1,401 research outputs found
Quantum-gravitational effects on gauge-invariant scalar and tensor perturbations during inflation: The de Sitter case
We present detailed calculations for quantum-gravitational corrections to the
power spectra of gauge-invariant scalar and tensor perturbations during
inflation. This is done by performing a semiclassical Born-Oppenheimer type of
approximation to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, from which we obtain a
Schroedinger equation with quantum-gravitational correction terms. As a first
step, we perform our calculation for a de Sitter universe and find that the
correction terms lead to an enhancement of power on the largest scales.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, clarifications and references added, version
accepted for publication in Physical Review
Jewish Eating and Identity Through the Ages
A lecture by 2010 Scholar in Residence… Dr. David Kraemer, Professor of Talmud & Rabbinics, Jewish Theological Seminary, NY.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1280/thumbnail.jp
Time-resolved fast-neutron imaging with a pulse-counting image intensifier
A new imaging method that combines high-efficiency fast-neutron detection with sub-ns time resolution is presented. This is achieved by exploiting the high neutron detection efficiency of a thick scintillator and the fast timing capability and flexibility of light-pulse detection with a dedicated image intensifier. The neutron converter is a plastic scintillator slab or, alternatively, a scintillating fibre screen. The scintillator is optically coupled to a pulse counting image intensifier which measures the 2-dimensional position coordinates and the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) of each detected neutron with an intrinsic time resolution of less than 1 ns. Large-area imaging devices with high count rate capability can be obtained by lateral segmentation of the optical readout channels
A bacteriophage tubulin harnesses dynamic instability to center DNA in infected cells.
Dynamic instability, polarity, and spatiotemporal organization are hallmarks of the microtubule cytoskeleton that allow formation of complex structures such as the eukaryotic spindle. No similar structure has been identified in prokaryotes. The bacteriophage-encoded tubulin PhuZ is required to position DNA at mid-cell, without which infectivity is compromised. Here, we show that PhuZ filaments, like microtubules, stochastically switch from growing in a distinctly polar manner to catastrophic depolymerization (dynamic instability) both in vitro and in vivo. One end of each PhuZ filament is stably anchored near the cell pole to form a spindle-like array that orients the growing ends toward the phage nucleoid so as to position it near mid-cell. Our results demonstrate how a bacteriophage can harness the properties of a tubulin-like cytoskeleton for efficient propagation. This represents the first identification of a prokaryotic tubulin with the dynamic instability of microtubules and the ability to form a simplified bipolar spindle
Progression of pulmonary hyperinflation and trapped gas associated with genetic and environmental factors in children with cystic fibrosis
BACKGROUND: Functional deterioration in cystic fibrosis (CF) may be reflected by increasing bronchial obstruction and, as recently shown, by ventilation inhomogeneities. This study investigated which physiological factors (airway obstruction, ventilation inhomogeneities, pulmonary hyperinflation, development of trapped gas) best express the decline in lung function, and what role specific CFTR genotypes and different types of bronchial infection may have upon this process. METHODS: Serial annual lung function tests, performed in 152 children (77 males; 75 females) with CF (age range: 6–18 y) provided data pertaining to functional residual capacity (FRC(pleth), FRC(MBNW)), volume of trapped gas (V(TG)), effective specific airway resistance (sR(eff)), lung clearance index (LCI), and forced expiratory indices (FVC, FEV(1), FEF(50)). RESULTS: All lung function parameters showed progression with age. Pulmonary hyperinflation (FRC(pleth )> 2SDS) was already present in 39% of patients at age 6–8 yrs, increasing to 67% at age 18 yrs. The proportion of patients with V(TG )> 2SDS increased from 15% to 54% during this period. Children with severe pulmonary hyperinflation and trapped gas at age 6–8 yrs showed the most pronounced disease progression over time. Age related tracking of lung function parameters commences early in life, and is significantly influenced by specific CFTR genotypes. The group with chronic P. aeruginosa infection demonstrated most rapid progression in all lung function parameters, whilst those with chronic S. aureus infection had the slowest rate of progression. LCI, measured as an index of ventilation inhomogeneities was the most sensitive discriminator between the 3 types of infection examined (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: The relationships between lung function indices, CFTR genotypes and infective organisms observed in this study suggest that measurement of other lung function parameters, in addition to spirometry alone, may provide important information about disease progression in CF
Internal tree cycling and atmospheric archiving of mercury: examination with concentration and stable isotope analyses
Trees predominantly take up mercury (Hg) from the atmosphere via stomatal assimilation of gaseous elemental Hg (GEM). Hg is oxidised in leaves/needles and transported to other tree anatomy including bole wood where it can be stored long-term. Using Hg associated with growth rings facilitates archiving of historical GEM concentrations. Nonetheless, there are significant knowledge gaps on the cycling of Hg within trees. We investigate Hg archived in tree rings, internal tree Hg cycling, and differences in Hg uptake mechanisms in Norway spruce and European larch sampled within 1 km of a HgCl2 contaminated site using total Hg (THg) and Hg stable isotope analyses. Tree ring samples are indicative of significant increases in THg concentrations (up to 521µg·kg-1) from background period (BGP; facility closed; 1992—present) to secondary industrial period (2ndIP; no HgCl2 wood treatment; 1962–1992) to primary industrial period (1stIP; active HgCl2 wood treatment; ≈1900–1962). Mass dependent fractionation (MDF) Hg stable isotope data are shifted negative during industrial periods (δ202Hg: 1stIP: 4.32±0.15 ‰; 2ndIP: 4.04±0.32 ‰; BGP: 2.83±0.74 ‰; 1SD). Even accounting for a ≈ 2.6 ‰ MDF shift associated with stomatal uptake, these data are indicative of emissions derived from industrial activity being enriched in lighter isotopes associated with HgCl2 reduction and Hg0 volatilisation. Similar MDF (δ202Hg: 3.90±0.30 ‰; 1SD) in bark Hg (137±105µg·kg-1) suggests that stomatal assimilation and downward transport is also the dominant uptake mechanism for bark Hg (reflective of negative stomatal uptake MDF shift) rather than deposition to bark. THg was enriched in sapwood of all sampled trees across both tree species. This may indicate long-term storage of a fraction of Hg in sapwood or xylem solution. These data advance our understanding of the physiological processing of Hg within trees and provide critical direction to future research into the use of trees as archives for historical atmospheric Hg.</p
The Academic Anxiety Inventory: Evidence for Dissociable Patterns of Anxiety Related to Math and Other Sources of Academic Stress
Anxiety about mathematics can have detrimental effects on performance and understanding, yet little research has investigated how math anxiety is related to other types of anxiety. Here we develop the Academic Anxiety Inventory (AAI), an efficient and valid self-report measure designed to test math anxiety, as well as differentiate anxiety associated with mathematics from other contributions of anxiety across various academic domains. In Study 1, we isolated items that independently measure each domain of anxiety, reducing the overlapping variance between math anxiety and other constructs, and determining which components can or cannot be differentiated. Studies 2 and 3 demonstrate that the AAI is consistent and reliable for undergraduate and adolescent populations. In Study 3, anxiety-related performance deficits in a high school math class were associated with scores the AAI-Math subscale. In Study 4, the AAI-Math subscale was associated with perceptions of increased mathematical complexity, decreased estimations of accuracy, and increased negative emotion when participants viewed mathematical expressions. Across four studies, we demonstrate the AAI is a reliable and valid measure of math anxiety and other domains of academic anxiety, providing an efficient questionnaire to determine areas in which students may require extra support in order to reach their full potential
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