19 research outputs found

    Српске средњовековне повеље као извор Душановог законика

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    Рад анализира српске средњовековне повеље као потенцијални извор норми Законика цара Душана. Иако су се бројни еминентни правници и историчари бавили питањем извора овог значајног споменика, мишљење је аутора да тема српских повеља као његових извора још увек није добила задовољавајућу стручну обраду. У yводу се даје преглед главне досадашње литературе посвећене овој материји (како оне у којој се директно отвара питање извора Душановог законика, тако и оне која се бави повељама или појединим областима и установама средњовековног српског права), износе основни аргументи за одабир теме и објашњава систематика њеног излагања; коначно, наводи се одабир извора који су коришћени у току истраживања. У првом делу тезе разматра се питање појма и карактера повеља као законодавних аката, те њиховог односа са Душановим закоником. За ово истраживање се може рећи (иако је и само по себи од значаја за домаћу правну историју) да представља претходно питање за приступање главној теми рада. У њему се пореде врсте и особине српских повеља са њиховим ромејским узорима, на основу чега се даје радна дефиниција повеље као нормативног акта. Даље се даје преглед најрелевантнијих схватања о појму закона (као права уопште) и начелу законитости у средњовековном српском праву, о карактеру Законика у поређењу са повељама и о његовом положају у оквиру Душанове троделне кодификације. Hа крају се објашњава однос Законика и повеља, релевантан како за њихово паралелно постојање у српском правном систему у време доношења Душановог законика, тако и за даљу праксу доношења повеља. У другом, главном делу рада разматра се правна грађа из повеља српских владара донетих пре Душановог законика заједно са одредбама овог акта и анализира се могући утицај повеља на Законик, односно рецепција установа из повеља од стране Душанових законописаца.The thesis analyses Serbian medieval charters as the potential sources of the Code of the Emperor Stefan Dušan. Although the question of the sources of this significant legal monument has already attracted the attention of numerous prominent lawyers and historians, the author argues that the subject of Serbian charters as its sources still has not been covered to a satisfactory degree. The introduction supplies an overview of the primary existing literature on this subject (both the works directly focused on the sources of Dušan's Code, as well as the ones dealing with charters or certain areas and institutions of medieval Serbian law), delivers the primary arguments for the selection of the subject and explains the systematics of its presentation; finally, it contains the selection of the source material used during the research. In the first part of the thesis the author considers the concept and the nature of charters as legislative acts, as well as their relation to Dušan's Code. This research (albeit important for Serbian legal history on its own) can be considered a preliminary issue for the main subject of the thesis. The author compares the types and properties of Serbian charters and their Rhomean (Byzantine) models and offers a working definition of charters as normative acts based on that comparison. Further the author gives a review of the most relevant notions of the Serbian medieval concept of zakon (in its sense as law in general) and the principle of legality in medieval Serbian law, of the nature of the Code compared to the charters and its position within Dušan's tripartite codification. Finally, the author explains the relation of the Code and the charters, relevant both to their parallel existence as sources of law in the time when Dušan's code was enacted, but also to the further practice of passing charters. The second, main, part of the thesis contains an analysis of the legal contents of the charters of Serbian rulers that predate Dušan's code and the Code's own articles, with an attempt to determine the possible influence of the charters on the Code, i.e. the reception of institutions regulated in the charters by Dušan's legislators

    Pressure shifts and abundance gradients in the atmosphere of the DAZ white dwarf GALEX J193156.8+011745

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    We present a detailed model atmosphere analysis of high-dispersion and high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of the heavily polluted DAZ white dwarf GALEX J1931+0117. The spectra obtained with the VLT-Kueyen/UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph show several well-resolved Si II spectral lines enabling a study of pressure effects on line profiles. We observed large Stark shifts in silicon lines in agreement with theoretical predictions and laboratory measurements. Taking into account Stark shifts in the calculation of synthetic spectra we reduced the scatter in individual line radial velocity measurements from ~ 3 to < 1 km/s. We present revised abundances of O, Mg, Si, Ca, and Fe based on a critical review of line broadening parameters and oscillator strengths. The new measurements are generally in agreement with our previous analysis with the exception of magnesium with a revised abundance a factor of two lower than previously estimated. The magnesium, silicon and iron abundances exceed solar abundances, but the oxygen and calcium abundances are below solar. Also, we compared the observed line profiles to synthetic spectra computed with variable accretion rates and vertical abundance distributions assuming diffusive steady-state. The inferred accretion rates vary from dM/dt = 2x10^6 for calcium to 2x10^9 g/s for oxygen. We find that the accretion flow must be oxygen-rich while being deficient in calcium relative to solar abundances. The lack of radial velocity variations between two measurement epochs suggests that GALEX J1931+0117 is probably not in a close binary and that the source of the accreted material resides in a debris disc.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA


