1,066 research outputs found

    Kollektive Energieeffizienz auf mehrspurigen Straßen

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    Die kontinuierliche Zunahme der Verkehrsdichte sowie der Wunsch nach autonomen Straßenfahrzeugen, lässt die Fahraufgabe aus technischer Sicht immer mehr zu einer vernetzten Aufgabe werden. Da sich die Fahrzeuge in ihrer Bewegung gegenseitig beeinflussen, reicht es zukünftig nicht mehr aus, sie ausschließlich isoliert zu betrachten, sondern die Energieoptimierungsbestrebungen sind zusätzlich unter Berücksichtigung des umliegenden Verkehrs durchzuführen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die fahrzeugübergreifende Betrachtung von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen auf Grundlage von Fahrmanöverentscheidungen, die dezentral in den Straßenfahrzeugen verortet sind. Für eine kollektive Energieeffizienzbewertung wird eine Metrik entwickelt, welche die Belange aller Fahrzeuge in einem definierten Umfeld, das als taktisches Fahrzeugumfeld definiert wird, einbezieht. Es werden die tatsächlichen Energiebedarfe mithilfe einer analytischen Abschätzung normiert, um eine Vergleichbarkeit zu schaffen, ohne dabei den ursprünglichen Transportwunsch zu vernachlässigen. Die entstandene Effizienzmetrik ermöglicht die Analyse von simulierten Fahrszenarien. Für eine Überführung von realen Szenarien in die Simulation kommt ein teil-automatisiertes Vorgehen zum Einsatz, das aus Video-Aufzeichnungen relevante Informationen extrahiert. Erkenntnisse der Szenarienanalysen und der Einsatz von Verhaltensmodellen aus den Verkehrswissenschaften bilden mit Anpassungen auf mehrere Fahrzeuge das Konzept eines kollektiven Energieeffizienz-Assistenten und einer zugehörigen Simulationsumgebung. Die Realisierung des Konzepts setzt eine umfangreiche und konsistente Erfassung sowie Interpretation des Fahrzeugumfeldes voraus. Dieser Herausforderung wird mit dem Aufbau eines abstrakten Modells begegnet, welches den Assistenten partitioniert und die Umfelderfassung abstrahiert. Eine prototypische Realisierung des Assistenten zeigt das Einsparpotential von Energie, Kraftstoff und CO2-Ausstoß der fahrzeugübergreifenden Betrachtungsweise basierend auf realen, aufgezeichneten und anschließend variierten Szenarien auf. Dabei integriert die Implementierung des Assistenten sowohl eine direkte Ausführung der ermittelten Manövervorschläge, wie auch die Anzeige über eine Tablet-App, welche das nähere Fahrzeugumfeld und die errechneten Fahrmanövervorschläge visualisiert

    results from a cross-sectional internet survey

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    Background Recent evidence suggests that the majority of HIV transmissions among men who have sex with men (MSM) occur between steady partners. We sought to determine factors associated with HIV transmission risks in steady partnerships. Methods Data is from the German cross-sectional 2013 Gay Men and AIDS survey. The study population was HIV-negative or untested men reporting a steady partnership and at least one non-steady anal sex partner in the previous year. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to determine which of several independent variables best predicted both unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with a non-steady partner and lack of HIV testing in the past year (high-risk outcome group). Results The study population consisted of 1731 men. Among individuals in the outcome group (n = 271), 67 % reported UAI with a non-steady partner of unknown status and 9 % reported UAI with a non-steady HIV-positive partner in the past 12 months; 55 % considered themselves to be at low risk for HIV acquisition. In multivariate analyses (n = 1304), participants were statistically more likely to belong to the outcome group if they reported UAI with their steady partner in the past year (OR = 2.21), did not know their steady partner’s HIV status (OR = 1.98), or agreed that condoms were disruptive during sex (OR = 3.82 (strongly agree), OR = 2.19 (agree)). Participants were less likely to belong to the outcome group if they were out to their primary doctor (OR = 0.54), were well-educated about post-exposure prophylaxis (OR = 0.46), had sought information on HIV in the past year and kept condoms in an accessible place (OR = 0.20), or believed that insisting on condoms would lead partners to assume they were HIV-negative (OR = 0.20). Participants in the outcome group were more likely to say they would use HIV home tests (OR = 1.58) or pre-exposure prophylaxis (OR = 2.11). Conclusions Based on our results, we reflect on HIV prevention measures that should be improved in order to better target behaviors that may lead to HIV transmission between MSM in steady relationships. In particular, we highlight the need for multifaceted interventions focusing not only on members of the at-risk community themselves, but on communities as a whole

    Transport in the 3-dimensional Anderson model: an analysis of the dynamics on scales below the localization length

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    Single-particle transport in disordered potentials is investigated on scales below the localization length. The dynamics on those scales is concretely analyzed for the 3-dimensional Anderson model with Gaussian on-site disorder. This analysis particularly includes the dependence of characteristic transport quantities on the amount of disorder and the energy interval, e.g., the mean free path which separates ballistic and diffusive transport regimes. For these regimes mean velocities, respectively diffusion constants are quantitatively given. By the use of the Boltzmann equation in the limit of weak disorder we reveal the known energy-dependencies of transport quantities. By an application of the time-convolutionless (TCL) projection operator technique in the limit of strong disorder we find evidence for much less pronounced energy dependencies. All our results are partially confirmed by the numerically exact solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation or by approximative numerical integrators. A comparison with other findings in the literature is additionally provided.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Interaction-induced delocalization of two particles in a random potential: Scaling properties

