493 research outputs found

    Jacobi trace functions in the theory of vertex operator algebras

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    We describe a type of n-point function associated to strongly regular vertex operator algebras V and their irreducible modules. Transformation laws with respect to the Jacobi group are developed for 1-point functions. For certain elements in V, the finite-dimensional space spanned by the corresponding 1-point functions for the inequivalent irreducible modules is shown to be a vector-valued weak Jacobi form. A decomposition of 1-point functions for general elements is proved, and shows that such functions are typically quasi-Jacobi forms. Zhu-type recursion formulas are proved; they show how an n-point function can be written as a linear combination of (n-1)-point functions with coefficients that are quasi-Jacobi forms.Comment: 28 pages, additional references added, correction in the statement and proof of convergence in Theorem 1.

    A modular invariance property of multivariable trace functions for regular vertex operator algebras

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    We prove an SL2(Z)\text{SL}_2 (\mathbb{Z})-invariance property of multivariable trace functions on modules for a regular VOA. Applying this result, we provide a proof of the inversion transformation formula for Siegel theta series. As another application, we show that if VV is a regular VOA containing a regular subVOA UU whose commutant UcU^c is regular and satisfies (Uc)c=U(U^c)^c =U, then all simple UU-modules appear in some simple VV-module.Comment: 18 pages, additional references added, typos corrected, and some additional information include

    On a relation between certain qq-hypergeometric series and Maass waveforms

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    In this paper, we answer a question of Li, Ngo, and Rhoades concerning a set of qq-series related to the qq-hypergeometric series σ\sigma from Ramanajun's lost notebook. Our results parallel a theorem of Cohen which says that σ\sigma, along with its partner function σ\sigma^*, interpolate the coefficients of a Maass waveform of eigenvalue 1/41/4.Comment: 15 pages; minor revision

    Imperial Emotions

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    Imperial Emotions: Cultural Responses to Myths of Empire in Fin-de-Siècle Spain reconsiders debates about historical memory from the perspective of the theory of emotions. Its main claim is that the demise of the Spanish empire in 1898 spurred a number of contradictory emotional responses, ranging from mourning and melancholia to indignation, pride, and shame. By focusing on the neglected emotional dimension of memory practices, Imperial Emotions opens up new ways of interpreting some of the most canonical essays in twentieth-century Iberian literature: Miguel de Unamuno’s En torno al casticismo, Ángel Ganivet’s Idearium español, Ramiro de Maeztu’s Hacia otra España, and Enric Prat de la Riba’s La nacionalitat catalana. It also examines the profound implications the emotional attachment to imperial myths has had for the collective memory of the conquest and colonization of the Americas

    Behavioral responses of Brazilian free-tailed bats (\u3ci\u3eTadarida brasiliensis\u3c/i\u3e) to noctuid moth migrations

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    Animal migrations involve significant movement of biomass across landscapes and are likely to have cascading effects on animal and plant communities. However, most studies on migration address the behavior and ecology of single taxa, such as birds or insects. Few consider more than one trophic level or predator/prey interaction within the overall migration context. I studied the migration ecology of noctuid moths and of Brazilian free-tailed bats in Texas. Noctuid moth migrations during the 2010-2012 fall seasons were driven significantly by weather at the regional and local levels. Bats also responded to the same weather patterns, with changes in body mass and bat flight activity linked to increased northerly wind after cold front passage. Many of the behavioral and physiological changes in bats were more likely due to their own migratory cycles, rather than in direct response to the local availability of migratory moths in the study area. Noctuid moths are destructive agricultural pests affecting crops on a continental scale, and the bats offer significant pest control ecosystem services. Since the system is driven by weather, understanding the system is important because it is likely to be affected by climate change

    Galería Central. Un proyecto de innovación colaborativo

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    Este trabajo recoge los programas y resultados alcanzados por Galería Central (GC), un espacio expositivo situado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Málaga, inaugurado en el curso 2008-2009 en el contexto de la Convergencia Europea, y aprobado como Proyecto de Innovación Educativa en la convocatoria 2012-2013 de la UMA. En él participan las tres titulaciones que integran la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación (Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, Comunicación Audiovisual y Periodismo), además de la Facultad de Turismo y la Facultad de Arquitectura.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Zhu reduction for Jacobi nn-point functions and applications

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    We establish precise Zhu reduction formulas for Jacobi nn-point functions which show the absence of any possible poles arising in these formulas. We then exploit this to produce results concerning the structure of strongly regular vertex operator algebras, and also to motivate new differential operators acting on Jacobi forms. Finally, we apply the reduction formulas to the Fermion model in order to create polynomials of quasi-Jacobi forms which are Jacobi forms