111 research outputs found

    On Digital Metric Space Satisfying Certain Rational Inequalities

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    In this paper, we have established some new results by extending some existing theorems in the setting of Digital Metric Space. We also proved some results in Digital Metric Space which were established earlier in the context of Complete Metric Space by different authors

    Social Consciousness in the Short Stories of Mahasweta Devi

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    Mahasweta Devi, a well-known name in the scenario of Indian English literature, a political and social activist worked with and for tribal and marginalized communities of eastern India throughout her life. The social conscious or aware of the problems within the society or community compels Devi to writes and protests actively against social injustice.  She wants to see the change in the society, therefore takes an active role to eradicate poverty, injustice, exploitation of the subaltern. Her commitment towards the society as reflected the story ‘Little Ones', ‘Fisherman', ‘Hunt', has been highlighted in the paper

    Prise en charge de la maladie de Crohn fistulisante dans une population marocaine: Ă  propos de 78 cas

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    La maladie de Crohn est une entérocolite inflammatoire, qui peut se compliquer de fistules entéro-entérales, entéro-vésicales, rectovaginales, entéro-cutanées et anopérinéales. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective portant sur les cas de maladie de Crohn fistulisante suivis dans le service de gastroentérologie au CHU Mohamed VI de Marrakech, sur une période allant de 2008 à 2014. 78 patients présentaient une forme fistulisante de la maladie de Crohn. La localisation des fistules était représentée par les fistules entéro-entérales (29,6%), suivie des fistules anopérinéales (26,9%) et entéro-cutanées (23%), puis des fistules entéro-vésicales (9%) et recto-vaginales (3,8%). Le traitement chirurgical a été indiqué d'emblée dans tous les cas de fistules entéro-entérales, entéro-cutanées, entéro-vésicales, 57,1% des cas des fistules anopérinéales et 66,7% des cas des fistules recto-vaginales. Six cas de fistules anopérinéales ont été mis sous immunosuppresseurs. Seuls 3 cas de fistules anopérinéales et un cas de fistules recto-vaginales ont été mis sous infliximab. La récidive endoscopique était significativement plus fréquente chez les patients opérés, traités en post-opératoire par les aminosalicylés par rapport à ceux traités par des immunosuppresseurs (P=0,0008). La rémission clinique était également significativement associée au traitement médical par les immunosuppresseurs par rapport aux aminosalicylés (P=0,0018). Le traitement chirurgical reste indiqué dans la majorité des cas de la maladie de Crohn fistulisante

    Some Common Fixed Point Theorems for Rational Type Contractive Mappings in Complex Valued Metric Spaces

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    We prove some common fixed point theorems for two pairs of weakly compatible mappings satisfying a rational type contractive condition using (E.A.) and (CLR)-property in Complex Valued metric spaces. The proved results generalize and extend some of the results in the literature. Keywords: Complex Valued metric space, weakly compatible mappings, (E.A.) - property, (CLR)-property. Mathematics subject classification: 47H10, 54H25

    Gaining a Better Understanding of Higher Education: During and Post-Pandemic Scenario

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    Because of the coronavirus epidemic, faculty as well as the students have had to respond to “out of the ordinary” difficulty by quickly switching from traditional class - room education to online learning forms via “virtual classrooms”. Students facing challenges and continuing facing difficulties for various reasons required to adapt this modification in this delivery of curriculum becoming un attentive. Few solutions have been developed for students to assist them in freely transferring to virtual classrooms and maintaining proper online learning etiquette. A series of recommendations is offered in the present study to help students so that they can explore and improve their involvement in the classroom held in online or “virtual classroom”. Taking this view into account the viewpoint is that higher education is in the epicenter of this epidemic that serves a varied fraternity of students. Triggering fruitful conversation among teachers dealing with and adapting technology to render their services during this epidemic could be helpful in “re-imagining” and “re-designing” subsequent courses. It is presumed that in the aftermath of the outbreak or in the new normal, this could aid subsequent considerations to generate the superior habits and rules and regulations required to continue this “virtual classrooms”

    Green IT towards Digitalizing India

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    Digital India is an initiative by government of India which will prove as a blessing for Indian citizens and will also assist in connecting dots between past, present projects in India. Over the years biggest challenge for India has been to communicate information to this gigantic population. Digital Platform is one of the most efficient ways of communicating information to 1.2 billon citizens of India. Green Computing and Green technology are adopted by developed countries to reduce the impact of growing usage of computing equipments. Apache Hadoop is one of the best upcoming technologies to maintain and analyze Big Data. Hadoop can be implemented on with normal computing and also with cloud computing. Efficient use of Green technology and moving towards virtualization will trigger reduction in environmental impact of the growing use of computing

    State-of-Art Functional Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering

