1,153 research outputs found

    Cosmological perturbations in a family of deformations of general relativity

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    We study linear cosmological perturbations in a previously introduced family of deformations of general relativity characterized by the absence of new degrees of freedom. The homogeneous and isotropic background in this class of theories is unmodified and is described by the usual Friedmann equations. The theory of cosmological perturbations is modified and the relevant deformation parameter has the dimension of length. Gravitational perturbations of the scalar type can be described by a certain relativistic potential related to the matter perturbations just as in general relativity. A system of differential equations describing the evolution of this potential and of the stress-energy density perturbations is obtained. We find that the evolution of scalar perturbations proceeds with a modified effective time-dependent speed of sound, which, contrary to the case of general relativity, does not vanish even at the matter-dominated stage. In a broad range of values of the length parameter controlling the deformation, a specific transition from the regime of modified gravity to the regime of general relativity in the evolution of scalar perturbations takes place during the radiation domination. In this case, the resulting power spectrum of perturbations in radiation and dark matter is suppressed on the comoving spatial scales that enter the Hubble radius before this transition. We estimate the bounds on the deformation parameter for which this suppression does not lead to observable consequences. Evolution of scalar perturbations at the inflationary stage is modified but very slightly and the primordial spectrum generated during inflation is not noticeably different from the one obtained in general relativity.Comment: 45 pages, version published in JCAP; minor changes, one section moved to the appendi

    Quantum Geometry and Thermal Radiation from Black Holes

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    A quantum mechanical description of black hole states proposed recently within non-perturbative quantum gravity is used to study the emission and absorption spectra of quantum black holes. We assume that the probability distribution of states of the quantum black hole is given by the ``area'' canonical ensemble, in which the horizon area is used instead of energy, and use Fermi's golden rule to find the line intensities. For a non-rotating black hole, we study the absorption and emission of s-waves considering a special set of emission lines. To find the line intensities we use an analogy between a microscopic state of the black hole and a state of the gas of atoms.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, modified version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Black Hole Thermodynamics and Riemann Surfaces

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    We use the analytic continuation procedure proposed in our earlier works to study the thermodynamics of black holes in 2+1 dimensions. A general black hole in 2+1 dimensions has g handles hidden behind h horizons. The result of the analytic continuation is a hyperbolic 3-manifold having the topology of a handlebody. The boundary of this handlebody is a compact Riemann surface of genus G=2g+h-1. Conformal moduli of this surface encode in a simple way the physical characteristics of the black hole. The moduli space of black holes of a given type (g,h) is then the Schottky space at genus G. The (logarithm of the) thermodynamic partition function of the hole is the Kaehler potential for the Weil-Peterson metric on the Schottky space. Bekenstein bound on the black hole entropy leads us to conjecture a new strong bound on this Kaehler potential.Comment: 17+1 pages, 9 figure

    Spherically symmetric black holes in minimally modified self-dual gravity

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    We discuss spherically symmetric black holes in the modified self-dual theory of gravity recently studied by Krasnov, obtained adding a Weyl-curvature dependent `cosmological term' to the Plebanski lagrangian for general relativity. This type of modified gravity admits two different types of singularities: one is a true singularity for the theory where the fundamental fields of the theory, as well as the (auxiliary) spacetime metric, become singular, and the other one is a milder "non-metric singularity" where the metric description of the spacetime breaks down but the fundamental fields themselves are regular. We first generalise this modified self-dual gravity to include Maxwell's field and then study basic features of spherically symmetric, charged black holes, with particular focus on whether these two types of singularities are hidden or naked. We restrict our attention to minimal forms of the modification, and find that the theory exhibits `screening' effects of the electric charge (or `anti-screening', depending upon the sign of the modification term), in the sense that it leads to the possibility of charging the black hole more (or less) than it would be possible in general relativity without exposing a naked singularity. We also find that for any (even arbitrarily large) value of charge, true singularities of the theory appear to be either achronal (non-timelike) covered by the hypersurface of a harmless non-metric singularity, or simply hidden inside at least one Killing horizon.Comment: 42 pages, many colour figures. v2: discussion of the conformal ambiguity improved, references added. v3: amended to match published versio

    Loop Quantization of Maxwell Theory and Electric Charge Quantization

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    We consider the loop quantization of Maxwell theory. A quantization of this type leads to a quantum theory in which the fundamental excitations are loop-like rather than particle-like. Each such loop plays the role of a quantized Faraday's line of electric flux. We find that the quantization depends on an arbitrary choice of a parameter e that carries the dimension of electric charge. For each value of e an electric charge that can be contained inside a bounded spatial region is automatically quantized in units of hbar/4*pi*e. The requirement of consistency with the quantization of electric charge observed in our Universe fixes a value of the, so far arbitrary, parameter e of the theory. Finally, we compare the ambiguity in the choice of parameter e with the beta-ambiguity that, as pointed by Immirzi, arises in the loop quantization of general relativity, and comment on a possible way this ambiguity can be fixed.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex, no figures, typos corrected and one reference adde

    Deformations of GR and BH thermodynamics

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    In four space–time dimensions General Relativity can be non-trivially deformed. Deformed theories continue to describe two propagating degrees of freedom, as GR. We study Euclidean black hole thermodynamics of these deformations. We use the recently developed formulation that works with connections as well as certain matrices M of auxiliary fields. We show that the black hole entropy is given by one quarter of the horizon area as measured by the Lie algebra valued two-form MF, where F is the connection curvature. This coincides with the horizon area as measured by the metric only for the case of General Relativity

    Analytic Continuation for Asymptotically AdS 3D Gravity

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    We have previously proposed that asymptotically AdS 3D wormholes and black holes can be analytically continued to the Euclidean signature. The analytic continuation procedure was described for non-rotating spacetimes, for which a plane t=0 of time symmetry exists. The resulting Euclidean manifolds turned out to be handlebodies whose boundary is the Schottky double of the geometry of the t=0 plane. In the present paper we generalize this analytic continuation map to the case of rotating wormholes. The Euclidean manifolds we obtain are quotients of the hyperbolic space by a certain quasi-Fuchsian group. The group is the Fenchel-Nielsen deformation of the group of the non-rotating spacetime. The angular velocity of an asymptotic region is shown to be related to the Fenchel-Nielsen twist. This solves the problem of classification of rotating black holes and wormholes in 2+1 dimensions: the spacetimes are parametrized by the moduli of the boundary of the corresponding Euclidean spaces. We also comment on the thermodynamics of the wormhole spacetimes.Comment: 28 pages, 14 figure

    Lambda<0 Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions II: Black Hole Creation by Point Particles

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    Using the recently proposed formalism for Lambda<0 quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions we study the process of black hole production in a collision of two point particles. The creation probability for a BH with a simplest topology inside the horizon is given by the Liouville theory 4-point function projected on an intermediate state. We analyze in detail the semi-classical limit of small AdS curvatures, in which the probability is dominated by the exponential of the classical Liouville action. The probability is found to be exponentially small. We then argue that the total probability of creating a horizon given by the sum of probabilities of all possible internal topologies is of order unity, so that there is no exponential suppression of the total production rate.Comment: v1: 30+1 pages, figures, v2: 34+1 pages, agruments straightened ou
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