8 research outputs found

    Образ козацтва в поемі Симона Пекаліда «Про Острозьку війну…» (Аn image of the Cossacks in poem of Simon Pekalid «About Ostroh war…»)

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    У статті розглянуто, як у латиномовній поемі Симона Пекаліда «Про Острозьку війну…» («De bello Ostrogianо…»), котра була написана на замовлення князів Острозьких, був представлений образ козацтва – наскільки цей образ поданий тенденційно, а наскільки він відповідав реаліям. (The article examines how in the Latin-language poem of Simon Pekalid «About Ostroh war… («De bello Ostrogianо…»), written on the request of the Princes Ostrogski, was presented an image of the Cossacks, how tendentious this image was and how it matched with the realities.

    Історіософія поеми Іоанна Домбровського «Дніпрові камени» (Historiosophy of the John Dombrowski poem «Dnipro stones»)

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    У статті розглядається латиномовна поема Іоанна Домбровського «Дніпрові камени», котра була опублікована в 1621 чи 1622 рр. і є цікавим явищем ренесансної культури в Україні. Ця поема запропонувала одне з перших цілісних бачень історії Русі-України як етнополітичної спільноти. Її історичну концепцію можна вважати національною. Русь у поемітрактується як самостійна геополітична одиниця, яка протистоїть і Заходу, і Сходу. (In the article a Latin poem by John Dombrowski «Dnipro Stones», which was published in 1621 is analyzed. This poem has offered one of the first holistic vision, the history of Ukraine as the ethno-political community. Its historical concept can be considered national. This poem treats Ruthenia as an independent geopolitical unit, which has opposed to the West and the East. Particular attention is paid to the Eastern aggressors – Tatars, Turks, Muscovites with which Rusich had to constantly fight. As for attitude to Western neighbors, despite the conflict with them, it is loyal. Author of «Dnipro Stones» inclined to regard Ruthenia as the part of the European world.

    Роль святых Кирилла и Мефодия в становлении православно-славянской культуры (The role of saints cyril and methodius in the formation of the orthodox slavonic culture)

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    Рассматривается основная культурная деятельность святых Кирилла и Мефодия, которая осуществлялась за пределами русских земель, однако имела для них значительные последствия. Здесь со временем утвердилась старославянский письменность, появились книги, переведенные на старославянский язык. Авторы считают, что Константин и Мефодий стали одним из первых мостиков, которые связали давнюю Болгарию с Русью, заложили основу для элитарной православнославянской культуры, которая имела распространение в Восточной Европе и на Балканах в период Средневековья. (The authors focus their attention on Constantine-Cyril, “Apostle to the Slavs” and the creator of the first Slavic alphabet. In Chersonese he found the relicts of one of the first Christian Martyres, the fourth Pope Clement. Constantine had brought the part of relicts to Moravia and later moved them to Rome, where they were placed at the St. Clement Church, the site of Constantine’s burial. In 860–861, Constantine found himself in the Kingdom of Khazars, where he tried to convert the citizens of this nation to Christianity. Constantine’s stay at the Northern Black Sea coast, namely in Chersonese, became an introduction to his mission in Moravia that began in 862. Great Moravia did not manage to become the main cultural centre of the Slavic Orthodox world, which happened due to different circumstances, especially because of the pressure by German Catholics. After the death of Constantine and Methodius, their successors, who were persecuted, had to flee the land and move to Bulgaria. Although solunian brothers did their cultural activity mainly outside the borders of Slavic lands, it played an important role there. Here with time approved Old-Slavonian written language into the world came books translated into Old-Slavonian language. The study proved that Constantine and Methodius was played high tribute in Kyiv Rus. The activities of the Thessalonica brothers were described in detail in The Tale of Bygone Years. Besides, fifty scrolls of The Life of Cyril were preserved. All in all, this hagiographic work had its roots in Ancient Rus. Constantine made a significant contribution to the establishment of Saint Clement’s cult, which was much revered in Kyiv. The Thessalonica brothers translated texts of not only liturgical, but also of religious and philosophical style. Constantine was also an author of original treatises. According to hagiographic literature, in 863 Constantine devised the Slavonic alphabet for the Moravians. Possibly this was the Glagolitic alphabet as the Cyrillic one was created later in Bulgaria. A great merit of Constantine and Methodius was the regulation of the written form of the Slavonic language. Accordingly, these facts give reasons to believe that the Thessalonica brothers, who were probably of Bulgarian origin, were involved in the Old Rus culture. They became one of the first bridges that connected ancient Bulgaria with Rus and laid the foundation of the elite Orthodox and Slavonic culture which was widespread on the territory of Eastern Europe and Balkans in the Middle Ages.

    Острозька академія та Острозька Біблія: історико-філософський контекст

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    У статті розглядається специфіка філософської думки в Острозькій академії (1576-1636), показано боротьбу між тра-диціоналістським напрямком та напрямком прогресивістським, орієнтованим на використання ренесансний та реформаційних ідей. Особлива увага приділена питанню видання Острозької Біблії (1580-1581) для розвитку філософії й теології в Україні.(This article regards the specifics of philosophical thought in the Ostroh academy (1576-1636). Besides, a struggle between traditionalistic and modernistic approaches, both being orientated on implementation of ideas of Renaissance and Reformation periods, is shown. A special attention is paid to the issue of significance of Ostroh Bible publication for the development of philosophical and theological studies in Ukraine.

    Scientific foundations of modern pedagogy: collective monograph

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    Collection of scientific articles published is the scientific and practical publication, which contains scientific articles of students, graduate students, Candidates and Doctors of Sciences, research workers and practitioners from Europe and Ukraine. The articles contain the study, reflecting the processes and changes in the structure of modern science. The collection of scientific articles is for students, postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, teachers, researchers, practitioners and people interested in the trends of modern science development