893 research outputs found

    Analysis of pig meat production with respect to different housing systems of pig

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    The research focused on two production systems of fattening pigs: conventional system (housing on cross - barred floor) and ecological system (housing on deep litter). Favorable climatic conditions for pig meat production, possibilities to produce cheaper food of better quality and great amounts of litter, are a good basis for making ecological pig production widely accepted by family farms. Ecological aspect of such production of pigs, along with its economic analysis will be key factors, which will influence pig producers in their choice of the most suitable technological solution. In comparison to the conventional way of keeping pigs, main advantages of pig housing on deep litter are cheaper building and equipping of pens, better effect on health conditions of pigs, as well as easier manipulating with manure. Following this context, the research objective was to analyze economic indicators of different pig production systems and to compare economic results obtained in conventional and ecological way of pig production. The research aim was to determine economic possibilities and to evaluate results of production systems in question, justifying their economic and social aspects.Economic Analysis, Conventional Production, Ecological Production, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Specifičnosti proizvodnje konzumnih jaja u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    The self-sufficiency and production of table eggs, as well as the balance of imports and exports in the period from 2013 to 2019 are investigated in this paper. In the aforementioned period, egg production increased by 8.3%, which was insufficient for domestic needs, and the market deficit was compensated by permanent imports. Self-sufficiency decreased to 95 and 90%, respectively. The importance of eggs in human diet, as well as their consumption, is also shown. Official statistical data were used to analyse the situation. Linear and exponential functions were used to describe the phenomena. Research has shown the specifics of egg production and consumption in the Republic of Croatia. Annual egg imports ranged from 2.6 to 15.4%. In order for the Republic of Croatia to be more competitive on the European market, it is necessary to intensify egg production and produce eggs more economically. It is assumed that in the coming period there will be an increase in egg production and consumption in the Republic of Croatia and in EU countries.U radu je analizirana samodostatnost i proizvodnja konzumnih jaja, odnos uvoza i izvoza u razdoblju od 2013. do 2019. godine. U navedenom razdoblju je doÅ”lo do povećanja proizvodnje jaja za 8,3% Å”to je nedovoljno za domaće potrebe te je tržiÅ”ni deficit nadoknađen stalnim uvozom. Samodostatnost se smanjila od 95 % na 90%. Nadalje, prikazana je važnost jaja u ljudskoj prehrani, kao i važnost njihove konzumacije. Za analizu su koriÅ”teni službeni podaci dok su za opis stanja koriÅ”tene linearne i eksponencijalne funkcije. Istraživanje je pokazalo specifičnosti proizvodnje i konzumacije jaja u Republici Hrvatskoj. GodiÅ”nji uvoz jaja kretao se od 2,6 do 15,4 %. Kako bi Republika Hrvatska bila konkurentnija na europskom tržiÅ”tu, potrebno je intenzivirati proizvodnju jaja i ekonomičnije proizvoditi. Pretpostavlja se da će u narednom razdoblju doći do povećanja proizvodnje i potroÅ”nje jaja u Republici Hrvatskoj i u zemljama Europske Unije


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    The paper investigates the influence of dietary replacement of 3% sunflower oil (SO group) with 3% milk thistle oil (MTO group) in broiler diets on fattening characteristics and carcass quality. During 42 days of fattening, MTO group achieved insignificantly higher live weight(2.21 kg: 2.19 kg; P>0.05), significantly better feed conversion (1.80 kg: 1.83 kg; P = 0.034) and production number (292.33:285.33; P = 0.013) compared to the SO broiler group. Carcass weight and portion of main parts did not statistically significantly differ between the groups (P>0.05). Market value of carcass cuts and breast fillets was higher in MTO group than in SO group. Lipids of breast and thigh muscles in the SO group contained significantly higher concent.U radu se istražuje utjecaj zamjene 3% suncokretovog ulja (SO skupina) s 3% ulja sikavice (MTO skupina) u hrani pilića na tovna svojstva i kvalitetu trupova. MTO skupina pilića postigla je nesignifikantno veću živu masu (2,21 kg: 2,19 kg; P>0,05) za 42 dana tova, signifikantno bolju konverziju hrane (1,80 kg: 1,83 kg; P = 0,034) i proizvodni broj (292,33: 285,33; P = 0,013) od SO skupine pilića. Masa trupa i udjeli osnovnih dijelova nisu se statistički značajno razlikovali između skupina (P>0,05). TržiÅ”na vrijednost konfekcioniranih trupova i prsnoga filea bila je veća kod MTO skupine u odnosu na SO skupinu brojlera. Lipidi miÅ”ića prsa i zabataka sadržavali su značajno veće koncentracije suma n-3 PUFA (2,48% : 1,91%, P = 0,049, odnosno 2,29%: 1,57%; P<0,001) kod SO u odnosu na MTO skupinu pilića

