42 research outputs found

    Thyroid sonography as an effective tool to discriminate between euthyroid sick and hypothyroid dogs

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    The diagnosis of canine hypothyroidism and its differentiation from euthyroid sick syndrome still is a major diagnostic challenge. In this study, ultrasonography was shown to be an effective tool for the investigation of thyroid gland diseases. Healthy control dogs (n = 87), dogs with euthyroid sick syndrome (n = 26), thyroglobulin autoantibody-positive (TgAA-positive, n = 30) hypothyroid dogs, and TgAA-negative (n = 23) hypothyroid dogs were examined by thyroid ultrasonography. Maximal cross sectional area (MCSA), thyroid volume, and echogenicity were measured. Statistical analysis identified highly significant (P < .001) differences between euthyroid and hypothyroid dogs both in thyroid volume and in MCSA, whereas no significant differences in thyroid size were detected between healthy euthyroid dogs and dogs with euthyroid sick syndrome. In euthyroid and euthyroid sick dogs, parenchymal echotexture was homogeneous and hyperechoic, whereas relative thyroid echogenicity of both TgAA-positive and TgAA-negative hypothyroid dogs was significantly lower (P < .001). When using arbitrarily chosen cutoff values for relative thyroid volume, MCSA, and echogenicity, thyroid volume especially was found to have highly specific predictive value for canine hypothyroidism. In summary, the data reveal that thyroid sonography is an effective ancillary diagnostic tool to differentiate between canine hypothyroidism and euthyroid sick syndrome

    Thyroid sonography as an effective tool to discriminate between euthyroid sick and hypothyroid dogs

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    The diagnosis of canine hypothyroidism and its differentiation from euthyroid sick syndrome still is a major diagnostic challenge. In this study, ultrasonography was shown to be an effective tool for the investigation of thyroid gland diseases. Healthy control dogs (n = 87), dogs with euthyroid sick syndrome (n = 26), thyroglobulin autoantibody-positive (TgAA-positive, n = 30) hypothyroid dogs, and TgAA-negative (n = 23) hypothyroid dogs were examined by thyroid ultrasonography. Maximal cross sectional area (MCSA), thyroid volume, and echogenicity were measured. Statistical analysis identified highly significant (P < .001) differences between euthyroid and hypothyroid dogs both in thyroid volume and in MCSA, whereas no significant differences in thyroid size were detected between healthy euthyroid dogs and dogs with euthyroid sick syndrome. In euthyroid and euthyroid sick dogs, parenchymal echotexture was homogeneous and hyperechoic, whereas relative thyroid echogenicity of both TgAA-positive and TgAA-negative hypothyroid dogs was significantly lower (P < .001). When using arbitrarily chosen cutoff values for relative thyroid volume, MCSA, and echogenicity, thyroid volume especially was found to have highly specific predictive value for canine hypothyroidism. In summary, the data reveal that thyroid sonography is an effective ancillary diagnostic tool to differentiate between canine hypothyroidism and euthyroid sick syndrome

    The ecological causes of functional distinctiveness in communities

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    Recent work has shown that evaluating functional trait distinctiveness, the average trait distance of a species to other species in a community offers promising insights into biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem functioning. However, the ecological mechanisms underlying the emergence and persistence of functionally distinct species are poorly understood. Here, we address the issue by considering a heterogeneous fitness landscape whereby functional dimensions encompass peaks representing trait combinations yielding positive population growth rates in a community. We identify four ecological cases contributing to the emergence and persistence of functionally distinct species. First, environmental heterogeneity or alternative phenotypic designs can drive positive population growth of functionally distinct species. Second, sink populations with negative population growth can deviate from local fitness peaks and be functionally distinct. Third, species found at the margin of the fitness landscape can persist but be functionally distinct. Fourth, biotic interactions (positive or negative) can dynamically alter the fitness landscape. We offer examples of these four cases and guidelines to distinguish between them. In addition to these deterministic processes, we explore how stochastic dispersal limitation can yield functional distinctiveness. Our framework offers a novel perspective on the relationship between fitness landscape heterogeneity and the functional composition of ecological assemblages

    TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives

    World Congress Integrative Medicine & Health 2017: Part one

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    Professionalization of teaching staff in day care centres in Austria - models, findings, desiderata

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    Fragen der Professionalisierung des pĂ€dagogischen Personals in Kindertageseinrichtungen fĂŒr Kinder von 0 bis 6 Jahren werden in Österreich intensiv diskutiert, eine Auseinandersetzung mit der Vielzahl an Professionalisierungsmodellen und damit verbundenen Forschungsbefunden und -desideraten steht jedoch aus. Im Beitrag werden auf der Basis von Professionalisierungsmodellen, die zu formalen, indikatoren- und handlungsbezogenen AnsĂ€tzen zusammengefasst wurden, Forschungsbefunde und -desiderate identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ĂŒber formale AusbildungsabschlĂŒsse hinaus noch wenig ĂŒber den Professionalisierungsstand des Personals in Kindertageseinrichtungen in Österreich bekannt ist. Um belastbare Informationen ĂŒber den Professionalisierungsstand zu erhalten und gegebenenfalls Reformmaßnahmen initiieren zu können, mĂŒssten Forschungsdesiderate zu indikatoren- und handlungsbezogenen AnsĂ€tzen zunĂ€chst aufgearbeitet werden. (DIPF/Orig.)Issues related to the professionalization of teaching staff in day care centres in Austria have been discussed intensively. However, an analysis of the multitude of professionalization models, related research findings and desiderata has not been undertaken. This paper, therefore, summarises models of professionalization and gathers them to formal, indicator-based, and action-based categories in order to identify central research findings and desiderata. The findings reveal that - with the exception of formal professionalization - little is known about the degree of professionalization of teaching staff in day care centres in Austria. To obtain reliable information about the degree of professionalization and, where appropriate, to initiate reforms, desiderata regarding indicator-based and action-based professionalization models initially need to be addressed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Verkapselungstechniken fĂŒr implantierbare integrierte MEMS-Drucksensoren

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    peer reviewedMedizinisch implantierbare MEMS-Sensoren (Micro-Electro -Mechanical Systems) haben ein erhebliches Potenzial fĂŒr diagnostische und therapeutische Anwendungen, wie die kontinuierliche DruckĂŒberwachung, Nerven- und Muskel- Stimulation oder Medikamenten-Dosierung bzw. -Abgabe. Übliche medizinisch zugelassene mikroelektronische Implantate wie Herzschrittmacher, Cochleaimplantate oder Hirnstimulatoren werden standardmĂ€ĂŸig durch nicht- lexible dickwandige Materialien wie beispielsweise Titan oder Keramik verkapselt und sind daher starr und relativ groß. Dieser Verkapselungsansatz gewĂ€hrleistet allerdings eine erprobte LangzeitstabilitĂ€t. In einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen, welche nur unter Verwendung von MEMS-Elementen realisierbar erscheinen, besteht die Notwendigkeit zur weiteren Miniaturisierung der Implantate. Einen wichtigen Schritt hierzu steuern flexible Verkapselungstechniken bei wodurch es zukĂŒnftig möglich sein wird die Implantate besser an die Anatomie des Körpers anzupassen und neue Anwendungsfelder zu erschließen

    Kapazitive integrierte Drucksensoren fĂŒr ein implantierbares System zur drahtlosen Druckmessung in der Pulmonalarterie

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    The presented development was accomplished within a project sponsored by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) named COMPASS (Cardiac Output Monitor with Pulmonary Arterial SenSors / ref. no. 16SV3691). The project's aim is to develop an implantable system to measure the pressure together with the temperature in the pulmonary artery. This data makes it possible to calculate the cardio output, which makes a timely diagnose of an increasing myocardial failure for patients with a pre-existing illness possible. The implantable system consists of a sensor module integrated in a catheter that is led in the pulmonary artery. Further the sensor module is connected to an RF-capsule via the catheter, so that it allows a wireless data transfer to an extracorporeal receiving station. This contribution focuses on the sensor module's non-encapsulated components