3,071 research outputs found

    Searching for the effect of multiple uncontrolled interventions in BRMS

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    We search for the effects of 8 different (uncontrolled) interventions (1intervention per school) on the sub-concepts of learner’s (4th to 8th grade)motivation, self-regulation, and ICT competency data over the past threeyears. Data marking for intervention (yes/no), ICT competence of teachersand the presence of specially trained teachers are added to the formulas.Assessment of ICT competency in 3rd grade can be used as prior. Smoothsillustrate if the (motivation or self-regulation) concepts grow over timegrouped by intervention, school or grade. Grades are nested within schoolsand data is grouped by student. Are we missing anything

    Measuring the Development of ICT Skills for Personalized Learning:Developing an Instrument for Dutch Primary Education

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    Our study investigates the development and validation of a questionnaire for competencies learners need to learn in a personalized way using ICT. 9 Dutch schools for primary education collaborate to make personalized learning with ICT evidence-informed. At these 9 iXperium schools, multidisciplinary design teams (consisting of primary school teachers and principals, teachers and students of the teacher-training program of a Dutch university of applied science, researchers from a Dutch university, and external ICT experts) design and research integrated interventions for PL with ICT. We defined personalized learning conditions before filtering the twenty-four learning objectives needed to measure development in personalized learning using ICT. The final questionnaire consists of thirty-three questions to cover the learning objectives. The validity and reliability of our questionary are analyzed in six steps. Cognitive validity (1) and a response model (2) are reported based on literature and a pilot with three iterative rounds of interviews (n=19). Internal constancy (3), confirmatory factor analysis (4), coefficient H (5) are reported after the first run of the questionnaire (n=800), and a test-retest alpha is reported after the second run of the questionnaire (n=800)

    Search for weakly interacting sub-eV particles with the OSQAR laser-based experiment: results and perspectives

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    Recent theoretical and experimental studies highlight the possibility of new fundamental particle physics beyond the Standard Model that can be probed by sub-eV energy experiments. The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment looks for "Light Shining through a Wall" (LSW) from the quantum oscillation of optical photons into "Weakly Interacting Sub-eV Particles" (WISPs), like axion or axion-like particles (ALPs), in a 9 T transverse magnetic field over the unprecedented length of 2×14.32 \times 14.3 m. No excess of events has been detected over the background. The di-photon couplings of possible new light scalar and pseudo-scalar particles can be constrained in the massless limit to be less than 8.0×1088.0\times10^{-8} GeV1^{-1}. These results are very close to the most stringent laboratory constraints obtained for the coupling of ALPs to two photons. Plans for further improving the sensitivity of the OSQAR experiment are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Visually targeted reaching in horse-head grasshoppers

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    Visually targeted reaching to a specific object is a demanding neuronal task requiring the translation of the location of the object from a two-dimensionsal set of retinotopic coordinates to a motor pattern that guides a limb to that point in three-dimensional space. This sensorimotor transformation has been intensively studied in mammals, but was not previously thought to occur in animals with smaller nervous systems such as insects. We studied horse-head grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Proscopididae) crossing gaps and found that visual inputs are sufficient for them to target their forelimbs to a foothold on the opposite side of the gap. High-speed video analysis showed that these reaches were targeted accurately and directly to footholds at different locations within the visual field through changes in forelimb trajectory and body position, and did not involve stereotyped searching movements. The proscopids estimated distant locations using peering to generate motion parallax, a monocular distance cue, but appeared to use binocular visual cues to estimate the distance of nearby footholds. Following occlusion of regions of binocular overlap, the proscopids resorted to peering to target reaches even to nearby locations. Monocular cues were sufficient for accurate targeting of the ipsilateral but not the contralateral forelimb. Thus, proscopids are capable not only of the sensorimotor transformations necessary for visually targeted reaching with their forelimbs but also of flexibly using different visual cues to target reaches. © 2012 The Royal Society

    The Big Sibling of AU Mic: A Cold Dust-rich Debris Disk around CP-72 2713 in the β Pic Moving Group

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    Analyzing Spitzer and Herschel archival measurements we identified a hitherto unknown debris disk around the young K7/M0 star CP-72 2713. The system belongs to the 24Myr old β\beta Pic moving group. Our new 1.33mm continuum observation, obtained with the ALMA 7-m array, revealed an extended dust disk with a peak radius of 140au, probably tracing the location of the planetesimal belt in the system. The disk is outstandingly large compared to known spatially resolved debris disks and also to protoplanetary disks around stars of comparable masses. The dynamical excitation of the belt at this radius is found to be reconcilable with planetary stirring, while self-stirring by large planetesimals embedded in the belt can work only if these bodies form very rapidly, e.g. via pebble concentration. By analyzing the spectral energy distribution we derived a characteristic dust temperature of 43K and a fractional luminosity of 1.1×\times103^{-3}. The latter value is prominently high, we know only four other similarly dust-rich Kuiper-belt analogs within 40pc of the Sun