84 research outputs found

    Rethinking Authority in the Carolingian Empire

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    By the early ninth century, the responsibility for a series of social, religious and political transformations had become an integral part of running the Carolingian empire. This became especially clear when, in 813/4, Louis the Pious and his court seized the momentum generated by their predecessors and broadened the scope of these reforms ever further. These reformers knew they represented a movement greater than the sum of its parts; the interdependence between those wielding imperial authority and those bearing responsibility for ecclesiastical reforms was driven by comprehensive, yet still surprisingly diverse expectations.Taking this diversity as a starting point, this book takes a fresh look at the optimistic first decades of the ninth century. Extrapolating from a series of detailed case studies rather than presenting a new grand narrative, it offers new interpretations of contemporary theories of personal improvement and institutional correctio, and shows the self-awareness of its main instigators as they pondered what it meant to be a good Christian in a good Christian empire

    'ln divinis scripturis legitur': monastieke idealen en het gebruik van de Bijbel in de Gesta Sanctorum Rotonensium

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    Taking the late ninth-century Breton Gesta Sactorum Rotonensium as a starting point, this article aims to demonstrate that there is more to the biblical quotations and allusions employed by early medieval hagiographers than initially meets the eye. By juxtaposing the stories these quotations are in with their 'original' biblical context, as wellas with patristic comrnentaries that were en vogue at the time, an attempt is made to show that the use of the Bible was more than merely topical and actually steered the interpretation of the narrative by its intended audience

    …ut normam salutiferam cunctis ostenderet : représentations de l’autorité impériale dans la Vita Benedicti Anianensis et la Vita Adalhardi

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    The reign of Louis the Pious was marked by a series of ecclesiastical and monastic reforms, directed by the Imperial Court. Given that the initiative for these reforms came from the court and not necessarily from the very communities involved, the debate about them also touched upon the question of who would have the right to intervene in monastic life, and in what way. In this article, two sources are analysed, each one proposing a different answer to this question. On the one hand, in the Vita Benedicti Anianensis, Imperial influence is explained as an obvious feature of Imperial authority. The Vita Adalhardi, on the other hand, seems to favour a world in which the responsibilities of the Imperial Court are limited to the preservation of monastic autonomy, without at the same time breaching it

    Many Lives, One Story: The Gesta sanctorum Rotensium and the Making of Redon

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    This article takes a fresh look at the composition of the Gesta sanctorum Rotonensium (Deeds of the Saints of Redon), a late 9th-century monastic narrative which tells of the foundation of Redon, in the south-east of present-day Brittany. This story is exceptional because not just the abbot but the entire first generation of monks is lauded for their sanctity and their contribution towards building a community. I will argue that the author, rather than presenting these lives as examples for subsequent generation of monks to follow, intended for these vignettes to serve as a confirmation of the sanctity of the community as a whole. The series of biographies that form the first part of the GSR show that Redon, in the eyes of the author of the GSR, was a place where an individual’s holiness could come to full fruition – not because that was a given, but because of the fact that members of the community always helped their brethren become the best version of themselves, both during their lifetime and especially in the close examination of their lives after death

    Agobard of Lyon, Empire, and Adoptionism : Reusing Heresy to Purify the Faith

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    pp. 8-23 of the Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference, Issue 4 (2016). The complete issue can be found at: http://hdl.handle.net/1887/38532Wetensch. publicati

    Audience and Reception

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    This chapter sketches a basic conceptual framework for identifying and analysing the audiences and receptions of the kind of medieval biographical collections studied in this special issue. To do so, it sets out the range of approaches taken by the contributors and situates these approaches in relation to previous scholarship on the reception and interpretation of textual sources. Particular attention is given to the dynamic relationships between those who wrote texts and those who read and utilised them, relationships which are especially pertinent for studying compilations. In the process of transmission and reception, old texts were imbued with new meanings as later readers excerpted, copied and compiled them into novel collections. It is argued that by exploring biographical collections in the light of audience and reception, it is possible to uncover some of the different ways that authors/compilers sought to articulate notions of community

