84 research outputs found

    "Nobody Asked You to Nicker" – Monstration Slogans as a Speech Genre

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    The paper analyses the slogans of "Monstration", a manifestation that was held for the first time in Novosibirsk in 2004 and has become an important social and cultural event in many other Russian cities as well as in some other countries. The corpus compiled by the author includes about 4000 slogans and allows, basing on the theory of speech genres, to highlight the main topics and structural features of this type of texts and to identify their similarities and differences with the slogans of political manifestations. The study proves that Monstration may be considered as a form of "linguistic self-defense" and could be compared with the linguistic resistance that existed in the Soviet Union: the totalitarian language that dominated the public sphere was opposed by the anti-totalitarian language used in the sphere of personal communication; and one of the main instruments of the anti-totalitarian linguistic self-defense was irony. It seems that in 2019, the totalitarian language in Russia was yet at such a stage of development that language resistance was relevant; however, it was feasible not only in private space (and the Internet), but also manifested itself in public space from time to time

    ESR study of the spin ladder with uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moria interaction

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    Evolution of the ESR absorption in a strong-leg spin ladder magnet (C7_7H10_{10}N2_2)2_2CuBr4_4 (abbreviated as DIMPY) is studied from 300K to 400mK. Temperature dependence of the ESR relaxation follows a staircase of crossovers between different relaxation regimes. We ague that the main mechanism of ESR line broadening in DIMPY is uniform Dzyaloshinskii-Moria interaction (D=0.20|\vec{D}|=0.20K) with an effective longitudinal component along an exchange bond of Cu ions within the legs resulting from the low crystal symmetry of DIMPY and nontrivial orbital ordering. The same Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction results in the lifting of the triplet excitation degeneracy, revealed through the weak splitting of the ESR absorption at low temperatures.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to PRB, Fig.3 update

    Novel miR390-Dependent Transacting siRNA Precursors in Plants Revealed by a PCR-Based Experimental Approach and Database Analysis

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    TAS loci in plant genomes encode transacting small interfering RNAs (ta-siRNAs) that regulate expression of a number of genes. The function of TAS3 precursor in Arabidopsis thaliana is controlled by two miR390 target sites flanking two ta-siARF sequences targeting mRNAs of ARF transcription factors. Cleavage of the 3′-miR390-site initiates ta-siRNAs biogenesis. Here we describe the new method for identification of plant ta-siRNA precursors based on PCR with oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers mimicking miR390. The method was found to be efficient for dicotiledonous plants, cycads, and mosses. Based on sequences of amplified loci and a database analysis, a novel type of miR390-dependent TAS sequences was identified in dicots. These TAS loci are characterized by a smaller distance between miR390 sites compared to TAS3, a single copy of ta-siARF, and a sequence conservation pattern pointing to the possibility that processing of novel TAS-like locus is initiated by cleavage of the 5′-terminal miR390 target site

    Estimating a University Brand in the New Economic Conditions: Concept, Principles, Technique

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    This article presents a technique for estimating a university's brand in the new economic conditions. Branding gives a possibility to create tangible, intangible and imagined differences among institutions of higher education based on resource approach in strategic management. The forming of image, reputation and brand is based on key factors of success and core competence. Well-developed brand of educational institution is a basis for the loyalty of its customers, sustainable international connections, guaranteed level of enrollment and competition and ensures the influx of additional financial resources. In the new economic conditions image and brand of public sector institutions are closely connected with the development of the human capital of these institutions, therefore a lack of motivation can have a negative impact on the public image. Monitoring of brand strength allows taking early measures on the complex development of the public sector institutions' resource potential in order to increase its competitiveness on the basis of image and brand. The presented technique uses the integration of known methodologies: The Boston Consulting Group, Kevin Keller and Young & Rubicam. Keywords: public sector, brand, brand evaluation, Keller method, Y&R method, BCG matrix, brand value, brand advantage JEL Classifications: I21; M3

    Photo- and electroluminescence of new organic semiconductors

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    The results of investigation of the luminescence under photo- and electroexcitation for four new compounds are presented. The spectral properties and photoluminescence are studied in ethanol, chloroform solutions and in films formed by thermovacuum deposition (TVD). The phosphorescence of compounds is investigated in ethanol at 77K temperature. The phosphorescence times of molecules are given. The electroluminescence is obtained in multilayered structure ITO/PEDOT/NPD/L /Ca/Al. It is shown, that spectral region of the photoluminescence of TVD films and electroluminescence coincide. Relations of electroluminescence efficiency with molecule structure, photoluminescence quantum yield and possibility of thermally activated delayed fluorescence are discussed


