16 research outputs found

    Expert System for Structural Analysis of Electrocardiograms

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    The paper deals with process of a cardiological expert system development. A definition of a electrocardiogram is presented. Problems of ECG characteristics determination such as ECG data digitizing is considered. A problem\ud of QRS complex recognition and P and T waves parameters measurement is discussed. A general outline of analysis technique for ECG using wavelet transformation are proposed

    Deep traps in KMgF₃ and LiBaF₃ crystals

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    The influence of the high temperature annealing in air to the deep traps formation in KMgF₃ and LiBaF₃ fluoroperovskites was the subject of this study. An additional absorption and blue emission connected with O²⁻ ions presence in annealed crystal were revealed. The thermal destruction of colour centres in x-irradiated samples is accompanied by intensive recombination luminescence in high temperature TSL peaks. This phenomena was explained by pyrohydrolysis of crystal surface and oxygen diffusion into the crystal volume. Hydrolysed crystals were found to store the energy under UV irradiation.Работа посвящена изучению влияния высокотемпературного отжига на воздухе на образование глубоких ловушек в флюороперовскитах KMgF₃ и LiBaF₃ . Обнаружено, что в отожженных кристаллах возникает дополнительное поглощение и "синее" свечение, связанное с присутствием O²⁻ ионов. Термическое разрушение центров окраски в образцах, облученных рентгеновским излучением сопровождается интенсивной рекомбинационной люминесценцией, проявляющейся в высокотемпературных пиках ТСЛ. Это явление может быть объяснено пирогидролизом поверхности и диффузией кислорода в объем кристалла. Показано, что гидролизованные кристаллы запасают энергию при УФ облучении.Роботу присвячено вивченню впливу високотемпературного відпалу на повітрі на утворення глибоких пасток у флюороперовскітах KMgF₃ i LiBaF₃. Виявлено, що у кристалах після відпалу виникає додаткове поглинання і "синє" світіння, яке пов’язане з присутністю O²⁻ іонів. Термічне руйнування центрів забарвлення в зразках, опромінених рентгенівським випромінюванням, супроводжується інтенсивною рекомбінаційною люмінесценцією у високотемпературних піках ТСЛ. Це явище може бути пояснено пірогідролізом поверхні та дифузією кисню в об’єм кристала. Показано, що гідролі-зовані кристали накопичують енергію під дією УФ опромінення

    Integrating an Electronic Textbook on a Foreign Language into the M.E.S.-System

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    The article discusses the problem of modernizing a new generation foreign language electronic textbook as well as an electronic platform that organizes the entire educational process. The urgency of the problem lies in the fact that the need for an urgent transition to distance learning arisen all over the world has highlighted the shortcomings of the current Russian alternative electronic school education system. The purpose of the article is to identify its shortcomings and suggest ways to eliminate them. The main method is the examination of the Russian electronic educational system in the field of disciplines - German and English as foreign languages. The work of the authors of the article as experts of the educational platform "Moscow Electronic School" (MES) made it possible to combine the valuable information presented here about current electronic textbooks and collect observations about the content and technical components of the proposed scenarios of electronic lessons. The analysis concludes that MES is currently the most developed and demanded tool of the Russian electronic educational system. First of all, these include the creation of a unified interactive educational media space and the organization of synchronized work of the teacher and students in three formats: full-time, remote, full-time-distance. This implies the smooth interaction of three digital spaces: the screens of the teacher, the student, and the interactive whiteboard. The practical significance of the research results is based on identifying the main ways to merge the electronic textbook and the electronic platform that supports its operation