118 research outputs found

    Transfer of lens-specific transcripts to retinal RNA samples may underlie observed changes in crystallin-gene transcript levels after ischemia

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    PURPOSE: Retinal ischemia appears to lead to alterations in retinal transcript levels of a group of genes known to be abundantly expressed in the lens. Our purpose is to study whether these alterations are truly the result of retinal ischemia or whether they could be caused by contamination of the retinal tissue with trace amounts of lens tissue. METHODS: Changes occurring in the retinal gene expression profile after induction of retinal ischemia were assessed by oligonucleotide microarrays and by real-time quantitative PCR. RESULTS: Microarray analysis of the retinal gene expression profile after 5 or 60 min ischemia showed altered transcript levels for a group of genes with functions related to "structural constituent of eye lens" (23 genes, predominantly crystallins). Subsequent qPCR assays for this set of genes showed extremely high variations in transcript levels between individual animals of both control and ischemia-treated groups. However, the relative transcript levels, or expression profile, of these genes was constant in all samples. The transcript levels of these genes were on average 2624-times higher in tissue samples isolated from the superficial layers of the total lens. Moreover, all 23 genes had high expression levels in lens compared to retina as was shown by microarray. CONCLUSIONS: From these data, it appears plausible that during isolation of the retina, trace amounts of lens tissue may end up in the studied retinal samples. This would explain the high level of variability in transcript levels of genes, the strong correlation of relative levels between samples, and the link with lens-specific function of the "altered" genes. Changes in crystallin gene expression in other models of retinal degeneration have been reported and a careful examination of the transcript level of other lens-specific genes is essential to rule out a possible confounding effect of lens-material transfe

    Shared Decision Making in Health Care Visits for CKD:Patients’ Decisional Role Preferences and Experiences

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    Rationale &amp; Objective: Research on shared decision making (SDM) in chronic kidney disease (CKD) has focused almost exclusively on the modality of kidney replacement treatment. We explored what other CKD decisions are recognized by patients, what their preferences and experiences are regarding these decisions, and how decisions are made during their interactions with medical care professionals. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting &amp; Participants: Patients with CKD receiving (outpatient) care in 1 of 2 Dutch hospitals. Exposure: Patients’ preferred decisional roles for treatment decisions were measured using the Control Preferences Scale survey administered after a health care visit with medical professionals. Outcome: Number of decisions for which patients experienced a decisional role that did or did not match their preferred role. Observed levels of SDM and motivational interviewing in audio recordings of health care visits, measured using the 4-step SDM instrument (4SDM) and Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity coding tools.Analytical Approach: The results were characterized using descriptive statistics, including differences in scores between the patients’ experienced and preferred decisional roles. Results: According to the survey (n = 122) patients with CKD frequently reported decisions regarding planning (112 of 122), medication changes (82 of 122), or lifestyle changes (59 of 122). Of the 357 reported decisions in total, patients preferred that clinicians mostly (125 of 357) or fully (101 of 357) make the decisions. For 116 decisions, they preferred a shared decisional role. For 151 of 357 decisions, the patients’ preferences did not match their experiences. Decisions were experienced as “less shared/patient-directed” (76 of 357) or “more shared/patient-directed” (75 of 357) than preferred. Observed SDM in 118 coded decisions was low (median 4; range, 0 – 22). Motivational interviewing techniques were rarely used. Limitations: Potential recall and selection bias, and limited generalizability. Conclusions: We identified multiple discrepancies between preferred, experienced, and observed SDM in health care visits for CKD. Although patients varied in their preferred decisional role, a large minority of patients expressed a preference for shared decision making for many decisions. However, SDM behavior during the health care visits was observed infrequently. Plain-Language Summary: Shared decision making (SDM) may be a valuable approach for common chronic kidney disease (CKD) decisions, but our knowledge is limited. We collected patient surveys after health care visits for CKD. Patients most frequently experienced decisions regarding planning, medication, and lifestyle. Three decisional roles were preferred by comparable numbers of patients: let the clinician alone decide, let the clinician decide for the most part, or “equally share” the decision. Patients’ experiences of who made the decision did not always match their preferences. In audio recordings of the health care visits, we observed low levels of SDM behavior. These findings suggest that the preference for “sharing decisions” is often unmet for a large number of patients.</p

    Predicting outcomes in chronic kidney disease:needs and preferences of patients and nephrologists

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    Introduction: Guidelines on chronic kidney disease (CKD) recommend that nephrologists use clinical prediction models (CPMs). However, the actual use of CPMs seems limited in clinical practice. We conducted a national survey study to evaluate: 1) to what extent CPMs are used in Dutch CKD practice, 2) patients’ and nephrologists’ needs and preferences regarding predictions in CKD, and 3) determinants that may affect the adoption of CPMs in clinical practice. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with CKD patients to inform the development of two online surveys; one for CKD patients and one for nephrologists. Survey participants were recruited through the Dutch Kidney Patient Association and the Dutch Federation of Nephrology. Results: A total of 126 patients and 50 nephrologists responded to the surveys. Most patients (89%) reported they had discussed predictions with their nephrologists. They most frequently discussed predictions regarded CKD progression: when they were expected to need kidney replacement therapy (KRT) (n = 81), and how rapidly their kidney function was expected to decline (n = 68). Half of the nephrologists (52%) reported to use CPMs in clinical practice, in particular CPMs predicting the risk of cardiovascular disease. Almost all nephrologists (98%) reported discussing expected CKD trajectories with their patients; even those that did not use CPMs (42%). The majority of patients (61%) and nephrologists (84%) chose a CPM predicting when patients would need KRT in the future as the most important prediction. However, a small portion of patients indicated they did not want to be informed on predictions regarding CKD progression at all (10–15%). Nephrologists not using CPMs (42%) reported they did not know CPMs they could use or felt that they had insufficient knowledge regarding CPMs. According to the nephrologists, the most important determinants for the adoption of CPMs in clinical practice were: 1) understandability for patients, 2) integration as standard of care, 3) the clinical relevance. Conclusion: Even though the majority of patients in Dutch CKD practice reported discussing predictions with their nephrologists, CPMs are infrequently used for this purpose. Both patients and nephrologists considered a CPM predicting CKD progression most important to discuss. Increasing awareness about existing CPMs that predict CKD progression may result in increased adoption in clinical practice. When using CPMs regarding CKD progression, nephrologists should ask whether patients want to hear predictions beforehand, since individual patients’ preferences vary.</p

