144 research outputs found

    Selection of Elements at the Dissolution of Heat Resistant Nickel Alloys in Mineral Acid Solutions

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    Thermodynamic modeling of the interaction of a heat-resistant nickel alloy containing refractory rare metals with hydrochloric, sulfuric and nitric acids with a temperature change in the range of 20-100 ∘ C and a concentration of 50 to 150 g / dm3 at a pressure of 1 atm was carried out. The thermodynamic assessment data were confirmed in experiments on the anodic dissolution of the alloy in sulfate solutions. According to the results of x-ray phase analysis of the sludge, it was revealed that tungsten in the form of a solid solution in nickel passes to this product. Also, tantalum and niobium pass into the slurry in the form of oxides. Mostly, Re, Co, Cr passed into the electrolyte solution. The results of the study can serve as a scientific basis for the development of promising technologies for processing metal waste from heat-resistant alloys. Keywords: thermodynamic modeling, heat resistant nickel alloy, rare elements, mineral acids, dissolutio

    Антропогенное влияние на микроклимат и оледенение Кунгурской Ледяной пещеры в период максимальной туристической нагрузки

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    The Kungur Ice Cave is visited by thousands of tourists every year, so the question of anthropogenic influence on changing its state is acute. Snow and ice formations are the main attraction of the cave. From the moment of discovery and improvement of the cave, the thickness of glaciation began to depend not only on natural, but also on technical and anthropogenic conditions. First, this is a change in the temperature of the outside air, the annual rise of underground and surface waters (the Sylva River), the construction of inlet and outlet tunnels, artificial ventilation, and the number of tourists. To assess the impact of the flow of tourists on the microclimatic characteristics of the Cave, the staff of the Kungur Stationary Laboratory conducted research during the period of maximum anthropogenic load in the summer of 2022. The data analyzed in this article made it possible to clarify that the existing tourist load has an insignificant impact on the microclimate of the Cave. After the passage of each group of tourists, the air temperature in the grottoes slightly increases (by a maximum of 0.1–0.2°C) but is restored during the daytime within 4–12 minutes, and at night the temperature regime is completely restored. The maximum tourist load per day is 825–925 people or more, depending on the operating mode of the Cave. Thus, the visiting regulations and the allowed throughput of the cave are currently chosen correctly. The number of tourists is not so large as to limit the visit to the Cave to protect the ice formations, especially since the first-year ice is renewed every winter.По данным проведённых в летнее время исследований в Кунгурской Ледяной пещере, во время максимальной туристической нагрузки, сделаны выводы об антропогенном влиянии на микроклимат и оледенение пещеры. Рассмотрены основные виды воздействия человека на подземную среду, особое внимание уделено тепловому воздействию на изменение температурного режима и масштаба оледенения в существующих условиях эксплуатации Кунгурской Ледяной пещеры


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    A theoretical and experimental study of the regularities of phase formation in the Ti-Al – Nb(Ta, V) alloy obtained by the joint aluminothermal reduction of metals from oxides is car-ried out. The physicochemical properties of the alloys were studied


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    The effectiveness of perftoran and recombinant superoxide dismutase in complex post-operative therapy in patients with acute intestinal obstruction was investigated. All patients (two groups) were combined. 49 patients received traditional complex therapy, 42 patients during the operation were given additional intravenous infusion recombinant superoxide dismutase and perftoran. Leucocyte intoxication index, the concentration of middle-weight molecules, dien conjugats and malone dialdehyde in serum, iron-induced and spontaneous chemiluminescence of blood serum, superoxide dismutase activity and catalase of erythrocyte at all patients were determined. It was established application of the perftoran and recombinant superoxide dismutase promotes the decrease of free-radical processes intensity, the reduction of endogenous intoxication and reduces the risk of the evident intestinal insufficiency development in patients with acute intestinal obstruction.Исследована эффективность включения перфторана и рекомбинантной супероксид- дисмутазы в комплексную послеоперационную терапию у больных с острой кишечной непроходимостью. Все больные были разделены на две группы. 49 пациентов получали традиционную комплексную терапию, а 42-м во время операции вводили дополнительно внутривенно капельно перфторан и рекомбинантную супероксиддисмутазу. У всех больных определяли лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации, концентрацию в сыворотке крови молекул средней массы, диеновых конъюгат и малонового диальдегида, спонтанную и железоиндуцированную хемилюминесценцию, активность супероксиддисмутазы и каталазы эритроцитов. Установлено, что применение перфторана и рекомбинантной супероксиддисмутазы способствует снижению интенсивности свободно-радикального окисления, уменьшению эндогенной интоксикации, а также снижает риск развития выраженной энтеральной недостаточности у больных с острой кишечной непроходимостью.