10 research outputs found

    Wyznaczanie stref oddziaływania pola magnetycznego w gabinetach stosujących aparaturę do magnetoterapii

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    Low-frequency magnetic fields are used in therapy of many diseases. They have a special role in stimulation of adhesionof bone fractures. Healing of any illness involves magnetic field, that may reach values of a danger level, and its application, due to polish regulations, urges medical staff to shorten the time of exposition to field in surrounding of applicators. MatLab environment, for the sake of its very rich set of graphical functions, is very useful tool, and provides programmers the possibility to solve field problems, and to introduce its three-dimensional presentation. It allows user to evaluate distribution of field within treated organs, and to split surrounding into adequate zones, with respect to danger connected with field value.Pola normy częstotliwości stosowanej w przepisach wielu chorób. specyfiku przy stymulacji zrostu kostnego. W przypadku każdego ze składników, pole może osiągać wartości, które zgodnie z polskimi przepisami wymagają skrócenia czasu oddziaływania, co dotyczy procedury badającej w pobliżu aplikacji. Środowisko MatLab, ze względu na bardzo bogaty zestaw funkcji umożliwiających prezentację wyników, jest zależne od bardzo prostego, ukierunkowanego rozkładu pola, jak i jego przestrzenną prezentację. Pozwala to na zmniejszenie rozkładu pola w obrębie leczonych zwykłych, jak również podział na wpływ na strefę, ze względu na przyczyny z nim związane

    SELF Tool Platform in SaaS Model for Automation and Standardization of Solutions Generatione

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    W artykule zaprezentowano funkcjonalności oraz możliwości zastosowania platformy narzędziowej SELF. Omówiono cztery zdefiniowane warstwy platformy oraz przedstawiono proces wdrożenia rozwiązania oraz integrację poszczególnych warstw. Przedstawiono rynek systemów ERP w Polsce oraz dostępne na rynku alternatywne rozwiązania. Zaprezentowana platforma SELF, stworzona w modelu SaaS, jest jednym z kluczowych narzędzi technologicznych wprowadzonych w firmie Soneta w celu wdrożenia efektywnej metody organizacji pracy wewnątrz samego przedsiębiorstwa oraz z jego siecią autoryzowanych partnerów.In the article the functionalities and possibilities of using the SELF tool platform (Soneta Elevation LifeCycle Framework) are presented. The four defined layers of the platform are discussed, the process of implementing the solution and the integration of individual layers is presented. The market of ERP systems in Poland and alternative solutions available on the market are also discussed. The presented SELF platform, created in the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, is one of the key technological tools introduced in Soneta to implement an effective method of work organization within the firm and with its network of authorized partners

    Methods of Ferroresonance Mitigation in Voltage Transformers in a 30 kV Power Supply Network

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    Inductive voltage transformers are the basic components of the switchgear equipment or electrical substations. This article presents problems related to their operation. Inductive voltage transformers were exposed to specific working conditions in the form of ferroresonance oscillations with the participation of measurement and protective transformers. The disadvantage and negative significance of the phenomenon contributed to the development of the most convenient elimination methods, which is the main goal and achievement of the publication. The analysis of the proposed solutions were carried out on a theoretical model of a 30 kV power network model created and run in the Electromagnetic Transients Program/Alternative Transients Program (EMTP/ATP). The article presents several results of computer simulations carried out together with their complete characteristics (phase voltage waveforms on the primary side of voltage transformers), which allowed us to indicate the disadvantages and advantages of the solutions developed, and choose the most favorable methods to eliminate nonlinear oscillations. In the article, we present an analysis of all aspects contributing to the solution to the problem. This has permitted an appropriate conclusion to be made indicating the advantage of the method based on the use of a damping resistor in the open delta circuit compared to other solutions. Current solutions are largely based on a product using active variation of the resistance of an open delta attached resistor. The concept in this paper is based on a fixed resistance value, which is a different approach to the problem. By using a switch, the resistor is only connected when a fault occurs. Thanks to this solution, the secondary winding of the open delta is not additionally loaded (despite the very high resistance) at all times during the operation of the power network, as is the case with the available solution

    Electromagnetic therapeutic coils design to reduce energy loss

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    The article introduces the problem of power loss reduction in applicators used in magnetotherapy. To generate magnetic field whose distribution is optimal and to reduce the power loss, the authors establish a set of parameters to evaluate the model of device. Results make it possible to infer that the real power input necessary to operate the magnetic field generator properly may vary significantly depending on construction and localization. The issues raised in this paper should be treated as a basis for further discussion on the construction of applicators used, e.g., in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    Electromagnetic therapeutic coils design to reduce energy loss