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    Differences in punishment of members of different classes are a frequent occurrence in the penal law of many mediaeval countries, including Serbia under Nemanjić rule. The paper analyses this phenomenon in Dušan's Code and the preceding charters and attempts to determine the basic principles of this differentiation. Despite stereotypes, they cannot be summed up as laxer treatment of the higher and stricter punishment for the lower classes. Firstly, in the cases of some crimes only members of certain classes are prescribed as offenders – be it due to legal or factual impossibility, or the likelihood of a member of a certain class to commit such a crime. As for those crimes that could be committed by all classes, it is shown on the examples of several crimes (abandoning one's spouse, murder, rape, insult by word or action...) that the nobility (vlastela) was indeed generally protected from those penalties that were considered shameful, but it also paid larger fines levied on property, so that fines would affect all offenders equally. Finally, in cases of crimes where the perpetrator and the victim were from different classes, Dušan's Code is greatly concerned with determining the penalty with regards to the significance of the protective object, particularly to class honour and the need to preserve peaceful relations between classes.Различито кaжњaвaњe пpипaдникa paзличитиx cтaлeжa je чecтo y кpивичнoм пpaвy вeликoг 6poja cpeдњoвeкoвниx зeмaљa, пa тaкo и y Нeмaњићкoj Cp6иjи. Paд aнaлизиpa oвy пojaвy y Дyшaнoвoм законикy и пoвeљaмa пpe њeгa и пoкyшaвa дa yтвpди ocнoвнe пpинципe oвe дифepeнциjaциje. Упpкoc cтepeoтипнoм cxвaтaњy, нe paди ce caмo o 6лaжeм кaжњaвaњy вишиx, a тeжeм нижиx cтaлeжa. Пpe cвeгa, кoд нeкиx кpивичниx дeлa ce caмo пpипaдници oдpeђeнoг cтaлeжa пpeдвиђajy кao yчиниoци – 6илo тo з6oг пpaвнe или фaитичкe нeмoгyћнocти или нeизглeднocти дa пpипaднии oдpeђeнoг cтaлeжa yчини дeлo. Paдa cy y питaњy дeлa кoja мoгy yчинити пpипaдници cвиx cтaлeжa, нa пpимepy вeћeг 6poja кривичних дeлa (нaпyштaњa 6paчнoг дpyгa, y6иcтвa, cилoвaњa, yвpeдe peчjy и дeлoм...) ce пoкaзyje кaкo je влacтeлa зaиcтa y вeћини cлyчajeвa 6илa зaштићeнa oд казни кoje cy cмaтpaнe cpaмoтним, aли je тaкoђe зa иcтo дeлo плaћaлa виши изнoc имoвинcлиx казни, иaкo 6и казнa пoдjeднaкo пoгoдилa cвe yчиниoцe. Коначно, y cлyчajy злoчинa гдe cy yчинилaц и жpтвa из paзличитиx cтaлeжa Дyшaнoв законик пpи oдpeђивaњy казнe пocвeћyje вeликy пaжњy знaчajy зaштитнoг o6jeктa, a нapoчитo сталешкој части и пoтpe6и oчyвaњa миpниx мeђycтaлeшкиx oднoca

    The Title of Samoderzhets (Autokrator) in Serbia and Russia: Two Ways of Byzantine Heritage Development

