701 research outputs found

    Przegląd ustawodawstwa reglamentującego korzystanie z powierzchni ziemi. Zagadnienia administracyjnoprawne

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    Degradation of the land in various forms is one of the basic and persistent global problems. Irrational agricultural activity, deforestation, increasing industrialization and progressive urbanization lead to the loss of important functions of this natural resource. This is a serious problem throughout the European Union, as evidenced by statistical data disclosed in reports of the European Commission. Due to the failure to develop regulations at the EU level ordering the issues of protection of land surface and the fragmentary nature of binding regulations, each of the Member States, including Poland, selected legal means to achieve the assumed objectives related to both the obligation to protect the function of this resource, quality monitoring, registration pollution, or restoring utility and natural values. The aim of the conducted research was to analyze legal regulations establishing administrative law forms of rationing for the use of earth’s surface and their assessment in terms of implementing the principles of sustainable management of this resource. It should be stated that the gradually introduced instruments of land use regulation are not completely used to implement the principle of sustainable land management, although de lege ferenda would have to make an application for ensuring stable, comprehensive and coherent solutions.Degradacja powierzchni ziemi w różnych formach to jeden z podstawowych i utrzymujących się problemów globalnych. Nieracjonalna działalność rolnicza, deforestacja, coraz większe uprzemysłowienie oraz postępująca urbanizacja prowadzą do utraty ważnych funkcji tego zasobu naturalnego. Jest to poważny problem na terenie całej Unii Europejskiej, o czym świadczą dane statystyczne ujawnione w przywołanych sprawozdaniach i raportach Komisji Europejskiej. Z uwagi na fiasko opracowania regulacji na poziomie UE, porządkującej problematykę ochrony powierzchni ziemi, oraz fragmentaryczność wiążących przepisów każde z państw członkowskich, w tym Polska, dokonało doboru środków prawnych do realizacji zakładanych celów, związanych zarówno z obowiązkiem ochrony funkcji tego zasobu, monitoringu jakości, rejestracji zanieczyszczeń, jak i przywracania wartości użytkowej i przyrodniczej. Celem prowadzonych badań była analiza regulacji prawnych ustanawiających administracyjne formy reglamentacji korzystania z powierzchni ziemi oraz ich ocena dokonana pod kątem implementacji zasad zrównoważonego gospodarowania tym zasobem. Reasumując, należy stwierdzić, że wprowadzane stopniowo instrumenty reglamentacji korzystania z powierzchni ziemi nie do końca służą wdrożeniu zasady zrównoważonego gospodarowania powierzchnią ziemi, chociaż de lege ferenda należałoby wnioskować o zapewnienie stabilności, kompleksowości i spójności wprowadzanych rozwiązań

    Random Parameters and Sources of Uncertainty in Practical Fire Safety Assessment of Steel Building Structures

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    The purpose of this article is to identify sources of uncertaintyand outline the basis of probabilistic safety assessmentof steel structures exposed to fire conditions. Awareness of theexistence of unavoidable uncertainties and non-deterministicnature of many phenomena and parameters may be essentialfor a proper understanding of the issues of structural reliabilityin the event of extreme or accidental actions.The study highlights various sources of uncertainty associatedwith practical fire safety assessment of steel structureswhich significantly affects the reliability of estimates. Universalfactors influencing random structural resistance in alldesign conditions were separately described. A significant partof the paper is devoted to issues that relate only to an accidentaldesign situation of fire. Reference was made to the uncertaintyof the analytical model describing the bearing capacityof the structure in terms of probabilistic approach. A syntheticsummary on the impact of the method of carrying out materialtesting in elevated temperatures on the strength parameters,was made. In the conclusion it has been underlined that, interalia, due to the lack of relevant statistical data, conducting afully reliable probabilistic analysis of random structural resistanceunder fire is currently not possible. A unique part of thepaper contains the proposed model of probability-based analyticalapproach to assess random structural resistance in fireconditions, incorporating an authorial modification to modelsused for standard conditions

    Practical Fire Safety Assessment of Steel-beam Floors Made According to the Old Technologies – an Exemplary Case Study. Influence of the Initial Assumptions on the Final Results of Analyses

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    The purpose of this article is to present procedures and methodsfor assessing fire resistance of steel-beam floors with thejoists hidden within the thickness of the slab. These technologiesare currently experiencing their renaissance, both in contemporarilydesigned buildings and the existing ones, subjectedto comprehensive redevelopment, refurbishment or modernization.Due to their simplicity and ease of execution, these floorsare just perfect as technology ideal for repairs or alterations ofbuildings under use or in the case of need of complete replacementof existing floors with new ones. These arguments justifythe need to raise the subject of proper safety assessment of thesefloors in relation to the regulations and requirements of lawsapplicable in the EU and pursuant to provisions of the latestcodes for structural design. A significant part of the study consistsof a suggestive computational example, which is a sort ofguide, in which the author, by making detailed step-by-step calculationsproduces a finished pattern of procedure, intended formultiple use. The suggested method of procedure can be successfullyused in the assessment of the fire resistance of floorstructures with similar technical features. The computationalexample presented in the study shows that contrary to a popularbelief, the use of standard fire model does not always leadto conservative estimates. In the article summary, the authorformulates a number of practical applications and conclusions

    Evaluation of the fire separating wall after the fire, Technical assessment of the loadbearing masonry wall exposed to high temperatures