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    Objective of research: to study the caryopathic effect of bio-preparation Bacillus subtilis 12В on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of white mice after a single intra-abdominal administration of the Fasciola hepatica extract. Materials and methods: The investigations were conducted on white male mice after oral use of preparation Sporovite based on B. subtilis 12B; then the intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extracts at a dose of 100 mkg/head was applied. The protein extract from F. hepatica was administered to mice of the second group, and animals of the third group received only the probiotic Sporovite. Animals of the fourth group did not get the preparation and served as controls. 48 hours later the animals were killed; touch smears obtained from testis were stained by the Romanovsky method and examined under a microscope what enables to determine the mitotic index and the number of pathological meiosis forms. The experiments were conducted on lambs whose seminal vesicles were placed into a solution of 10% Formalin and examined histologically. 2-3µ-thick slices were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin by Van Gieson method and examined under a microscope at 50, 400 and 1000 x magnifications. Results and discussion: During the pathomorphological and caryomitotic studies of testis of white mice and lambs after administration of Sporovite on the background of intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extract the reduction of negative effects on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of testis in animals wasn’t observed. A decrease in mitotic index by 2-3 times and a high amount of pathological forms were registered. The number of metaphases with preterm chromosome disjunction under the joint effect of F. hepatica and B. subtilis extracts has decreased by half.Цель исследования – изучение кариопатического действия биопрепарата Bacillus subtilis 12B на состояние сперматогенного эпителия белых мышей после однократного внутрибрюшинного введения экстракта Fasciola hepatica. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили на белых мышах самцах, которым перорально задавали биопрепарат споровит на основе B. subtilis 12B, а затем внутрибрюшинно вводили экстракт F. hepatica в дозе 100 мкг/гол. Мышам второй группы вводили белковый экстракт F. hepatica, а животным третьей группы – только споровит. Животные четвертой группы препарат не получали и служили контролем. Через 48 ч мышей убивали и из семенников готовили мазки-отпечатки, которые окрашивали по Романовскому и микроскопировали с определением митотического индекса и числа патологических форм мейоза. Проведен опыт на баранчиках, семенники которых помещали в 10%-ный раствор формалина и подвергали гистологическому исследованию. Срезы толщиной 2-3 µ окрашивали гематоксилином и эозином и по методу Ван Гизон и исследовали при увеличении микроскопа в 50, 400 и 1000 раз. Результаты и обсуждение. При патоморфологическом и кариомитотическом исследовании семенников белых мышей и баранчиков после введения споровита на фоне внутрибрюшинного введения соматического экстракта F. hepatica не установлено снижения негативного воздействия на состояние сперматогенного эпителия семенников животных. При этом снижается митотический индекс в 2-3 раза, число патологий остается на высоком уровне. Число метафаз с преждевременным расхождением хромосом при одновременном действии экстракта F. hepatica и B. subtilis снизилось наполовину


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    Objective of research: to study the caryopathic effect of bio-preparation Bacillus subtilis 12В on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of white mice after a single intra-abdominal administration of the Fasciola hepatica extract. Materials and methods: The investigations were conducted on white male mice after oral use of preparation Sporovite based on B. subtilis 12B; then the intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extracts at a dose of 100 mkg/head was applied. The protein extract from F. hepatica was administered to mice of the second group, and animals of the third group received only the probiotic Sporovite. Animals of the fourth group did not get the preparation and served as controls. 48 hours later the animals were killed; touch smears obtained from testis were stained by the Romanovsky method and examined under a microscope what enables to determine the mitotic index and the number of pathological meiosis forms. The experiments were conducted on lambs whose seminal vesicles were placed into a solution of 10% Formalin and examined histologically. 2-3µ-thick slices were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin by Van Gieson method and examined under a microscope at 50, 400 and 1000 x magnifications. Results and discussion: During the pathomorphological and caryomitotic studies of testis of white mice and lambs after administration of Sporovite on the background of intra-abdominal injection of F. hepatica extract the reduction of negative effects on the status of spermatogenic epithelium of testis in animals wasn’t observed. A decrease in mitotic index by 2-3 times and a high amount of pathological forms were registered. The number of metaphases with preterm chromosome disjunction under the joint effect of F. hepatica and B. subtilis extracts has decreased by half.Цель исследования - изучение кариопатического действия биопрепарата Bacillus subtilis 12B на состояние сперматогенного эпителия белых мышей после однократного внутрибрюшинного введения экстракта Fasciola hepatica. Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили на белых мышах самцах, которым перорально задавали биопрепарат споровит на основе B. subtilis 12B, а затем внутрибрюшинно вводили экстракт F. hepatica в дозе 100 мкг/гол. Мышам второй группы вводили белковый экстракт F. hepatica, а животным третьей группы - только споровит. Животные четвертой группы препарат не получали и служили контролем. Через 48 ч мышей убивали и из семенников готовили мазки-отпечатки, которые окрашивали по Романовскому и микроскопировали с определением митотического индекса и числа патологических форм мейоза. Проведен опыт на баранчиках, семенники которых помещали в 10%-ный раствор формалина и подвергали гистологическому исследованию. Срезы толщиной 2-3 µ окрашивали гематоксилином и эозином и по методу Ван Гизон и исследовали при увеличении микроскопа в 50, 400 и 1000 раз. Результаты и обсуждение. При патоморфологическом и кариомитотическом исследовании семенников белых мышей и баранчиков после введения споровита на фоне внутрибрюшинного введения соматического экстракта F. hepatica не установлено снижения негативного воздействия на состояние сперматогенного эпителия семенников животных. При этом снижается митотический индекс в 2-3 раза, число патологий остается на высоком уровне. Число метафаз с преждевременным расхождением хромосом при одновременном действии экстракта F. hepatica и B. subtilis снизилось наполовину


