54 research outputs found

    D2R signaling in striatal spiny neurons modulates L-DOPA induced dyskinesia

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    Degeneration of dopaminergic neurons leads to Parkinson's disease (PD), characterized by reduced levels of striatal dopamine (DA) and impaired voluntary movements. DA replacement is achieved by levodopa treatment which in long-term causes involuntary movements or dyskinesia. Dyskinesia is linked to the pulsatile activation of D1 receptors of the striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) forming the direct output pathway (dMSNs). The contribution of DA stimulation of D2R in MSNs of the indirect pathway (iMSNs) is less clear. Using the 6-hydroxydopamine model of PD, here we show that loss of DA-mediated inhibition of these neurons intensifies levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) leading to reprogramming of striatal gene expression. We propose that the motor impairments characteristic of PD and of its therapy are critically dependent on D2R-mediated iMSNs activity. D2R signaling not only filters inputs to the striatum but also indirectly regulates dMSNs mediated responses

    Mutation of neuron-specific chromatin remodeling subunit BAF53b:rescue of plasticity and memory by manipulating actin remodeling

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    Recent human exome-sequencing studies have implicated polymorphic Brg1-associated factor (BAF) complexes (mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes) in several intellectual disabilities and cognitive disorders, including autism. However, it remains unclear how mutations in BAF complexes result in impaired cognitive function. Post-mitotic neurons express a neuron-specific assembly, nBAF, characterized by the neuron-specific subunit BAF53b. Subdomain 2 of BAF53b is essential for the differentiation of neuronal precursor cells into neurons. We generated transgenic mice lacking subdomain 2 of Baf53b (BAF53b Delta SB2). Long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP) and long-term memory, both of which are associated with phosphorylation of the actin severing protein cofilin, were assessed in these animals. A phosphorylation mimic of cofilin was stereotaxically delivered into the hippocampus of BAF53b Delta SB2 mice in an effort to rescue LTP and memory. BAF53b Delta SB2 mutant mice show impairments in phosphorylation of synaptic cofilin, LTP, and memory. Both the synaptic plasticity and memory deficits are rescued by overexpression of a phosphorylation mimetic of cofilin. Baseline physiology and behavior were not affected by the mutation or the experimental treatment. This study suggests a potential link between nBAF function, actin cytoskeletal remodeling at the dendritic spine, and memory formation. This work shows that a targeted manipulation of synaptic function can rescue adult plasticity and memory deficits caused by manipulations of nBAF, and thereby provides potential novel avenues for therapeutic development for multiple intellectual disability disorders

    Integrin-driven actin polymerization consolidates long-term potentiation

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    Long-term potentiation (LTP), like memory, becomes progressively more resistant to disruption with time after its formation. Here we show that threshold conditions for inducing LTP cause a rapid, long-lasting increase in polymerized filamentous actin in dendritic spines of adult hippocampus. Two independent manipulations that reverse LTP disrupted this effect when applied shortly after induction but not 30 min later. Function-blocking antibodies to β1 family integrins selectively eliminated both actin polymerization and stabilization of LTP. We propose that the initial stages of consolidation involve integrin-driven events common to cells engaged in activities that require rapid morphological changes