4 research outputs found

    Kajian Emisi Partikulat dan Gas dari suatu Pertambangan Nikel di Halmahera Tengah

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    Nikel merupakan jenis logam yang sangat penting untuk infrastruktur modern, sehingga pencarian deposit nikel terus dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nikel di dunia. Indonesia merupakan negara dengan deposit nikel yang sangat besar, yaitu 16.200 kt nikel. Salah satu lokasi di Indonesia yang memiliki kandungan nikel adalah Halmahera Tengah. Bijih lateric yang mengandung nikel diangkat dari dalam bumi untuk diolah dan dihasilkan bijih nikel. Keberadaan pertambangan nikel memiliki berbagai dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan, salah satunya adalah penurunan kualitas udara akibat peningkatan konsentrasi pencemar udara. Berbagai jenis pencemar diemisikan dari kegiatan pertambangan, diantaranya adalah partikulat, NOx, SO2, SO3+H2SO4, debu nikel, dan H2S. Tingkat konstribusi pertambangan nikel terhadap pencemaran udara dapat dilihat dengan menghitung laju emisi dari kegiatan operasional pertambangan. Laju emisi dari pertambangan nikel dapat diperoleh melalui invetarisasi emisi. Kegiatan dan proses di pertambangan nikel yang berpotensi menjadi sumber emisi diidentifikasi terlebih dahulu dalam tahap pertama inventarisasi emisi. Selanjutnya, perhitungan emisi dilakukan berdasarkan ketersediaan data yang diperoleh. Faktor emisi yang dipilih dalam perhitungan emisi mempertimbangkan ketersediaan data. Emisi dihitung dengan mengalikan faktor emisi dengan data aktifitas. Berdasarkan hasil inventarisasi emisi, diketahui bahwa pencemar yang paling banyak dihasilkan oleh pertambangan nikel adalah partikulat dengan jumlah 35.173,96 ton. Sumber utama partikulat adalah pertambangan bijih dengan kontribusi sebesar 83%. Sementara itu, gas pencemar yang paling banyak diemisikan dari pertambangan nikel adalah SO2 dengan jumlah 8.392,61 ton. Sumber utama gas SO2 adalah pabrik asam dengan kontribusi sebesar 72%

    Potensi Mitigasi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Kegiatan Eksplorasi dan Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi di PT. Xyz

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    The activity of exploration and production in oil and gas industry is significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission source. PT. XYZ is one of upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia and it have large crude oil and gas potential with it reserves that not manage yet. Therefore, GHG emission potential from the activity of exploration and production in PT. XYZ is very large. This study is done for estimate GHG emission reduction potential in PT. XYZ from various activities. Emission inventory is the first step to estimate GHG released to atmosphere. Method of estimation use the method developed by American Petroleum Institute (API). This study considers three types of mitigation measures options, including technical options (scenario 1), behavior option (scenario 2), and policy option (scenario 3). Based on emission inventory, flare and oil storage tank are primary source of GHG emissions in PT. XYZ. Scenario 1 prefers control of GHG emissions in flare and storage tank as primary emission source. While others scenario prefers to control GHG emission from transportation sector. Scenario 1 has potential to reduce emissions by 48.3 %. While scenario 2, and 3 in sequences have potential to reduce emissions by 0.15%, and 0.52%. Emissions flare and oil storage tank can be reduced through the installation of flaring gas recovery unit and vapor recovery unit. Both are effective and efficient in reducing GHG emissions in PT. XYZ. In addition, all mitigation measures of transportation sector provide benefits even though the amount of GHG that can be reduced is not significant

    Analisis Sumber Air Baku untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Rusunawa Giriasih di Kecamatan Batujajar Kabupaten Bandung Barat

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    Administratively, Giriasih Rusunawa located at Jalan Griya Asri Permai, Kampung Babakan RT 01 and 02 RW 18 Kampung Babakan, Giriasih Village, Batujajar Sub-District, West Bandung Regency, is in a difficult area for clean water. This study aims to determine the alternative sources of raw water that will be used to meet water needs in Rusunawa. Alternative raw water sources, namely groundwater, surface and rain. The method used by comparing water quality with quality standards. The parameters tested consisted of physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters. The quality monitored is compared to the quality standard based on Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 Class I concerning Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution Control and PerMenKes No. 492 of 2010 concerning Drinking Water Quality Requirements. Based on the results of analysis of raw water sources, surface water is very possible to be used as a source of water to meet the needs of water in flat from all aspects. Quantity aspect, Saguling Reservoir guarantees continuous availability of raw water, which is 4,000 l / sec and can still be developed up to 5,000 l / sec. Parameters that do not meet quality standards on surface water are: BOD, COD, Phosphate and Manganese. Based on the results of the calculation of water requirements of 3 l / sec to serve the water needs in the flat

    Preliminary Estimation On Air Pollution Load Over Bogor City Towards Development Of Clean Air Action Plan

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    Emission inventory (EI) data are crucial to provide source apportionment and relative strength of various air pollutant sources in a city. The process of EI compilation can be either bottom-up or top-down, which depends on data availability and other resources. For a city like Bogor, known as a buffer zone of the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, these EI data are now available only for greenhouse gases (GHGs) but not for the air pollutants. Therefore, a top-down EI was designed and implemented for the city in the base year of 2016. Note that the sources of activity data were compiled from the previously arranged GHGs EI database as well as some other data gathered from the local authority. We adopted the EI framework of the Atmospheric Brown Cloud Emission Inventory Manual spreadsheet for the compilation. We included SO2, CO, NO2, PM10, PM2.5, NMVOC, and PM components (black carbon and organic carbon). Point sources, area sources, as well as mobile sources, were considered in the emission estimation. The latter species were included as they are known as strong short-lived climate-forcing pollutants (SLCPs). On-road transport contributed significantly to SO2, NMVOC, and PM2.5, with a portion of 60-86% of the total emission. Industrial combustion sources dominated the shares to the total emissions of NOx (91%) and CO (92%). Based on this baseline information, we then proposed the source wise clean air action plan for the city in order to reduce the emission. A more accurate and up to date EI database should be done through a survey to get local representative activity data and to be compiled on a regular basis