    Modeling the sorption dynamics of NaH using a reactive force field

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    We have parametrized a reactive force field for NaH, ReaxFFNaH, against a training set of ab initio derived data. To ascertain that ReaxFFNaH is properly parametrized, a comparison between ab initio heats of formation of small representative NaH clusters with ReaxFFNaH was done. The results and trend of ReaxFFNaH are found to be consistent with ab initio values. Further validation includes comparing the equations of state of condensed phases of Na and NaH as calculated from ab initio and ReaxFFNaH. There is a good match between the two results, showing that ReaxFFNaH is correctly parametrized by the ab initio training set. ReaxFFNaH has been used to study the dynamics of hydrogen desorption in NaH particles. We find that ReaxFFNaH properly describes the surface molecular hydrogen charge transfer during the abstraction process. Results on heat of desorption versus cluster size shows that there is a strong dependence on the heat of desorption on the particle size, which implies that nanostructuring enhances desorption process. To gain more insight into the structural transformations of NaH during thermal decomposition, we performed a heating run in a molecular dynamics simulation. These runs exhibit a series of drops in potential energy, associated with cluster fragmentation and desorption of molecular hydrogen. This is consistent with experimental evidence that NaH dissociates at its melting point into smaller fragments

    Predictions of melting, crystallization, and local atomic arrangements of aluminum clusters using a reactive force field

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    A parametrized reactive force field model for aluminum ReaxFFAl has been developed based on density functional theory (DFT) data. A comparison has been made between DFT and ReaxFFAl outputs to ascertain whether ReaxFFAl is properly parametrized and to check if the output of the latter has correlation with DFT results. Further checks include comparing the equations of state of condensed phases of Al as calculated from DFT and ReaxFFAl. There is a good match between the two results, again showing that ReaxFFAl is correctly parametrized as per the DFT input. Simulated annealing has been performed on aluminum clusters Aln using ReaxFFAl to find the stable isomers of the clusters. A plot of stability function versus cluster size shows the existence of highly stable clusters (magic clusters). Quantum mechanically these magic clusters arise due to the complete filling of the orbital shells. However, since force fields do not care about electrons but work on the assumption of validity of Born–Oppenheimer approximation, the magic clusters are therefore correlated with high structural symmetry. There is a rapid decline in surface energy contribution due to the triangulated nature of the surface atoms leading to higher coordination number. The bulk binding energy is computed to be 76.8 kcal/mol. This gives confidence in the suitability of ReaxFF for studying and understanding the underlying dynamics in aluminum clusters. In the quantification of the growth of cluster it is seen that as the size of the clusters increase there is preference for the coexistence of fcc/hcp orders at the expense of simple icosahedral ordering, although there is some contribution from distorted icosahedral ordering. It is found that even for aluminum clusters with 512 atoms distorted icosahedral ordering exists. For clusters with N≥256 atoms fcc ordering dominates, which implies that at this point we are already on the threshold of bulklike bonding

    Parametrization of a reactive force field for aluminum hydride

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    A reactive force field, REAXFF, for aluminum hydride has been developed based on density functional theory (DFT) derived data. REAXFF_(AlH_3) is used to study the dynamics governing hydrogen desorption in AlH_3. During the abstraction process of surface molecular hydrogen charge transfer is found to be well described by REAXFF_(AlH_3). Results on heat of desorption versus cluster size show that there is a strong dependence of the heat of desorption on the particle size, which implies that nanostructuring enhances desorption process. In the gas phase, it was observed that small alane clusters agglomerated into a bigger cluster. After agglomeration molecular hydrogen was desorbed from the structure. This thermodynamically driven spontaneous agglomeration followed by desorption of molecular hydrogen provides a mechanism on how mobile alane clusters can facilitate the mass transport of aluminum atoms during the thermal decomposition of NaAlH_4
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