861 research outputs found

    Языковая мультивселенная

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    This paper argues that logic can benefit from a recent trend in linguistics, namely the study of multilingualism. Giving up monolingualism in logic does not necessarily lead to logical pluralism. Often enough pluralism is just a fight for the recognition of one’s own language rather than a plea for a different logic. Once we let go of the monolithic view of language and embrace multilingualism, interesting new avenues appear for logic that are worth exploring. Moreover, not only is it possible to use logic to analyse the multilingual universe, it is also quite revealing to use the linguistic methodology to reflect on the metatheory of logic itself.В статье обсуждается вопрос о том, что полезного логика может для себя найти в современной тенденции в лингвистике изучать явление многоязычия. Отказ от моноязычия в логике не ведёт с необходимостью к логическому плюрализму. Достаточно часто плюрализм — это просто борьба за признание своего собственного языка, нежели довод в пользу иной логики. При отказе от монолитного взгляда на язык и выборе многоязычия для логики открываются новые интересные перспективы, достойные исследования. Кроме того, не только можно использовать логику для анализа многоязычного универсума, но лингвистическая методология может быть применена для описания самой логической метатеории

    On Pregroups, Freedom, and (Virtual) Conceptual Necessity

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    Pregroups were introduced in (Lambek, 1999), and provide a founda-tion for a particularly simple syntactic calculus. Buszkowski (2001) showed that free pregroup grammars generate exactly the -free context-free lan-guages. Here we characterize the class of languages generable by all pre-groups, which will be shown to be the entire class of recursively enumerable languages. To show this result, we rely on the well-known representation of recursively enumerable languages as the homomorphic image of the inter-section of two context-free languages (Ginsburg et al., 1967). We define an operation of cross-product over grammars (so-called because of its behaviour on the types), and show that the cross-product of any two free-pregroup grammars generates exactly the intersection of their respective languages. The representation theorem applies once we show that allowing ‘empty cat-egories ’ (i.e. lexical items without overt phonological content) allows us to mimic the effects of any string homomorphism.

    An almost general splitting theorem for modal logic

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    Single-frequency master-oscillator photonic crystal fiber amplifier with 148 W output power

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    We report on a high-power ytterbium doped photonic crystal fiber amplifier using a single-frequency Nd:YAG non-planar ring oscillator seed source. With a large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber, operation below the threshold of stimulated Brillouin scattering is demonstrated with up to 148 W of continuous-wave output power and a slope efficiency of 75%. At maximum output power the amplified spontaneous emission was suppressed by more than 40 dB and the polarization extinction ratio was better than 22 dB. In order to investigate the overlap of the photonic crystal fiber transverse-mode with a Gaussian fundamental mode, sensitive beam quality measurements with a Fabry-Perot ring-cavity are presented

    Stabilized High Power Laser for Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors

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    Second generation gravitational wave detectors require high power lasers with several 100W of output power and with very low temporal and spatial fluctuations. In this paper we discuss possible setups to achieve high laser power and describe a 200W prestabilized laser system (PSL). The PSL noise requirements for advanced gravitational wave detectors will be discussed in general and the stabilization scheme proposed for the Advanced LIGO PSL will be described. Special emphasis will be given to the most demanding power stabilization requiremets and new results (RIN ≤ 4×10-9/surdHz) will be presented

    Selective activation of JNK/SAPK by interleukin-1 in rabbit liver is mediated by MKK7

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    AbstractActivation of jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) by interleukin-1 (IL-1) has been reported in many cells and in rabbit liver. Here we report selective activation of JNK/SAPK, without activation of p38 or p42 mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), by IL-1 in rabbit liver. We identified an IL-1 regulated JNK/SAPK activator present in rabbit liver using S Sepharose chromatography. It was purified and immunoprecipitated by two antisera to MAP kinase kinase 7 (MKK7). It was not recognised by an antibody to MKK4. We conclude that MKK7 is the activator of JNK/SAPK activated by IL-1 in liver and that JNK/SAPK is the only MAPK activated by IL-1 in liver

    Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins as Novel Targets in Inflammatory Processes

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    Objective: Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs), such as X-linked or cellular IAP 1/2 (XIAP, cIAP1/2), are important regulators of apoptosis. IAP antagonists are currently under clinical investigation as anticancer agents. Interestingly, IAPs participate in the inflammation-associated TNF receptor signaling complex and regulate NFκB signaling. This raises the question about the role of IAPs in inflammation. Here, we investigated the anti-inflammatory potential of IAP inhibitors and the role of IAPs in inflammatory processes of endothelial cells. Methods and Results: In mice, the small molecule IAP antagonist A-4.10099.1 (ABT) suppressed antigen-induced arthritis, leukocyte infiltration in concanavalin A-evoked liver injury, and leukocyte transmigration in the TNFα-activated cremaster muscle. In vitro, we observed an attenuation of leukocyte– endothelial cell interaction by downregulation of the intercellular adhesion molecule-1. ABT did not impair NFκB signaling but decreased the TNFα-induced activation of the TGF-β–activated kinase 1, p38, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase. These effects are based on the proteasomal degradation of cIAP1/2 accompanied by an altered ratio of the levels of membrane-localized TNF receptor-associated factors 2 and 5. Conclusion: Our results reveal IAP antagonism as a profound anti-inflammatory principle in vivo and highlight IAPs as important regulators of inflammatory processes in endothelial cells

    Sparsity driven ultrasound imaging

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    An image formation framework for ultrasound imaging from synthetic transducer arrays based on sparsity-driven regularization functionals using single-frequency Fourier domain data is proposed. The framework involves the use of a physics-based forward model of the ultrasound observation process, the formulation of image formation as the solution of an associated optimization problem, and the solution of that problem through efficient numerical algorithms. The sparsity-driven, model-based approach estimates a complex-valued reflectivity field and preserves physical features in the scene while suppressing spurious artifacts. It also provides robust reconstructions in the case of sparse and reduced observation apertures. The effectiveness of the proposed imaging strategy is demonstrated using experimental data

    On Fibring Semantics for BDI Logics

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    This study examines BDI logics in the context of Gabbay's fibring semantics. We show that dovetailing (a special form of fibring) can be adopted as a semantic methodology to combine BDI logics. We develop a set of interaction axioms that can capture static as well as dynamic aspects of the mental states in BDI systems, using Catach's incestual schema G^[a, b, c, d]. Further we exemplify the constraints required on fibring function to capture the semantics of interactions among modalities. The advantages of having a fibred approach is discussed in the final section