9 research outputs found

    Impact of temporomandibular disorders on the stomatognathic system in children

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    To evaluate the EMG activity and thickness of right masseter (RM), left masseter (LM), right temporal (RT) and left temporal (LT) muscles and bite force in children with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Forty five children (mean age 8.8 years; 22 boys and 23 girls) were examined on the basis of the RDC/TMD and the Faces Pain Scale-Revised (FPS-R) was used to determine the level of severity of the signs and symptoms of TMD, resulting in four groups: GI - without TMD (n=10); GII - with mild TMD (n=18), GIII: with moderate TMD (n=12) and GIV: with severe TMD (n=5). The data of electromyographic activity, maximum bite force and muscle thickness were tabulated and submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA, P?0.05). Children with TMD signs and symptoms had lower EMG activity than children of the control group. There was significant difference among the groups for the LT at rest (P=0.01), right (P=0.03) and left (P=0.05) laterality, and for the LM (P=0.01) and LT (P=0.03) muscles in maximum voluntary contraction. There were no statistically significant differences among the groups regarding muscle thickness. The bite force was lower in the TMD groups than children of the control group, with significant statistical difference for the right region (P=0.03). The severity of TMD signs and symptoms affected the EMG activity and the molar bite force in children. However, structural changes in the thickness of masticatory muscles are not perceptible in children with TMD signs and symptoms


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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las relaciones entre la postura corporal y el sistema estomatognático, a partir de trabajos publicados en las áreas de odontología, fonoaudiología y fisioterapia, proporcionando, a estos profesionales, bases para el ejercicio clínico. El punto central de la discusión es la constatación de que la postura corporal global interfiere en la posición de la cabeza la cual es directamente responsable por la postura de la mandíbula. La relación inversa también puede ocurrir, o sea, disfunciones del sistema estomatognático, traen como consecuencia alteraciones posturales. Consideramos que los aspectos discutidos en el presente trabajo son de extrema importancia y ampliarán los criterios en el momento de la evaluación del paciente permitiendo así establecer un diagnóstico mas preciso y planificar una terapéutica mas adecuada.ABSTRACTThe aim of this review is to analyze the relationship between body posture and the stomatognathic system. Papers published on Dentistry arena, Phonoaudiology and Physiotherapy were analyzed. The central point of discussion is the fact that global body posture interfere with the head position that is directly responsible for the mandible posture. The inverse relation also needs to be considered, since stomatognathic system disorders can lead to posture alteration. The aspects discussed in this review are important and they need to be taken account when evaluating the patient. It will permit the establishment of the diagnosis with more accuracy and the therapy planning more appropriate.RESUMO Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre postura corporal e sistema estomatognático, a partir de trabalhos publicados nas áreas de Odontologia, Fonoaudiologia e Fisioterapia, proporcionando a estes profissionais uma reflexão para sua prática clínica. Os pontos centrais da discussão são a constatação de que a postura corporal global interfere na posição da cabeça que por sua vez é diretamente responsável pela postura da mandíbula. Em alguns casos a relação inversa também pode ocorrer, com uma disfunção do sistema estomatognático, levando a alterações posturais. As considerações apresentadas são importantes para auxiliar os profissionais envolvidos na obtenção do diagnóstico e adequada orientação terapêutica


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    En este trabajo es descrita la técnica de la ulectomía en pacientes con erupción dental retardada debido a fibrosis de la mucosa gingival. Son relatados aspectos relacionados al diagnóstico e indicación precisa de la técnica, a los exámenes clínico y radiográfico de la región, y presentados tres casos con resultados exitosos, después de la realización deste procedimento quirúrgico.ABSTRACTIn this study we describe the ulectomy in patients with retarded dental eruption due the fibrosis of the encíal mucosa. After clinical and radiographic exams of the area, and the presentation of three successful cases obtained after that surgical procedure, aspects relation with diagnosis and precise indication of that technique were related


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    El síndrome de Moebius se caracteriza por la parálisis congénita y no progresiva de los nervios craneanos facial y abducentes cuyas manifestaciones clínicas principales son la apariencia facial estática y poco expresiva, el estrabismo bilateral convergente y la hipoplasia de miembros, entre otras. En la cavidad bucal puede observarse micrognacia, implantación heterotrófica de la lengua, anquiloglosia, úvula bífida, fisura palatina y anomalías dentales. La etiología del síndrome de Moebius es poco conocida y algunos relatos de la literatura señalan, como la hipótesis más probable, una isquemia fetal transitoria, durante el período de formación de los núcleos craneanos. Los posibles factores causales de esta isquemia serian los de orden ambiental, los disturbios fisiopatológicos y genéticos, o el uso ilícito de drogas como el Misoprostol, durante la gestación. El presente trabajo relata el tratamiento odontológico realizado en una paciente portadora de este síndrome enfatizando las particularidades observadas durante la atención, en función de las características propias de esa entidad clínica.ABSTRACTMoebius syndrome is characterized by congenital and non-progressive paralysis of the facial and abducent cranial nerves. The principal manifestations of this syndrome are lack of facial expression, convergent bilateral strabismus and hypoplastic members. The oral findings include micrognatia, heterotrophic implantation of the tongue, ankyloglossia, bifid uvula, cleft palate and dental anomalies. The etiology of Moebius syndrome is unknown and some reports relate, as a main cause, the transitory fetal ischemia during the formation of cranial nucleus. The factors that lead to this ischemia are from ambient, physiopathological or genetic disturbs and use of drugs like Misoprostol during the pregnancy. This paper reports the dental treatment of a female patient with Moebius syndrome, emphasizing the peculiarities observed due to the characteristics of this clinical entity