4,085 research outputs found

    Crew interface definition study, phase 1

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    The timeline analysis of the Shuttle orbiter missions which was conducted in the Phase I Crew Interface Definition Study and the requirements for the man-in-the-loop simulation study are presented. Mission definitions and objectives are presented as they relate to various Shuttle Orbiter missions. The requirements for crew participation and the information required by the crew are discussed, and finally the rationale behind the display concept and calling procedures is given. The simulation objectives, the simulation mechanization, including a detailed presentation of the display and control concept, the simulator test plan and the results are discussed

    The Host Galaxies of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s: Evidence for Bar-Driven Fueling

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    We present a study of the host-galaxy morphologies of narrow- and broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s and BLS1s) based on broad-band optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope archives. We find that large-scale stellar bars, starting at ~1 kpc from the nucleus, are much more common in NLS1s than BLS1s. Furthermore, the fraction of NLS1 spirals that have bars increases with decreasing full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the broad component of H-beta. These results suggest a link between the large-scale bars, which can support high fueling rates to the inner kpc, and the high mass-accretion rates associated with the supermassive black holes in NLS1s.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures (1a, 1b, 2, and 3), Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Spatially-Resolved Spectra of the "Teacup" AGN: Tracing the History of a Dying Quasar

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Galaxy Zoo project has revealed a number of spectacular galaxies possessing Extended Emission-Line Regions (EELRs), the most famous being Hanny's Voorwerp galaxy. We present another EELR object discovered in the SDSS endeavor: the Teacup Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN), nicknamed for its EELR, which has a handle like structure protruding 15 kpc into the northeast quadrant of the galaxy. We analyze physical conditions of this galaxy with long-slit ground based spectroscopy from Lowell, Lick, and KPNO observatories. With the Lowell 1.8m Perkin's telescope we took multiple observations at different offset positions, allowing us to recover spatially resolved spectra across the galaxy. Line diagnostics indicate the ionized gas is photoionized primarily by the AGN. Additionally we are able to derive the hydrogen density from the [S II] 6716/6731 ratio. We generated two-component photoionization models for each spatially resolved Lowell spectrum. These models allow us to calculate the AGN bolometric luminosity seen by the gas at different radii from the nuclear center of the Teacup. Our results show a drop in bolometric luminosity by more than two orders of magnitude from the EELR to the nucleus, suggesting that the AGN has decreased in luminosity by this amount in a continuous fashion over 46,000 years, supporting the case for a dying AGN in this galaxy independent of any IR based evidence. We demonstrate that spatially resolved photoionization modeling could be applied to EELRs to investigate long time scale variability.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Probing the Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in Seyfert Galaxies with Slitless Spectroscopy: Observational Results

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    We present slitless spectra of 10 Seyfert galaxies observed with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectra cover the [OIII] 4959, 5007 emission lines at a spectral resolving power of ~9000 and a spatial resolution of 0.1". We compare the slitless spectra with previous HST narrow-band images to determine the velocity shifts and dispersions of the bright emission-line knots in the narrow-line regions (NLRs) of these Seyferts. Many knots are spatially resolved with sizes of tenths of arcsecs, corresponding to tens of pcs, and yet they appear to move coherently with radial velocities between zero and +/- 1200 km/s with respect to the systemic velocities of their hostgalaxies. The knots also show a broad range in velocity dispersion, ranging from ~30 km/s (the velocity resolution) to ~1000 km/s FWHM. Most of the Seyfert galaxies in this sample show an organized flow pattern, with radial velocities near zero at the nucleus (defined by the optical continuum peak) and increasing to maximum blueshifts and redshifts within ~1'' of the nucleus, followed by a decline to the systemic velocity. The emission-line knots also follow a general trend of decreasing velocity dispersion with increasing distance. In the Seyfert 2 galaxies, the presence of blueshifts and redshifts on either side of the nucleus indicates that rotation alone cannot explain the observed radial velocities, and that radial outflow plays an important role. Each of the Seyfert galaxies in this sample (with the exception of Mrk 3) shows a bright, compact (FWHM < 0.5") [O III] knot at the position of its optical nucleus. These nuclear emission-line knots have radial-velocity centroids near zero, but they typically have the highest velocity dispersions.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures (on 9 pages), accepted for A

    Probing the Complex and Variable X-ray Absorption of Markarian 6 with XMM-Newton

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    We report on an X-ray observation of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy Mrk 6 obtained with the EPIC instruments onboard XMM-Newton. Archival BeppoSAX PDS data from 18-120 keV were also used to constrain the underlying hard power-law continuum. The results from our spectral analyses generally favor a double partial-covering model, although other spectral models such as absorption by a mixture of partially ionized and neutral gas cannot be firmly ruled out. Our best-fitting model consists of a power law with a photon index of 1.81+/-0.20 and partial covering with large column densities up to 10^{23} cm**-2. We also detect a narrow emission line consistent with Fe Kalpha fluorescence at 6.45+/-0.04 keV with an equivalent width of ~93+/-25 eV. Joint analyses of XMM-Newton, ASCA, and BeppoSAX data further provide evidence for both spectral variability (a factor of ~2 change in absorbing column) and absorption-corrected flux variations (by ~60%) during the ~4 year period probed by the observations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    VLA OH and H I Zeeman Observations of the NGC 6334 Complex

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    We present OH and H I Zeeman observations of the NGC 6334 complex taken with the Very Large Array. The OH absorption profiles associated with the complex are relatively narrow (del-v_FWHM ~ 3 km s^1) and single-peaked over most of the sources. The H I absorption profiles contain several blended velocity components. One of the compact continuum sources in the complex (source A) has a bipolar morphology. The OH absorption profiles toward this source display a gradient in velocity from the northern continuum lobe to the southern continuum lobe; this velocity gradient likely indicates a bipolar outflow of molecular gas from the central regions to the northern and southern lobes. Magnetic fields of the order of 200 microG have been detected toward three discrete continuum sources in the complex. Virial estimates suggest that the detected magnetic fields in these sources are of the same order as the critical magnetic fields required to support the molecular clouds associated with the sources against gravitational collapse.Comment: 14 pages, 9 postscript figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), tentatively scheduled for vol. 533, Apr. 20, 2000; also available at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~sarma/RESEARCH/aps_research.htm
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