite for the computation of higher order corrections. We pay particular attention to the renormalization of the mixing angles α\alpha and ÎČ\beta, which diagonalize the Higgs mass matrices and which enter all Higgs observables. The implications of various renormalization schemes in next-to-leading order corrections to the sample processes H±→W±h/HH^\pm \to W^\pm h/H and H→ZZH \to ZZ are investigated. Based on our findings, we will present a renormalization scheme that is at the same time process independent, gauge independent and numerically stable

    Higher-Order Corrections in the 2HDM, N2HDM and NMSSM

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    Bis zum heutigen Tag ist das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik weithin als die grundlegendste Quantenfeldtheorie anerkannt welche mit den prĂ€zisen Messungen von Teilchenbeschleuniger-Experimenten vollstĂ€ndig kompatibel ist. Trotz dieses enormen Erfolgs vermag das Modell nicht alle verbleibenden offenen Fragen der Grundlagenphysik zu beantworten. Um dieses Manko zu ĂŒberwinden werden Theorien jenseits des Standardmodells untersucht. In dieser Arbeit berechnen wir Korrekturen höherer Ordnung zu Observablen in den erweiterten Higgs-Sektoren dreier verschiedener Theorien jenseits des Standardmodells. Wir untersuchen das Zwei-Higgs-Dublett-Modell und das Nichtminiale Zwei-Higgs-Dublett-Modell als zwei Erweiterungen des Standardmodells hinsichtlich der Higgs-Potentiale der Theorien. In beiden Modellen fĂŒhren wir die vollstĂ€ndige elektroschwache Renormierung aller unabhĂ€ngigen Parameter der Theorien durch und prĂ€sentieren verschiedene Renormierungsschemata fĂŒr die skalaren Mischungswinkel der erweiterten Higgs-Sektoren. Wir berechnen die vollstĂ€ndigen elektroschwachen ein-Schleifen-Korrekturen zu den partiellen Zerfallsbreiten der ZerfĂ€lle aller Higgs-Bosonen in beiden Theorien. Weiterhin stellen wir die zwei neu entwickelte Computerprogramme 2HDECAY und ewN2HDECAY vor, welche die numerische Auswertung der partiellen Zerfallsbreiten und VerzweigungsverhĂ€ltnisse in beiden Modellen ermöglichen. Um die Relevanz der berechneten Korrekturen zu quantifizieren, nutzen wir die neu entwickelten Programme fĂŒr numerische Analysen und schĂ€tzen die verbleibende theoretische Unsicherheit unserer Berechnungen ab. Die dritte in dieser Arbeit untersuchte Theorie ist das ladungs- und paritĂ€tsverletzende Nichtminimale Supersymmetrische Standardmodell. In unserer Arbeit berechnen wir die O(αt2)\mathcal{O}(\alpha _t^2)-zwei-Schleifen-Korrekturen zu den Massen der Higgs-Bosonen dieses Modells. Zu diesem Zweck fĂŒhren wir die ein- und zwei-Schleifen-Renormierung der Theorie durch, wobei wir uns auf BeitrĂ€ge zu den O(αt2)\mathcal{O}(\alpha _t^2)-Korrekturen beschrĂ€nken. Die Ergebnisse unserer Rechnungen sind in einer neuen Version des Computerprogramms NMSSMCALC eingepflegt. Zur Demonstration der Relevanz der neu berechneten Korrekturen analysieren wir die GrĂ¶ĂŸe der O(αt2)\mathcal{O}(\alpha _t^2)-zwei-Schleifen-BeitrĂ€ge numerisch

    Gauge dependences of higher-order corrections to NMSSM Higgs boson masses and the charged Higgs Decay H±→W±hi{H^{\pm } \rightarrow W^\pm h_{i}}

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    In this paper we compute the electroweak corrections to the charged Higgs boson decay into a W boson and a neutral Higgs boson in the CP-conserving NMSSM. We calculate the process in a general R Ο RΟ gauge and investigate the dependence of the loop-corrected decay width on the gauge parameter Ο Ο . The gauge dependence arises from the mixing of different loop orders. Phenomenology requires the inclusion of mass and mixing corrections to the external Higgs bosons in order to match the experimentally measured mass values. As a result, we move away from a strict one-loop calculation and consequently mix orders in perturbation theory. Moreover, determination of the loop-corrected masses in an iterative procedure also results in the mixing of different loop orders. Gauge dependence then arises from the mismatch with tree-level Goldstone boson couplings that are applied in the loop calculation, and from the gauge dependence of the loop-corrected masses themselves. We find that the gauge dependence is significant

    Sexualized Behavior Among Adolescents Who Sexually Offended

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    Early or excessive sexualized behaviors and preoccupations with sexuality (SB) exhibited by juveniles who have sexually offended (JSO) are considered risk factors for sexual recidivism. However, research into SB among JSO is scarce. The present study retrospectively examined prevalence rates and patterns of SB among JSO prior to sexual offending and their relation to psychopathology and sexual recidivism. We systematically assessed information from psychiatric and psychological expert reports in case files of 230 JSO aged 12–18 years (M = 14.46, SD = 1.49) from a population sample of JSO with contact sexual offenses. A total of 93 (40.4%) JSO exhibited SB prior to the index sexual offense. Latent class analysis revealed three SB profiles: (1) “low/no SB” (n = 188), (2) “preoccupied SB” (preoccupation with sexuality, e.g., early pornography consumption, excessive masturbation; n = 29), and (3) “dysregulated SB” (exhibiting inappropriate sexualized behaviors toward others, e.g., sexualized speech, touching others inappropriately; n = 13). The preoccupied SB and the dysregulated SB groups showed higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders than the low/no SB. However, none of the JSO of the preoccupied SB or dysregulated SB groups reoffended sexually within 365 days after conviction for the sexual index offense (low/no SB: 12.8%). Overall, our findings do not support a general notion of the presence of SB as an indicator of high risk for persistent sexual offending among JSO. Instead, JSO with SB appear particularly burdened regarding a range of psychiatric disorders that should be treated accordingly