    Utjecaj brzine rasta na svojstva trupova, kvalitetu mesa i profil masnih kiselina broilera

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    This research investigates the growth rate of Ross 308 broilers (Group A 50g weight gain) during a 42-day fattening period and its influence on the carcass traits and technological quality of breast meat by referring to the broiler sex and fatty acid profile in breast and thigh muscles. The portions of breasts, drumsticks with thighs, back, wings (%), and dressing percentage (%) are considered for the assessment of carcass traits. Technological quality is determined by reviewing the following indicators: pH1, pH2, Ī”pH, drip loss, and the breast meat color (CIE L*, a*, b*) . This research confirms a significant influence of broiler sex and growth rate on the live weight gain and carcass weight (pĖ‚0.001) and the portions of breasts (p=0.006) and drumsticks with thighs (p=0.004) too. The growth rate has a significant influence on the portions of drumsticks with thighs and wings (pĖ‚0.001). Broiler sex exerts an influence on the differences in drip loss, % (p=0.003) and in the yellowness (p=0.029) of breast meat. There is a positive correlation determined between the pH1 and pH2 (p0.05). Highly significant differences (pĖ‚0.05) are determined, however, in the content of certain fatty acids between the breast and thigh muscles.U radu se istražuje utjecaj intenziteta prirasta Ross 308 brojlera ( 50g prirasta skupina B) u tovu do 42 dana na karakteristike trupova, tehnoloÅ”ku kvalitetu prsnoga mesa s obzirom na spol i profil masnih kiselina u miÅ”ićima prsa i zabataka. Karakteristike trupova određene su na osnovi udjela (%) prsa, bataka sa zabatcima, leđa, krila i randmana (%). Za vrjednovanje tehnoloÅ”ke kvalitete koriÅ”teni su sljedeći pokazatelji: pH1, pH2, Ī”pH, gubitak mesnoga soka i boje (CIE L*, a*, b*) prsnoga mesa. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj spola i intenziteta prirasta za živu težinu brojlera, masu trupova (pĖ‚0.001) te udjele prsa (p=0.006) i bataka sa zabatcima (p=0.004). Intenzitet prirasta statistički je značajno utjecao na udjele bataka sa zabacima i krila (pĖ‚0.001). Spol pilića utjecao je na razlike gubitka mesnoga soka, % (p=0.003) i razlike stupnja žutila (p=0.029) prsnoga mesa. Ustanovljena je pozitivna korelacija između pH1 i pH2 (p0.05). Utvrđene su statistički visoko značajne razlike (pĖ‚0.05) u sadržaju pojedinih masnih kiselina između miÅ”ića prsa i zabataka

