132 research outputs found

    Effect of duration of the pause single-phase auto-reclosing on electro-power transmission capacitance

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    This paper discusses the problem associated with accidents in the aerial line (AL) ultra-high voltage (UHV) due to its big length. In lines with a voltage of 500-1150 kV the overwhelming proportion of trips (98%) is caused by single-phase short circuit (SPSC). A substantial portion (70%) single-phase short circuits is erratic arc accidents which can be successfully eliminated in a high-speed auto-reclosing (HSAR) or single-phase auto-reclosing (SPAR). Success single-phase auto-reclosing (SPAR) at liquidation by single-phase short circuit (SPSC), on the one hand, is determined by the characteristics of the secondary arc current, and on the other hand the effectiveness of ways to reduce secondary arc current and recovery voltage development. The minimum dead time, at a HSAR it is usually taken as 0.5 s., at single-phase autoreclosing (SPAR) it depends on the current value of the arc support is in the range of 0.5-3.0 s. The article shows high efficiency of use single-phase auto reclosing (SPAR) at liquidation SPSC in a single-chain AL voltage of 500 kV, the dependence of the bandwidth of transmission in maintaining the dynamic stability from the length of the pause SPAR

    Family education monitoring of children with late onset hearing loss

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    The article discusses longstanding experience of monitoring family education of children with late onset hearing loss and analyzes the main spheres of work with deaf children and their parents.В статье рассматриваются основные направления работы с детьми, утратившими слух, и их родителями

    A study of the ideas of parents and pedagogues about auditory and speech development of children with cochlear implants learning at a school for pupils with partial or late onset hearing loss

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    The aim of the given study is to define and describe the ideas of parents and surdopedagogues about auditory and speech development of junior school children with cochlear implants learning at a school for pupils with partial or late onset hearing loss. The ideas are collected via the method of questionnaire.В статье рассматриваются представления родителей и сурдопедагогов о слухоречевом развитии младших школьников с кохлеарными имплантами

    A search for new molecular targets for optimizing plague preventive vaccination and therapy

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    The causative agent of plague, Yersinia pestis, is a highly virulent bacterial pathogen and a potential bioweapon. Depending on the route of infection, two prevalent forms of the disease — bubonic and pneumonic, are known. The latter is featured by a high fatality rate. Mortality in untreated bubonic plague patients reaches up to 40—60%, whereas untreated pneumonic plague is always lethal. The development of the infectious process in susceptible host is accounted for by a whole set of pathogenicity factors in plague pathogen displaying various functional modalities being expressed depending on stage of infectious process, providing their coordinated expression. Knocking out any of such factors, in turn, may not either affect microbe virulence or lead to its attenuation. A search for new Yersinia pestis pathogenicity factors and subsequent development of highly effective subunit and live attenuated plague vaccines inducing development of pronounced cellular and humoral immune reactions, and/or assessment of their potential use as molecular targets for plague therapy still remain a pressing issue, as both currently licensed plague vaccines do not meet the WHO requirements, whereas strains of plague microbe isolated in Madagascar are resistant to all drugs recommended for plague antibacterial therapy. Here we summarize an impact of described and newly discovered pathogenicity factors into the virulence of Y. pestis strains and their protective anti-plague activity. An effect of loss of genes encoding regulatory proteins as well as mutations in the genes for various transport systems of Y. pestis on attenuation of virulent strains is described as well. Perspectives for introducing characterized antigens into prototype subunit vaccine as well as some other obtained mutants into prototypes of living attenuating vaccines were assessed. The use of antibiotics for plague treatment has been embraced by the World Health Organization Expert Committee on Plague as the “gold standard” treatment. However, concerns regarding development of antibioticresistant Y. pestis strains accounted for further exploring alternatives to plague therapy. Several research groups continue to seek for other alternative approaches, e. g. treatment with inhibitors of pathogenicity factors. Preliminary data attempting to treat plague patients with pathogenicity factor inhibitors are summarized. Antivirulence drugs targeting key microbial factors represent new promising therapeutic options in the fight against antibiotic-resistant bacteria

    Specific means of communication of people with hearing impairment: origins and prospects of use

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    В статье рассматриваются проблемы использования специфических средств коммуникации в образовании лиц с нарушением слуха на разных этапах развития сурдопедагогики.To design a new Master's degree education program, the article deals with the issues of application of specific communication means in the education of persons with hearing impairment at different stages of development of surdopedagogy laying stress on the importance of their correct usage in the practice of the modern school for children with hearing impairment and explores the tendencies of the market of education services

    Morphometric look at the primary and recurrent endometriomas

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the morphometric characteristics of ectopic endometrial ceils in primary and recurrent endometriosis. Samples were obtained from 46 women with endometriosis and 15 primary with recurrent cysts. Slice thickness of 4 mm. These sections were stained in the usual way with hematoxylin-eosin and subjected to optical microscopy using immersion objective with a total capacity of 10 optical x 100. As a result of the study showed an increase in almost all morphometric parameters in primary cysts that may be said about the higher proliferative activity of the basal cells of ectopic endometrium primary endometriomas compared with recurrent cysts.Целью данного исследования было изучение морфометрических характеристик эктопических эндометриальных клеток в первичных и рецидивирующих эндометриомах. Образцы были получены от 46 женщин с первичными эндометриомами и 15 с рецидивирующими кистами. Полученные срезы окрашивали обычным способом гематоксилин-эозином и подвергали оптической микроскопии с использованием иммерсионного объектива с общей оптической мощностью 10 х 100. В результате проведенного исследования было выявлено увеличение почти всех морфометрических параметров в первичных кистах, что, возможно, говорит о более высокой пролиферативной активности базальных клеток эктопического эндометрия первичных эндометриом по сравнению с рецидивирующими кистами