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    The article introduces the problem of power loss reduction in applicators used in magnetotherapy. To generate magnetic field whose distribution is optimal and to reduce the power loss, the authors establish a set of parameters to evaluate the model of device. Results make it possible to infer that the real power input necessary to operate the magnetic field generator properly may vary significantly depending on construction and localization. The issues raised in this paper should be treated as a basis for further discussion on the construction of applicators used, e.g., in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

    The possibility of separation of electronic waste by means of their electrical properties

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    Electric field has a lot of applications in technology. One of them is electrodynamic separation: electric field influences selectively granular solids of different moments or charges. A mathematical model of the separation process in high voltage drum separator is presented in the paper. Particles are charged both by induction and corona phenomena: next, they are separated by effects of the field forces. Some computational and experimental results are given and analyses

    Learning for a civil society in Poland : illustrated by the example of local communities

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    In diesem Beitrag beschäftige ich mich mit drei zentralen Aspekten: Der erste ist eine Darlegung der politischen Rahmenbedingungen für die Gestaltung einer Zivilgesellschaft in Polen, der zweite soll den Lernprozess veranschaulichen, der durch die Förderung von lokalen Bürgergemeinschaften im Rahmen einer Kommunalverwaltungsreform angestoßen wird, und der dritte Aspekt veranschaulicht diese Entwicklung schließlich am Beispiel der Einführung eines „Bürgerbudgets“, das die Partizipation und das zivilgesellschaftliche Engagement der Bürger*innen auf kommunaler Ebene befördert. Ziel des Beitrags ist eine Analyse und Diskussion des komplexen Zusammenspiels der unterschiedlichen Organisationsformen "Bürgergemeinschaft" und "Kommunalverwaltung" sowie der damit verbundenen Lernherausforderungen für die Gestaltung einer Zivilgesellschaft in Polen

    Design and Evaluation of Low-Cost Vibration-Based Machine Monitoring System for Hay Rotary Tedder

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    Vibration monitoring provides a good-quality source of information about the health condition of machines, and it is often based on the use of accelerometers. This article focuses on the use of accelerometer sensors in fabricating a low-cost system for monitoring vibrations in agricultural machines, such as rotary tedders. The aim of the study is to provide useful data on equipment health for improving the durability of such machinery. The electronic prototype, based on the low-cost AVR microcontroller ATmega128 with 10-bit ADC performing a 12-bit measurement, is able to acquire data from an accelerometer weighing up to 10 g. Three sensors were exposed to low accelerations with the use of an exciter, and their static characteristics were presented. Standard experimental tests were used to evaluate the constructed machine monitoring system. The self-contained prototype system was calibrated in a laboratory test rig, and sinusoidal and multisinusoidal excitations were used. Measurements in time and frequency domains were carried out. The amplitude characteristic of the preformed system differed by no more than 15% within a frequency range of 10 Hz–10 kHz, compared to the AVM4000 commercial product. Finally, the system was experimentally tested to measure acceleration at three characteristic points in a rotational tedder, i.e., the solid grease gearbox, the drive shaft bearing and the main frame. The RMS amplitude values of the shaft vibrations on the bearing in relation to the change in the drive shaft speed of two tedders of the same type were evaluated and compared. Additionally, the parameters of kurtosis and crest factor were compared to ascertain the bearing condition

    Noblesse française et noblesse polonaise

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    D’Henri duc d’Anjou devenant roi de Pologne jusqu’à Stanislas Leszczynski ou Marie Lesczynska, l’histoire des familles régnantes, mais plus globalement des noblesses de ces deux pays apparaît intimement mêlée dans le cadre de voyages, d’unions matrimoniales ou d’échanges culturels, comme ce fut le cas avec les salons et les loges maçonniques de l’Europe des Lumières. Le Centre Aquitain d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine de l’Université Michel de Montaigne et l’Université polonaise Nicolas Copernic de Toruń travaillant depuis de nombreuses années sur le milieu nobiliaire, ont souhaité, dans le contexte de construction d’une histoire européenne, confronter et rapprocher leurs méthodes, en englobant leurs recherches sur les noblesses polonaise et française aux xive et xxe siècles pour terminer sur le rôle éminent de Michel Poniatowski, prince polonais au service de la République française

    Truffle renaissance in Poland – history, present and prospects

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