    Zootechnical and economic aspects of producing biogas out of pig manure

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    U istraživanju je koriÅ”tena gnojovka s dvije svinjogojske farme u okolici Osijeka. Na jednoj od istraživanih farmi sustav uzgoja je na reÅ”etkastom podu (reÅ”etka) pa je količina suhe tvari gnojovke vrlo niska zbog velike količine tehnoloÅ”ke vode koja se koristi za ispiranje kanala. Količina suhe tvari (ST) iznosila je 3,8% i kondicionirana je na 10% suhe tvari dodavanjem krute separirane komponente. Kod svinja držanih na dubokoj stelji (DST) s druge farme, gnoj ima znatno veći udio suhe tvari koji iznosi 19,56%. Dodavanjem vode koncentracija ST svedena je na 10%. Prosječna dinamika stvaranja bioplina iz supstrata DST iznosila je 232,75 ml/dan, a iz supstrata reÅ”etka 105,25 ml/dan. Evidentirana je najintenzivnija proizvodnja kod supstrata iz duboke stelje u vremenskom razdoblju od 5. do 35. dana anaerobne fermentacije s prosječnom dnevnom proizvodnjom bioplina preko 472,44 ml. Kod gnojovke (reÅ”etka) intenzitet proizvodnje bioplina je znatno slabiji, najintenzivnija proizvodnja ostvarena je u vremenskom razdoblju od 2. do 21. dana uz prosječnu dnevnu proizvodnju od 390,92 ml. Ukupno ostvarena proizvodnja bioplina iz 500 ml svinjske gnojovke s 10% ST tijekom anaerobne fermentacije u trajanju od 80 dana iznosila je 18.768 ml (DST), a ukupna ostvarena proizvodnja iz 500 ml svinjske gnojovke s 10% ST 8.415 ml (reÅ”etka). Testiranjem proizvodnje dnevne količine plina a time i ukupne količine plina utvrđena je statistički vrlo visoko značajna razlika (Mann-Whitney; P<0,001) iz čega se može zaključiti da je sastav gnojovke sa steljom pogodniji za proizvodnju bioplina. Istraživanja pokazuju da se iz 1 m3 bioplina može se proizvesti 6,1 kWh električne energije. Na svinjogojskim farmama troÅ”i se velika količina električne i toplinske energije. Na istraživanoj farmi s reÅ”etkastim podovima godiÅ”nje se utroÅ”i 984200 kW električne energije i 433512 m3 zemnog plina. Izgradnjom bioplinskih pogona moguće je stajnjak i gnoj pretvoriti u energiju i na taj način osigurati vlastitu energiju, te smanjiti troÅ”kove proizvodnje.Pig manure that was used in the research was obtained on two farms situated near Osijek. The first farm used grid floor system (grid floor), so the amount of manure dry matter was low due to high amount of technological waters used for rinsing the drainage canals.The amount of 3.8% dry matter (DM) was conditioned at 10% of dry matter by adding solid separated component. The second farm used deep litter system (DL) and provided significantly higher amount of dry matter, 19.56%. By adding water, DM concentration was reduced to 10%. The average dynamics of producing biogas out of deep litter (DL) substrates was 232.75 ml/day, and out of grid floor substrates it was 105.25 ml/day. The most intensive production was achieved with deep litter substrates in the period from 5th to 35th day of anaerobic fermentation, when the average daily amount of produced gas reached 472.44 ml. Pig manure from grid floor had weaker intensity of biogas production. The most intensive biogas production was achieved from 2nd to 21st day, with average daily amount of 390.92 ml. Total biogas produced out of 500 ml of pig manure with 10% DM during an 80-day anaerobic fermentation was 18.768 ml (DL), and total biogas produced out of 500 ml pig manure from grid floor with 10% DM was 8.415 ml. By testing daily amounts of biogas and total biogas produced, statistically highly significant difference were determined (p<0.001), which led to a conclusion that deep litter pig manure was more favorable for biogas production. The research has proved that it is possible to produce 6.1 kWh of electric energy out of 1 m3 of biogas. Pig farms spend great amounts of electric and heating energy. The farm with grid floors spends yearly 984200 KW of electric energy and 433512 m3 of earth gas. Building plants for biogas production within farms enables usage of manure as a source of energy, thus producing their own energy affecting resulting in lower production costs


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    This paper presents the results of two separate experiments, each involving 75 chickens of Cobb 500 provenience, divided into three experimental groups. During the last three weeks of fattening, chickens were fed finisher diets supplemented with amino acids Ī²-alanine (0%, 0.5% and 1%) and L-histidine (0%, 0.3% and 0.5%) in different portions. After chickens have been slaughtered, 10 samples of breast tissue were taken from each group for carnosine content determination in muscle tissue and lipid oxidation expressed as TBARS. Analysis of THE results referring to carnosine concentration in breast muscle proved that supplementation of 0.5% L-histidine affected the carnosine concentration increase in breast muscles from 941.58 Āµg/g of tissue (H1) to 1186.06 Āµg/g of tissue (H3), while supplementation of 1% Ī²-alanine influenced the increase in carnosine concentration from 756.15 Āµg/g of tissue (A1) to 911.01 Āµg/g of tissue (A3). Supplementation of amino acids did not have effects on TBARS values, but oxidation values decreased along with the supplementation of higher amounts of amino acids to diets, which was particularly expressed in samples stored for 60 days at -20Ā°C. The experimental group H3 (0.5% L-histidine) exhibited 30.54% lower value of lipid oxidation than the control one H1 (0% L-histidine), while the group with 1% Ī²-alanine (A3) had lipid oxidation value by 17.65% lower than the control group A1 (0% Ī²-alanine)