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    The objective of the study: to analyze the efficacy of extrapleural plombage with silicone plug (EPSP) in those suffering from destructive pulmonary tuberculosis with multiple/extensive drug resistance (M/XDR) and to assess EPSP impact on pulmonary functions and blood gases. Subjects and methods. 34 patients with chronic persistent destructive pulmonary tuberculosis who underwent EPSP were enrolled in the study. 23 were men and 11 were women at the age from 18 to 54 years old (the median age made 36.29± 10.2 years). MDR was diagnosed in 31/34 (91.2%) patients, and of them, 22/31 (70.0%) had XDR. A high profile life long breast implants with texturized coating causing no rejection by the host were used for extrapleural plombage. Results. 18 patients who underwent EPSP as a single surgery had their cavities healed in the operated lung in 100% of cases (95% CI 96.3-100%). There were no lethal outcomes. 1/18 (5.6%) patient suffered from a late complication (empyema) related to EPSP. Postponed outcomes of tuberculosis treatment (effective course of treatment after EPSP) were favorable in 13/16 (81.3%; 95% CI 57.0-93.4%) patients. In 11 patients with disseminated destructive tuberculosis who had EPSP combined with resection or collapse surgery, 12/12 (100%; 95% CI 75.8-100%) had their cavities healed in the operated lung; 2/12 patients needed additional bronchial valve block. Surgeries for EPSP resulted in no lethal outcomes or complications. In 5 patients with destructive tuberculosis relapse in the only lung, EPSP was used to stop the progress of the disease due to poor efficacy of chemotherapy. The impact on cavities healing in the operated lung was achieved in 4/5 (80.0%; 95% CI (37.6-96.3%) patients. The complication after EPSP was observed in у 1/5 (20.0%) patient and resulted in the lethal outcome. 3/5 patients had favorable postponed outcomes. After EPSP, ventilation and gas exchange functions deteriorated in 32% of patients, while in 28% of patients, they improved. The intensity of change was moderate or significant. The most dynamic and informative indicators were the vital capacity of the lungs and the partial tension of oxygen in oxygenated blood (PaO2 ).Цель исследования: проанализировать эффективность операции экстраплевральной пломбировки силиконовым имплантом (ЭПСИ) у больных деструктивным туберкулезом легких с множественной/широкой лекарственной устойчивостью (МЛУ/ШЛУ), изучить влияние операции на функциональное состояние легких и газовый состав крови. Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 34 пациента с хронически текущим длительно леченным деструктивным туберкулезом легких, которым выполнена ЭПСИ. Мужчин было 23, женщин ‒ 11, их возраст от 18 до 54 лет (средний возраст ‒ 36,29 ± 10,2 года). МЛУ микобактерий туберкулеза (МБТ) диагностировали у 31/34 (91,2%) пациента, из них у 22/31 (70,0%) была ШЛУ МБТ. При экстраплевральной пломбировке использовали имплант молочной железы высокого профиля с текстурированной оболочкой, предназначенный для пожизненного нахождения в организме человека и не вызывающий реакцию отторжения. Результаты. У 18 пациентов, у которых ЭПСИ выполнялась как единственная операция, эффект по закрытию полостей распада в легком на стороне операции достигнут в 100% (95%-ный ДИ 96,3-100%) случаев. Летальных случаев не было. Позднее осложнение (эмпиема), связанное с операцией ЭПСИ, имело место у 1/18 (5,6%) пациента. Отдаленные результаты лечения туберкулеза (эффективный курс химиотерапии после ЭПСИ) были хорошими у 13/16 (81,3%; 95%-ный ДИ 57,0-93,4%). У 11 пациентов с распространенным деструктивным туберкулезом, у которых ЭПСИ проведена в сочетании с резекционными или КХО, эффект по закрытию полостей распада в легком на стороне операции достигнут в 12/12 случаях (100%; 95%-ный ДИ 75,8-100%), в 2/12 случаях понадобилось дополнительное воздействие клапанной бронхоблокации. Летальности в результате операции ЭПСИ не было, так же как и осложнений. У 5 пациентов с рецидивом деструктивного туберкулеза в единственном легком ЭПСИ применяли для ликвидации прогрессирования процесса при недостаточном эффекте химиотерапии. Эффект по закрытию полостей распада в легком на стороне операции достигнут у 4/5 (80,0%; 95%-ный ДИ (37,6-96,3%). Осложнение после ЭПСИ было у 1/5 (20,0%) пациента и закончилось летальным исходом. Отдаленные результаты оказались хорошими у 3/5 пациентов. После операции ЭПСИ ухудшение и улучшение вентиляционной и газообменной функции наблюдали у 32 и 28% пациентов соответственно. Выраженность сдвигов имела умеренную или значительную степень. Наиболее динамичными и информативными показателями являлись жизненная емкость легких и парциальное напряжение кислорода в артериализованной крови (PaO2 )