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    The paper presents a procedure for an assessment of the technical condition of the loadbearing fire wall made of hollow silicate blocks after the fire. The wall in addition to its fire-separating function was one of two loadbearing walls in the three-story office building, carrying the load from the roof and intermediate floors. The wall was designed as structure satisfying the requirements of REI120 class. During the severe fire the wall fulfilled its task, and its technical fire parameters in reality turned out to be better than projected ones. As a result of the fire which, in spring 2011 completely destroyed the adjacent part of the warehouse building (Fig. 1), and as a result of the two-day intensive fire-fighting, the integrity of the wall was violated. The wall suffered extensive damage, which decreased the strength parameters, and its ability to carry loads

    Split median nerve. A report of two cases

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    Two variations of the median nerve described in the Lanz study as type 3 anomalies were found during dissection. In the first case the median nerve splits in the cubital fossa and descends through the carpal tunnel to the palm of the hand. In the second of the reported cases the median nerve splits 45 mm before entering the carpal tunnel and is accompanied by a persistent median artery. Surgeons should take such variations into consideration in order to plan surgical approaches judiciously

    The therapeutic aspects of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) for cancer and their development: from nature to laboratory

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    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a group of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors, which are widely distributed in mammalian tissues. ECS regulates various cardiovascular, nervous, and immune system functions inside cells. In recent years, there has been a growing body of evidence for the use of synthetic and natural cannabinoids as potential anticancer agents. For instance, the CB1 and CB2 receptors are assumed to play an important role inside the endocannabinoid system. These receptors are abundantly expressed in the brain and fatty tissue of the human body. Despite recent developments in molecular biology, there is still a lack of knowledge about the distribution of CB1 and CB2 receptors in the human kidney and their role in kidney cancer. To address this gap, we explore and demonstrate the role of the endocannabinoid system in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). In this brief overview, we elucidate the therapeutic aspects of the endocannabinoid system for various cancers and explain how this system can be used for treating kidney cancer. Overall, this review provides new insights into cannabinoids' mechanisms of action in both in vivo and in vitro models, and focuses on recent discoveries in the field

    High Temperature Oxidized SnO 2

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    Undoped and Sb-doped tin oxide films were prepared by d.c. reactive ion sputtering in an argon atmosphere with oxygen partial pressures ranging from 0 to 50%. The films were anneled in oxygen in the temperature range 360 - 893℃. The effect of thermal annealing on the changes in electrical and structural properties is described

    Topological quantum D-branes and wild embeddings from exotic smooth R^4

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    This is the next step of uncovering the relation between string theory and exotic smooth R^4. Exotic smoothness of R^4 is correlated with D6 brane charges in IIA string theory. We construct wild embeddings of spheres and relate them to a class of topological quantum Dp-branes as well to KK theory. These branes emerge when there are non-trivial NS-NS H-fluxes where the topological classes are determined by wild embeddings S^2 -> S^3. Then wild embeddings of higher dimensional pp-complexes into S^n correspond to Dp-branes. These wild embeddings as constructed by using gropes are basic objects to understand exotic smoothness as well Casson handles. Next we build C*-algebras corresponding to the embeddings. Finally we consider topological quantum D-branes as those which emerge from wild embeddings in question. We construct an action for these quantum D-branes and show that the classical limit agrees with the Born-Infeld action such that flat branes = usual embeddings.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figur

    Ocena modelu prawnej ochrony środowiska we Wspólnej Polityce Rolnej

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    The aim of this article was to summarize long-term research on the legal instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy in which agricultural activity and rural development are treated equally as an element of sustainable development. Conducted research allows one to advance the thesis that Common Agricultural Policy has evolved over the years from a narrow production approach to agriculture to a holistic approach in which farming is viewed as a harmonious, sustainable use and rational management of natural resources and elements of nature, recognized as a highly protected public good. Agricultural activity gains a new approach that goes beyond the sphere of private professional or business activity. As a result of the imposition of environmental obligations, serving to the public interest, and reimbursement these activities from public funds, agricultural activity becomes the sphere of protection and production of environmental public good and, thus, extends the traditional concept of public good. Implementing environmental protection instruments in farming activities has specific consequences. Implementing the imposed duties increases the cost of farming. Failure to comply with regulatory requirements in subsequent years may result in penalties even exceeding the greening amount received, which would mean a partial reduction in other payments.Niniejsze opracowanie stanowi podsumowanie autorskich badań nad prawnymi instrumentami Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej, w których działalność rolnicza i rozwój obszarów wiejskich traktowane są równoważnie jako element zrównoważonego rozwoju. Działalność rolnicza zyskuje nowe ujęcie, wykraczające poza sferę prywatnej aktywności zawodowej czy gospodarczej. Wskutek nałożenia obowiązków na rzecz ochrony środowiska, służących interesowi publicznemu, i wynagradzania tych działań ze środków publicznych, staje się ona sferą ochrony i wytwarzania środowiskowych dóbr publicznych, a przez to rozszerza tradycyjną koncepcję dobra publicznego. Wdrożenie instrumentów ochrony środowiska w działalności rolniczej rodzi określone konsekwencje. Wykonanie nałożonych obowiązków zwiększa koszty prowadzenia działalności rolniczej. Niedopełnienie wymogów gospodarowania zgodnie z ustanowionymi regulacjami prawnymi w kolejnych latach będzie mogło powodować sankcje nawet przewyższające otrzymaną kwotę z tytułu zazielenienia, co będzie oznaczać częściowe zmniejszenie innych płatności