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    The title of autokrator first appeared in the Rhomaian Empire (Byzantium). Translated as samoderzhets, it was taken up by Slavic countries that followed Rhomaian tradition. Taking as her starting point the indispensable 1935 work by George Ostrogorsky Autokrator and Samoderzhets, the author has analysed similarities and differences in the development of the title of samoderzhets in Serbia and Russia. Three phases have been analysed, of which the first two in more detail: the beginning of the use of this title; the development of the title and its significance; the diverging of the ways of Serbia and Russia. The first phase shows that the adoption of the title in both countries is preceded by both an increase of the country’s actual power and the improvement of its position among other Christian (Orthodox) countries. A significant difference appears in the second phase: Serbian kings have used the title of samoderzhets, but it was no longer in use after Stefan Dušan’s coronation as Emperor; after the fall of the Empire, Serbian rulers began to use it again. In Russia it was the other way around: the use of the title was more frequent after Ivan IV’s coronation. It seems that the title was mainly used in Serbia to underline independence where there was no obvious proof for it, and thus was not needed during the Serbian Empire, while Russian rulers, on the contrary, used it only when they had earned it through the actual power of their country. In the third phase both countries abandoned the Rhomaian model. Russia turned to Western models from the time of Peter I, while the development of Serbia was interrupted by its fall under Ottoman rule

    Српске средњовековне повеље као извор Душановог законика

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    Рад анализира српске средњовековне повеље као потенцијални извор норми Законика цара Душана. Иако су се бројни еминентни правници и историчари бавили питањем извора овог значајног споменика, мишљење је аутора да тема српских повеља као његових извора још увек није добила задовољавајућу стручну обраду. У yводу се даје преглед главне досадашње литературе посвећене овој материји (како оне у којој се директно отвара питање извора Душановог законика, тако и оне која се бави повељама или појединим областима и установама средњовековног српског права), износе основни аргументи за одабир теме и објашњава систематика њеног излагања; коначно, наводи се одабир извора који су коришћени у току истраживања. У првом делу тезе разматра се питање појма и карактера повеља као законодавних аката, те њиховог односа са Душановим закоником. За ово истраживање се може рећи (иако је и само по себи од значаја за домаћу правну историју) да представља претходно питање за приступање главној теми рада. У њему се пореде врсте и особине српских повеља са њиховим ромејским узорима, на основу чега се даје радна дефиниција повеље као нормативног акта. Даље се даје преглед најрелевантнијих схватања о појму закона (као права уопште) и начелу законитости у средњовековном српском праву, о карактеру Законика у поређењу са повељама и о његовом положају у оквиру Душанове троделне кодификације. Hа крају се објашњава однос Законика и повеља, релевантан како за њихово паралелно постојање у српском правном систему у време доношења Душановог законика, тако и за даљу праксу доношења повеља. У другом, главном делу рада разматра се правна грађа из повеља српских владара донетих пре Душановог законика заједно са одредбама овог акта и анализира се могући утицај повеља на Законик, односно рецепција установа из повеља од стране Душанових законописаца.The thesis analyses Serbian medieval charters as the potential sources of the Code of the Emperor Stefan Dušan. Although the question of the sources of this significant legal monument has already attracted the attention of numerous prominent lawyers and historians, the author argues that the subject of Serbian charters as its sources still has not been covered to a satisfactory degree. The introduction supplies an overview of the primary existing literature on this subject (both the works directly focused on the sources of Dušan's Code, as well as the ones dealing with charters or certain areas and institutions of medieval Serbian law), delivers the primary arguments for the selection of the subject and explains the systematics of its presentation; finally, it contains the selection of the source material used during the research. In the first part of the thesis the author considers the concept and the nature of charters as legislative acts, as well as their relation to Dušan's Code. This research (albeit important for Serbian legal history on its own) can be considered a preliminary issue for the main subject of the thesis. The author compares the types and properties of Serbian charters and their Rhomean (Byzantine) models and offers a working definition of charters as normative acts based on that comparison. Further the author gives a review of the most relevant notions of the Serbian medieval concept of zakon (in its sense as law in general) and the principle of legality in medieval Serbian law, of the nature of the Code compared to the charters and its position within Dušan's tripartite codification. Finally, the author explains the relation of the Code and the charters, relevant both to their parallel existence as sources of law in the time when Dušan's code was enacted, but also to the further practice of passing charters. The second, main, part of the thesis contains an analysis of the legal contents of the charters of Serbian rulers that predate Dušan's code and the Code's own articles, with an attempt to determine the possible influence of the charters on the Code, i.e. the reception of institutions regulated in the charters by Dušan's legislators