42 research outputs found

    An empirical investigation of the antecedents of salesforce control systems

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    SIGLEAvailable from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, D-21400 Kiel W 351 (454) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Handelsvertreter oder Reisende?: Eine Ueberpruefung von Hypothesen der neuen Institutionenlehre zur Absatzformwahl

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    Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 351 (370) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Erfolgreiche Implementierung von CRM-Strategien

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    While the topic of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has generated an increasing amount of research attention in recent years, still lacking is a comprehensive overview that helps to explain how companies can implement CRM successfully. To address these issues, this article identifies and discusses factors that are associated with a greater degree of CRM success. More specifically, we identify and discuss determinants on strategy, human resources, information management, structure and processes as well as specific factors within the implementation phase which help to improve CRM success. First, our results indicate that the implementation of CRM processes is associated with better company performance, especially at the relationship initiation and maintenance stage. Second, the findings emphasis a predominant influence of firm-based factors vis-脿-vis structural industry, and customer-based factors. Furthermore, cross-functional CRM teams and a top management feeling responsible for CRM projects help to improve CRM success. In addition, internal processes which are related to customer contact points have to be redesigned to enhance the interaction between employees and customers. The current article sheds more light on what really drives CRM success

    Multi-tier Loyalty Programs to Stimulate Customer Engagement

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    Customers differ in their purchase behavior, profitability, attitude toward the firm, and so on. These differences between customers have led to numerous firms introducing multi-tier loyalty programs. A multi-tier loyalty program explicitly distinguishes between customers by means of hierarchical tiers (e.g. Silver, Gold, Platinum) and assigns customers to different tiers based on their past purchase behavior. Next, customers in different tiers are provided varying levels of tangible rewards and intangible benefits, which are potentially powerful instruments to stimulate customer engagement. In this chapter, we focus on the design and effectiveness of such multi-tier loyalty programs. Building on loyalty program and customer prioritization research, we discuss whether, why, and how multi-tier loyalty programs are effective (or not) in influencing customer behavior, thereby enhancing customer engagement and financial performance

    La reforma del sistema de contabilidad de las instituciones de la UE: el proyecto, el papel de las NICSP y avances recientes

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    Este art铆culo trata de la reforma de los sistemas contables de las instituciones de la UE y del papel de las NICSP, IPSAS en sus siglas inglesas, en estas reformas, as铆 como de los avances recientes en el 谩mbito de la UE en la aplicaci贸n de la contabilidad de devengo en los Estados miembros . En la primera parte del documento se descri- ben las razones de la reforma de la UE, centrada en la crisis institu- cional general, que provoc贸 una modernizaci贸n del sistema conta- ble, como parte de un programa m谩s amplio de reforma dentro de las instituciones de la UE. El documento se帽ala las razones y la legi- timaci贸n de la elecci贸n de las NICSP como base para el marco con- table general de las instituciones de la UE, el enfoque elegido para su adaptaci贸n inicial espec铆ficamente a la UE, as铆 como el cumpli- miento hoy con las NICSP. Por otra parte, el documento describe que la CE eligi贸 un enfoque de 芦cumplimiento total禄 en el momento de la modernizaci贸n, en lugar de un enfoque de reforma 芦gradual禄. Est谩 demostrado que esta elecci贸n en combinaci贸n con un fuerte apoyo de alto nivel de las instituciones, en particular, el Comisario de Programaci贸n Financiera y Presupuestos y una administraci贸n de pro- yecto s贸lida son factores clave para el 茅xito del proyecto y para la producci贸n continua de datos fiables e informaci贸n relevante para la rendici贸n de cuentas y para los procesos de toma de decisiones. La segunda parte del trabajo se centra en el papel de las NICSP y la experiencia de la CE con estas normas en la pr谩ctica y en su calidad de observador del Consejo de las NICSP. Se concluye afirmando que la labor del Consejo de las NICSP se ha desarrollado significativa- mente en los 煤ltimos a帽os, su estructura de gobierno y el proceso de establecimiento de normas parece apropiado para asegurar el desa- rrollo de normas contables para el sector p煤blico de alta calidad. Los pronunciamientos del Consejo tienen un papel cada vez m谩s impor- tante en la informaci贸n financiera del sector p煤blico y contribuyen a mejorar la armonizaci贸n y transparencia de la administraci贸n p煤bli- ca. La informaci贸n proporcionada con la aplicaci贸n de las NICSP tambi茅n puede contribuir a una mejor supervisi贸n financiera de los gobiernos as铆 como servir de base para tomar decisiones con el fin de responder mejor a la actual situaci贸n financiera dif铆cil en algunos de los Estados miembros de la UE. El documento concluye observando la actual iniciativa de la Comisi贸n Europea para avanzar hacia nor- mas de contabilidad del sector p煤blico armonizados para todos los Estados miembros de la UE. El documento explora las razones de esta iniciativa y la necesidad de un enfoque europeo armonizado en la informaci贸n financiera del sector p煤blico. Permanecen una serie de retos, por ejemplo, la relaci贸n entre la informaci贸n estad铆stica y contable, la necesidad de una s贸lida gobernanza europea y la necesi- dad de que todos los Estados miembros se comprometan para que esta iniciativa constituya un proyecto de 茅xito

    Price Delegation in Sales Organizations: An Empirical Investigation

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    The allocation of decision rights is an integral component of designing organizational architecture. Economists have long understood the importance of co-locating decision rights with the knowledge that is valuable to those decisions. Following this prescription, marketing scholars have developed strong theoretical arguments in favor of delegating pricing authority to the sales force. Empirical work, however, reveals a significant number of sales organizations yielding only minimal authority to their salespeople. Given this divergence between theory and practice, we develop and empirically test two mitigating factors that could potentially explain why firms restrict pricing authority. We test our hypotheses on a sample of 222 German sales organizations and find that the data are generally consistent with our conceptualization

    The 2003 ISMS Practice Prize Winner: Optimizing Rhenania's Direct Marketing Business Through Dynamic Multilevel Modeling (DMLM) in a Multicatalog-Brand Environment

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    We introduce Dynamic Multilevel Modeling (DMLM) to a multicatalog-brand environment to determine the optimal frequency, size, and customer segmentation of direct marketing activities. This optimization method leverages multicatalog-brand effects including the utilization of prior customer ordering behavior, maximization of customer value and customer share, and economies of scale and scope in printing and mailing. This enhancement of the original DMLM-approach is called Dynamic Multidimensional Marketing (DMDM). With DMLM alone, Rhenania, a German direct mail order company, turned its catalog mailing practices around and consequently rose from the number 5 to the number 2 market position. The DMLM approach was so effective that two major competitors could be bought out. Improvements provided by DMDM were threefold: more efficient resource allocation across all catalog brands, more accurate customer microsegmentation, and more effective reactivation. Presently, the company's target is to transform single-brand customer relationships into two- or three-brand relationships with higher revenue per customer. As a consequence, the Rhenania group's performance was decoupled from the overall market trend.customer value analysis, database marketing, direct marketing, dynamic investment analysis, mail-order business, managerial decision making, Markov processes