    Market values of pig carcasses that differ in muscular tissue portions

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    TržiÅ”te svinjskog mesa u nas zahtjevno je s obzirom na udio miÅ”ićnog tkiva u polovicama. U R. Hrvatskoj najbrojnije pasmine svinja su Å”vedski landras (Å L) i veliki jorkÅ”ir (VJ), koje se koriste za proizvodnju F1 križanki i zatim se oplođuju s nerastima izuzetno mesnatih pasmina. U radu se istražuje tržiÅ”na vrijednost svinjskih polovica podrijetlom od trostrukih križanaca gdje se kao terminalna pasmina nerasta koristio pietren (P) u prvoj skupini, odnosno njemački landras (NJL) u drugoj skupini. Mesnatost svinjskih polovica procijenjena je metodom ā€ždvije točkeā€œ prema Pravilniku (1999., 2001.). Svinjske polovice razvrstane su prema udjelu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trgovačke klase (S)EURO, pri čemu je učestalost navedenih klasa u 1. skupini bila S 42,37%, E 55,93%, U 1,69%, a u 2. skupini distribucija polovica prema navedenim klasama bila je: E 54,17%, U 33,33%, R 12,50%. Razvrstavanje svinjskih polovica u trgovačke klase pokazalo je da postoji značajna razlika u njihovoj tržiÅ”noj vrijednosti s obzirom na istraživane genotipove svinja. Izračun cijene koÅ”tanja svinjskih polovica, uzimajući u obzir udjele miÅ”ićnog tkiva u njima i cijene svinjskog mesa na domaćem tržiÅ”tu, pokazao je da izbor nerasta kao terminalne pasmine može biti posebno značajan. Uz cijenu koÅ”tanja od 32,73 kn/kg (4,42 ā‚¬/kg) miÅ”ićnog tkiva, svinjske polovice genotipa (VJxÅ L)xP na tržiÅ”tu ostvaruju povoljniji financijski učinak od svinjskih polovica genotipa (VJxÅ L)xNJL. Iz navedenog proizlazi da je potrebito formiranje cijene koÅ”tanja svinjskih polovica prema udjelu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u njima, jer taj pokazatelj determinira tržiÅ”nu vrijednost svinjskih polovica i utječe na njihov plasman, a uzgajivače svinja potiče na selekcijski rad prema postavljenim zahtjevima tržiÅ”ta.Market of pig meat is quite demanding when it comes to issues of muscle tissue in pig carcasses. The most numerous pig breeds in the Republic of Croatia are Swedish Landrace (SL) and Large White (LW), crossed together to produce F1 females, which are then further crossed with males of meaty breeds. This study investigates market value of pig carcasses originating from three-way crossbreeds, out of which the first group was crossed in the terminal sire line with Pietrain (P) and the second one with German Landrace (GL). In order to evaluate meatiness of pig carcasses, the two-point method was applied in accordance with the Croatian regulations (Pravilnik, 1999, 2001). With respect to portions of muscle tissue, carcasses were classified into (S)EURO commercial classes, distributed in the 1st group as S 42.37%, E 55.93%, U 1.69%, and in the 2nd group as E 54.17%, U 33.33% and R 12.50%. Commercial classification of pig carcasses showed that there was a considerable difference in their market value if considering the investigated pig genotypes. Calculation of carcass price, with respect to portions of muscle tissue in carcass, as well as pig meat price on domestic market, proved that the correct choice of sire line in crossbreeds plays an important role. If muscle tissue priced 32.73 HRK/kg (4.42 ā‚¬/kg) of right carcasses of (LWxSL)xP genotype have better financial results than those of (LWxSL)xGL genotype. It is concluded that pricing is fattened pigs with respect to muscle tissue portion is to be considered the correct procedure, as the muscle tissue portion is an indicator, which determines market value of pig carcasses and affects their marketing. Furthermore, it also encourages farmers to produce pigs selectively, conforming to set market requirements
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