11 research outputs found

    Between usage-based and meaningfully-motivated grammatical rules : a psycholinguistic basis of applied cognitive grammar

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    The aim of the article is to present a usage-based theory of second language acquisition (SLA) which might serve as a framework for explaining the learning mechanisms that are operating when students are exposed to the meaningfully-motivated Cognitive Grammar (CG) applications are advocated: one focusing on the use of meaningfully-motivated linguistic explanations and the other on the usage-based nature of language. The article outlines a unified psycholinguistic theory, inspired by Brian MacWhinney's Competition Model and developed by Nick C. Ellis, which is compatible with both the meaning-based and the usage-based conceptions of language assumed by CG, and which can provide a more fine-grained frame of reference for introducing Cognitive Grammar into the teaching practice. Finally, some suggestions are made concerning practical application of CG-inspired pedagogical rules that should enhance the effectiveness of meaningfully-motivated grammatical intruction

    Pedagogical rules for the use of English articles : an evaluation and suggestions for improvement

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the grammatical rules for the use of English articles which are offered to students of English as a foreign language and evaluate them from the perspective of their pedagogical effectiveness. The article highlights the most problematic issues and the potential weaknesses of the rules most commonly used in contemporary pedagogical/reference grammars. It is argued that some of the problems identified could be at least partially solved or avoided by the introduction of rules based on Cognitive Grammar. A brief outline of the Cognitive Grammar conception of articles is presented to show how the specific “uses” of articles can be subsumed under more general, broader, conceptually-based rules

    "A" and "the" for students with imagination : the effects of applying cognitive grammar in the classroom

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    The article presents the results of a quasi-experiment, whose aim was to verify the hypothesis about the advantages of grammatical instruction based on cognitive linguistics principles. Two groups of students took part in a series of lessons, undergoing treatment based either on standard or on cognitive rules concerning the use of English articles. The outcomes of the study demonstrate that although both types of instruction brought positive effects immediately after the treatment, the cognitive group outperformed the traditional group on delayed posttesting

    Pedagogical rules for the use of English articles: an evaluation and suggestions for improvement

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the grammatical rules for the use of English articles which are offered to students of English as a foreign language and evaluate them from the perspective of their pedagogical effectiveness. The article highlights the most problematic issues and the potential weaknesses of the rules most commonly used in contemporary pedagogical/reference grammars. It is argued that some of the problems identified could be at least partially solved or avoided by the introduction of rules based on Cognitive Grammar. A brief outline of the Cognitive Grammar conception of articles is presented to show how the specific “uses” of articles can be subsumed under more general, broader, conceptually-based rules

    Wybrane zagadnienia teoretyczne związane z użyciem gramatyki kontrastywnej w nauczaniu przedimków angielskich

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest kwestiom związanym z zastosowaniem analiz polsko-angielskiej gramatyki kontrastywnej w nauczaniu angielskich przedimków. Autorka omawia funkcję angielskich przedimków z punktu widzenia językoznawstwa kognitywnego, a następnie porównuje znaczenie a i the z tymi leksykalnymi i morfoskładniowymi elementami języka polskiego, które pełnią role zbliżone do roli przedimka. Następnie rozważane są zalety i wady związane z wprowadzeniem do nauki gramatyki informacji metajęzykowych, dotyczących podobieństw i różnic między przedimkami a ich odpowiednikami w języku polskim. Na podstawie teoretycznej analizy problemu autorka wysuwa wniosek, że użycie analizy kontrastywnej w nauczaniu nie tylko nie pomogłoby uczniom w zrozumieniu problemu, ale dla wielu byłoby prawdopodobnie utrudnieniem w opanowaniu przedimków angielskich

    Pedagogical rules for the use of English articles: an evaluation and suggestions for improvement

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    The aim of the article is to analyse the grammatical rules for the use of English articles which are offered to students of English as a foreign language and evaluate them from the perspective of their pedagogical effectiveness. The article highlights the most problematic issues and the potential weaknesses of the rules most commonly used in contemporary pedagogical/reference grammars. It is argued that some of the problems identified could be at least partially solved or avoided by the introduction of rules based on Cognitive Grammar. A brief outline of the Cognitive Grammar conception of articles is presented to show how the specific “uses” of articles can be subsumed under more general, broader, conceptually-based rules

    How do Polish learners use English articles? : a diagnostic study

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    Between usage-based and meaningfully-motivated grammatical rules: A psycholinguistic basis of applied cognitive grammar

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    The aim of the article is to present a usage-based theory of second language acquisition (SLA) which might serve as a framework for explaining the learning mechanisms that are operating when students are exposed to the meaningfully-motivated Cognitive Grammar-based teaching materials. Currently, two seemingly quite different stands of Cognitive Grammar (CG) applications are advocated: one focusing on the use of meaningfully-motivated linguistic explanations and the other on the usage-based nature of language. The article outlines a unified psycholinguistic theory, inspired by Brian MacWhinney’s Competition Model and developed by Nick C. Ellis, which is compatible with both the meaning-based and the usage-based conceptions of language assumed by CG, and which can provide a more fine-grained frame of reference for introducing Cognitive Grammar into the teaching practice. Finally, some suggestions are made concerning practical application of CG-inspired pedagogical rules that should enhance the effectiveness of meaningfully motivated grammatical instruction