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    Nanobiotechnology-enabled tissue engineering strategies have emerged as an innovative and promising technique in the field of regenerative medical science. The design and development of multifunctional smart biomaterials compatible to human physiology is crucial to achieve the required biological function with a reduced negative biological response. Several medical bioimplants have been tested to boost life expectancy and better-quality life. The concept of biocompatibility focuses on body acceptance and no harmful effects after implantation, which require shaping the properties of materials synthesis, surface functionalization, and biofunctionality. Such developed bioactive and biodegradable materials have been utilized to achieve the required function at a specific period and sustainability to withstand the surrounding tissues for treating severe injuries and diseases. Thus, exploring new approaches to design multifunctional biocompatible advanced nanostructures to develop next-generation therapies for tissue engineering, this mini-review is an attempt to summarize the advancements in biofunctional smart materials. The review focuses on bio-mimic materials, biomaterials, self-assembly biomaterials, bioprinting functional hydrogels, new polymeric architectures, and hybrid synthetic–natural hydrogels in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM). This mini-review will serve as a guideline to design future research where the selection of a smart multifunctional biomaterial is crucial to obtain best TERM performance

    New case of DRESS syndrome in a patient followed for ulcerative colitis and treated with salicylates"

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    Le syndrome DRESS (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and systemic Symptoms), est une toxidermie rare, qui engage le pronostic vital dans 10 % des cas et qui est dĂ©clenchĂ©e par une rĂ©action immunologique probable Ă  certains mĂ©dicaments. La sulfasalazine est parmi les mĂ©dicaments les plus incriminĂ©s dans le DRESS syndrome. Nous rapportons un cas de DRESS syndrome chez une patiente mise sous salazopyrine pour recto-colite hĂ©morragique (RCH), avec survenue de poussĂ©e sĂ©vĂšre et RCH aprĂšs l’arrĂȘt du mĂ©dicament. Cette patiente prĂ©sentait des particularitĂ©s de prise en charge du DRESS syndrome.The DRESS syndrome (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and systemic Symptoms) is a rare drug eruption, which may be fatal in 10% of cases and is triggered by a probable immunological reaction to certain drugs. Sulfasalazine is one of the most offending drugs in the DRESS syndrome. We report a case of DRESS syndrome in a patient treated by salazopyrine for ulcerative colitis, with the occurrence of severe relapse of ulcerative colitis after cessation of the drug.This patient had few particularities of the management of the DRESS syndrome

    Les hémodialysés HVC sont-ils vraiment des patients difficiles à traiter?

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    L'hĂ©patite C demeure la principale infection virale chez l'hĂ©modialysĂ©, dont la prise en charge thĂ©rapeutique ainsi que la gestion de ses effets secondaires restent difficiles. Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective portant sur tous les patients atteints d'hĂ©patite C chronique ayant une insuffisance rĂ©nale chronique sous hĂ©modialyse, suivis au service de gastroentĂ©rologie au CHU Mohamed VI de Marrakech sur une pĂ©riode de Janvier 2004 à DĂ©cembre 2014. Sur un total de 355 cas d'hĂ©patite virale C, 13 patients Ă©taient hĂ©modialysĂ©s (3,66%). Dix patients ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s, soit 76,94% des cas. Le traitement n'Ă©tait pas indiquĂ© chez 2 patients ayant une fibrose minime sans cytolyse. Il Ă©tait contre indiquĂ© chez une patiente multitarĂ©e. Deux malades ont eu une rĂ©ponse virologique rapide et 5 une rĂ©ponse virologique prĂ©coce. Le taux de rĂ©ponse virologique soutenue était de 40%, 30% des patients Ă©taient non rĂ©pondeurs. Le traitement fut arrĂȘtĂ© chez 2 patientes pour effets secondaires sĂ©vĂšres. Un seul patient a Ă©tĂ© candidat Ă  une transplantation rĂ©nale. En analyse multivariĂ©e, la rĂ©ponse virologique soutenue a Ă©tĂ© significativement associĂ©e Ă  certains facteurs prĂ©dictifs de bonne rĂ©ponse thĂ©rapeutique : Age jeune ≀40 ans (P=0,0057), fibrose minime F1-F2 (P=0,03), gĂ©notype non 1 (P=0,0064), charge virale prĂ©thĂ©rapeutique <800000 UI/ml (P=0,013), et l'absence d'arrĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique (P=0,028). La gestion efficace des effets secondaires du traitement de HVC permet d'obtenir chez l'hĂ©modialysĂ© un taux de rĂ©ponse virologique soutenue avoisinant celui de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale

    Electrocardiographic Abnormalities of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Paced Ventricular Rhythm

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    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) is a unique cardiomyopathy characterized by chest pain, ECG, and regional wall motion abnormalities closely mimicking acute myocardial infarction, in the absence of significant coronary artery disease. Classic ECG changes of TCM include ST elevation or T wave inversion. However, ECG abnormalities of TCM in patients with paced ventricular rhythms have not been well characterized. Herein, we report the case of an 85-year-old pacemaker dependant female who was diagnosed with TCM four weeks following the demise of her husband. Abnormal negative T wave concordance in precordial leads and QT interval prolongation were the only new ECG findings and these reverted back to baseline on followup