    mRNA expression profiles in circulating tumor cells of metastatic colorectal cancer patients

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    The molecular characterization of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) is a promising tool for the repeated and non-invasive evaluation of predictive and prognostic factors. Challenges associated with CTC characterization using the only FDA approved method for CTC enumeration, the CellSearch technique, include the presence of an excess of leukocytes in CTC-enriched blood fractions. Here we aimed to identify colorectal tumor-specific gene expression levels in the blood of patients with and without detectable CTCs according to CellSearch criteria. Materials and methods: Blood of 30 healthy donors (HDs) and 142 metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients was subjected to CellSearch CTC enumeration and isolation. In all samples, 95 mRNAs were measured by reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). HD blood samples and patient samples with three or more CTCs were compared to identify CTC-specific mRNAs. Patient samples without detectable CTCs were separately analyzed. Results: Thirty-four CTC-specific mRNAs were higher expressed in patients with ≄3 CTCs compared with HDs (Mann-Whitney U-test P<0.05). Among patients without detectable CTCs, a HD-unlike subgroup was identified which could be distinguished from HDs by the expression of epithelial genes such as KRT19, KRT20 and AGR2. Also, in an independent patient set, a similar HD-unlike group could be identified among the patients without detectable CTCs according to the CellSearch system. Conclusion: Extensive molecular characterization of colorectal CTCs is feasible and a subgroup of patients without detectable CTCs according to CellSearch criteria bears circulating tumor load, which may have clinical consequences. This CTC-specific gene panel for mCRC patients may enable the exploration of CTC characterization as a novel means to further individualize cancer treatment

    Anti-Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule Antibodies and the Detection of Circulating Normal-Like Breast Tumor Cells

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    Identification of specific subtypes of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood of cancer patients can provide information about the biology of metastasis and improve patient management. However, to be effective, the method used to identify circulating tumor cells must detect all tumor cell types. We investigated whether the five subtypes of human breast cancer cells that have been defined by global gene expression profiling—normal-like, basal, HER2-positive, and luminal A and B—were identified by CellSearch, a US Food and Drug Administration–approved test that uses antibodies against the cell surface–expressed epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) to isolate circulating tumor cells. We used global gene expression profiling to determine the subtypes of a well-defined panel of 34 human breast cancer cell lines (15 luminal, nine normal-like, five basal-like, and five Her2-positive). We mixed 50-150 cells from 10 of these cell lines with 7.5 mL of blood from a single healthy human donor, and the mixtures were subjected to the CellSearch test to isolate the breast cancer cells. We found that the CellSearch isolation method, which uses EpCAM on the surface of circulating tumor cells for cell isolation, did not recognize, in particular, normal-like breast cancer cells, which in general have aggressive features. New tests that include antibodies that specifically recognize normal-like breast tumor cells but not cells of hematopoietic origin are needed

    MYD88 mutations identify a molecular subgroup of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with an unfavorable prognosis

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    The 2016 World Health Organization classification defines diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) subtypes based on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and oncogenic rearrangements of MYC/BCL2/BCL6 as drivers of lymphomagenesis. A subset of DLBCL, however, is characterized by activating mutations in MYD88/CD79B. We investigated whether MYD88/CD79B mutations could improve the classification and prognostication of DLBCL. In 250 primary DLBCL, MYD88/CD79B mutations were identified by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction or next-generationsequencing, MYC/BCL2/BCL6 rearrangements were analyzed by fluorescence in situ hybridization, and EBV was studied by EBV-encoded RNA in situ hybridization. Associations of molecular features with clinicopathologic characteristics, outcome, and prognosis according to the International Prognostic Index (IPI) were investigated. MYD88 and CD79B mutations were identified in 29.6% and 12.3%, MYC, BCL2, and BCL6 rearrangements in 10.6%, 13.6%, and 20.3%, and EBV in 11.7% of DLBCL, respectively. Prominent mutual exclusivity between EBV positivity, rearrangements, and MYD88/CD79B mutations established the value of molecular markers for the recognition of biologically distinct DLBCL subtypes. MYD88-mutated DLBCL had a significantly inferior 5-year overall survival than wild-type MYD88 DLBCL (log-rank; P=0.019). DLBCL without any of the studied aberrations had superior overall survival compared to cases carrying .1 aberrancy (log-rank; P=0.010). MYD88 mutations retained their adverse prognostic impact upon adjustment for other genetic and clinical variables by multivariable analysis and improved the prognostic performance of the IPI. This study demonstrates the clinical utility of defining MYD88-mutated DLBCL as a distinct molecular subtype with adverse prognosis. Our data call for sequence analysis of MYD88 in routine diagnostics of DLBCL to optimize classification and prognostication, and to guide the development of improved treatment strategies
