11 research outputs found

    A set of variable plastid SSR markers for the genus Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae)

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    The genus Cryptanthus (Bromeliaceae) is endemic to Brazil. Many of its currentlyrecognized 66 species are narrow endemics that are threatened by habitat destruction.Molecular markers are needed to evaluate the extent and distribution of genetic diversityin rare Cryptanthus species, which would be a prerequisite for taking appropriateconservation measures. Here we describe the development of plastid microsatellitemarkers (cpSSRs) for Cryptanthus. PCR primers specific for 34 cpSSR loci in Dyckiamarnier-lapostollei were initially tested for their functionality in Cryptanthus schwackeanus. PCR was successful for 29 loci, and 13 loci were shown to harbour extended stretches of mononucleotide repeats. Seven loci were further characterized bygenotyping Cryptanthus samples at the level of populations and species, and six lociproved to be polymorphic among 30 individuals of each of the two endangered species C. schwackeanus and C. warren-loosei, respectively. All primers cross-amplified in other genera from three subfamilies of Bromeliaceae

    Isospin decomposition of the basic double-pionic fusion in the region of the ABC effect

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    Exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements of the basic double pionic fusion reactions pn -> dpi0pi0, pn -> d pi+pi- and pp -> dpi+pi0 have been carried out simultaneously over the energy region of the ABC effect using the WASA detector setup at COSY. Whereas the isoscalar reaction part given by the dpi0pi0 channel exhibits the ABC effect, i.e. a low-mass enhancement in the pipi-invariant mass distribution, as well as the associated resonance structure in the total cross section, the isovector part given by the dpi+pi0 channel shows a smooth behavior consistent with the conventional t-channel Delta Delta process. The dpi+pi- data are very well reproduced by combining the data for isovector and isoscalar contributions, if the kinematical consequences of the isospin violation due to different masses for charged and neutral pions are taken into account