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    The localization length ξ2\xi_2 for coherent propagation of two interacting particles in a random potential is studied using a novel and efficient numerical method. We find that the enhancement of ξ2\xi_2 over the one-particle localization length ξ1\xi_1 satisfies the scaling relation ξ2/ξ1=f(u/Δξ)\xi_2/\xi_1=f(u/\Delta_\xi), where uu is the interaction strength and Δξ\Delta_{\xi} the level spacing of a wire of length ξ1\xi_1. The scaling function ff is linear over the investigated parameter range. This implies that ξ2\xi_2 increases faster with uu than previously predicted. We also study a novel mapping of the problem to a banded-random-matrix model.Comment: 5 pages and two figures in a uuencoded, compressed tar file; uses revtex and psfig.sty (included); substantial revision of a previous version of the paper including newly discovered scaling behavio

    Emergence delirium in children is not related to intraoperative burst suppression – prospective, observational electrography study

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    BACKGROUND: Emergence-delirium is the most frequent brain dysfunction in children recovering from general anaesthesia, though the pathophysiological background remains unclear. The presented study analysed an association between emergence delirium and intraoperative Burst Suppression activity in the electroencephalogram, a period of very deep hypnosis during general anaesthesia. METHODS: In this prospective, observational cohort study at the Charité - university hospital in Berlin / Germany children aged 0.5 to 8 years, undergoing planned surgery, were included between September 2015 and February 2017. Intraoperative bi-frontal electroencephalograms were recorded. Occurrence and duration of Burst Suppression periods were visually analysed. Emergence delirium was assessed using the Pediatric Assessment of Emergence Delirium Score. RESULTS: From 97 children being analysed within this study, 40 children developed emergence delirium, and 57 children did not. Overall 52% of the children displayed intraoperative Burst Suppression periods; however, occurrence and duration of Burst Suppression (Emergence delirium group 55% / 261 + 462 s vs. Non-emergence delirium group 49% / 318 + 531 s) did not differ significantly between both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Our data reveal no correlation between the occurrence and duration of intraoperative Burst Suppression activity and the incidence of emergence delirium. Burst Suppression occurrence is frequent; however, it does not seem to have an unfavourable impact on cerebral function at emergence from general anaesthesia in children

    Length scale dependent diffusion in the Anderson model at high temperatures

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    We investigate a single particle on a 3-dimensional, cubic lattice with a random on-site potential (3D Anderson model). We concretely address the question whether or not the dynamics of the particle is in full accord with the diffusion equation. Our approach is based on the time-convolutionless (TCL) projection operator technique and allows for a detailed investigation of this question at high temperatures. It turns out that diffusive dynamics is to be expected for a rather short range of wavelengths, even if the amount of disorder is tuned to maximize this range. Our results are partially counterchecked by the numerical solution of the full time-dependent Schroedinger equation.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physica

    Comorbidity and long‐term clinical outcome of laryngotracheal clefts types III and IV: Systematic analysis of new cases

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    Background Long segment laryngotracheoesophageal clefts (LTECs) are very rare large‐airway malformations. Over the last 40 years mortality rates declined substantially due to improved intensive care and surgical procedures. Nevertheless, long‐term morbidity, comorbidity, and clinical outcomes have rarely been assessed systematically. Methods In this retrospective case series, the clinical presentation, comorbidities, treatment, and clinical outcomes of all children with long‐segment LTEC that were seen at our department in the last 15 years were collected and analyzed systematically. Results Nine children were diagnosed with long segment LTEC (four children with LTEC type III and five patients with LTEC type IV). All children had additional tracheobronchial, gastrointestinal, or cardiac malformations. Tracheostomy for long‐time ventilation and jejunostomy for adequate nutrition was necessary in all cases. During follow‐up one child died from multiorgan failure due to sepsis at the age of 43 days. The clinical course of the other eight children (median follow‐up time 5.2 years) was stable. Relapses of the cleft, recurrent aspirations, and respiratory tract infections led to repeated hospital admissions. Conclusions Long‐segment LTECs are consistently associated with additional malformations, which substantially influence long‐term morbidity. For optimal management, a multidisciplinary approach is essential

    Burmese amber fossils bridge the gap in the Cretaceous record of polypod ferns

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    publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Burmese amber fossils bridge the gap in the Cretaceous record of polypod ferns journaltitle: Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2016.01.003 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.Copyright © 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved. This document is the authors' final accepted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from it

    NEX4EX: Novel Exercise Hardware for Exploration

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    This paper presents the NEX4EX project Novel Exercise Hardware for Exploration, which aims to design, build and validate a full-body countermeasure platform that enables high intensive resistive and plyometric exercise as well as postural control training, and strength training. The NEX4EX exerciser herewith addresses neuromuscular and musculoskeletal deconditioning. The intended use is to improve crew health and fitness maintenance for long-duration space missions beyond ISS lifetime. This will require the system to be multi-purpose / versatile in terms of exercises added to a smaller footprint than systems currently used on ISS. NEX4EX is a novel concept for a novel utilization paradigm given future space exploration-class missions

    NEX4EX: Novel Exercise Hardware for Exploration

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    This paper presents the NEX4EX project Novel Exercise Hardware for Exploration, which aims to design, build and validate a full-body countermeasure platform that enables high intensive resistive and plyometric exercise as well as postural control training, and strength training. The NEX4EX exerciser herewith addresses neuromuscular and musculoskeletal deconditioning. The intended use is to improve crew health and fitness maintenance for long-duration space missions beyond ISS lifetime. This will require the system to be multi-purpose / versatile in terms of exercises added to a smaller footprint than systems currently used on ISS. NEX4EX is a novel concept for a novel utilization paradigm given future space exploration-class missions