144 research outputs found

    Light Curve Models of Supernovae and X-ray spectra of Supernova Remnants

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    We compare parameters of well-observed type II SN1999em derived by M.Hamuy and D.Nadyozhin based on Litvinova-Nadyozhin (1985) analytic fits with those found from the simulations with our radiative hydro code Stella. The difference of SN parameters is quite large for the long distance scale. The same code applied to models of SN1993J allows us to estimate systematic errors of extracting foreground extinction toward SN1993J suggested by Clocchiatti et al. (1995). A new implicit two-temperature hydro code code Supremna is introduced which self-consistently takes into account the kinetics of ionization, electron thermal conduction, and radiative losses for predicting X-ray spectra of young supernova remnants such as Tycho and Kepler.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses, Padua, June 16- 19, 2004, eds. M.Turatto et al., ASP Conference Serie

    Classification and protection of the rights of creditors in bankruptsy cases

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    Purpose: the article investigates up-to-date issues of the institute’s development of competitive creditors. Some types of creditors are classified according to the Code of Bankruptcy Procedures, and the Law of Ukraine «On Restoration of the Debtor's Solvency or Recognition as a Bankrupt», and their rights to ensure claims. Methods of research: a set of general and special methods of scientific knowledge – terminological, logical-semantic, comparative, system-structural, logical-normative. Results: the analysis of the current situation regarding the illustration of domestic normative sources in accordance with the Code of Bankruptcy procedures suggests that in order to protect the rights of creditors, the Code enhances their rights and improves their terms of participation in the bankruptcy procedure. Creditors can now initiate a bankruptcy case, participate in voting in decision-making. Also, a creditor may demand a court the decision to terminate the moratorium on its claims regarding the collateral. Key powers in bankruptcy cases are transferred from the creditors committee to the creditors meeting. If the first meeting of creditors is not considered to be hold due to the non-arrival of creditors with a sufficient number of votes, it may be possible to hold other meeting with the reduced quorum. Discussion: the main realities of the domestic legislative and regulatory framework, which need improvement, are proposed to be divided into separate groups of registers, current and privileged creditors with their internal delimitation.The rights’ protection of creditors is one of the most important tasks of legal regulation and a guarantee of the stability of public economic order. Indicators of the effectiveness of influence on social relations is the return of debts to creditors by insolvent debtor. Violation by the Economic Court of a proceeding on a bankruptcy of a business entity may significantly affect the further economic activity of its creditors. Each of the creditors has a personal interest in the outcome of the bankruptcy case, since the effectiveness of the procedures, which is applicable to the debtor, depends on further satisfaction of the creditors’ demands

    Stability of Triple Star Systems with Highly Inclined Orbits

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    It is well established that certain detached eclipsing binary stars exhibit apsidal motions whose value is in disagreement with with calculated deviations from Keplerian motion based on tidal effects and the general theory of relativity. Although many theoretical senarios have been demonstrated to bring calculations into line with observations, all have seemed unlikely for various reasons. In particular, it has been established that the hypothesis of a third star in an orbit almost perpendicular to the orbital plane of the close binary system can explain the anomalous motion in at least some cases. The stability of triple star systems with highly inclined orbits has been in doubt, however. We have found conditions which allow the long term stability of such systems so that the third body hypothesis now seems a likely resolution of the apsidal motion problem. We apply our stability criteria to the cases of AS Cam and DI Her and recommend observations at the new Keck interferometer which should be able to directly observe the third bodies in these systems.Comment: edited to match published versio


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    The problem of studying the ideas of responsible fatherhood in young people aged 18 to 25 years, who do not have their own children has been considered. An empirical study of the existing attitudes towards responsible paternity in young people at this age has been presented. Fatherhood as a dynamic, socio-cultural phenomenon, which has a clear image in every culture, as well as fixed in national traditions and ideas, has been revealed. A projective technique “Unfinished sentences” has been carried out to identify unconscious attitudes to fatherhood, reveal constructive and non-constructive components of these concepts. The aim of the study is to identify ideas about responsible fatherhood in young people in this age group


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     The article informs about the history, the staff, researches and scientific activities of the Laboratory of Hydrogeo­logy and the Laboratory of Engineering Geology and Geoecology of the Institute of the Earth’s Crust, SB RAS. It reviews the major results of scientific research projects implemented from 2009 to 2013, which provided for determination of characteristics of the geological medium and hydrosphere of East Siberia and Mongolia in natural and technogenic conditions and mo­deling of the evolution of natural, natural-technogenic hydrogeological and engineering geological systems in regions with contrasting climate conditions and specific geological settings.  В настоящей статье представлены материалы по истории, кадровому составу, научной и научно-органи­зационной деятельности лаборатории гидрогеологии и лаборатории инженерной геологии и геоэкологии Института земной коры СО РАН. Основная часть статьи посвящена результатам научно-исследовательских работ 2009–2013 гг., позволившим охарактеризовать состояние геологической среды и подземной гидросферы Восточной Сибири и Монголии в природных и техногенных условиях, а также создать модели эволюции природных, природно-тех­ногенных гидрогеологических и инженерно-геологических систем в регионах с контрастными климатическими условиями и геолого-структурной обстановкой.


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    Aim. The research was designed for clinical and laboratory characteristics and treatment of respiratory mycoplasma pneumonia in adult patients hospitalized to the infectious diseases hospital of the city of Krasnodar.Materials and methods. The frequency of occurrence and the nature of the clinical symptoms confirmed by ELISA analysis of mycoplasma pneumonia in 35 patients, who were treated in the State Budgetary Establishment of Public Health Services “Specialized Clinical Infectious Hospital” of Krasnodar, were retrospectively analyzed.Results.Mycoplasma pneumonia in hospitalized patients of Krasnodar is more common in young men during the cold season and occurs in moderate form. When ranking the clinical symptoms, it has been established that the priority signs of the disease are acute onset, febrile temperature, symptoms of lesions of the upper respiratory tract, increased CRP, dry coughing and relative monocytosis in the general blood test that can be considered the suggestive symptoms of the disease. Antimicrobial drugs from the macrolide, fluorinated quinolone and tetracycline groups, either as a monotherapy or in the combination, were prescribed for the patients with mycoplasma pneumonia.Conclusion. The frequency of occurrence and the absence of pathognomonic symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia make it advisable to include an enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to “atypical” pathogens in the examination algorithm of patients with any pneumonia, which will provide more accurate diagnosis and correction of etiotropic therapy

    History and current state of analytical research at the Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB RAS: Centre for geodynamics and geochronology

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    The article discusses the history of the development of analytical research at the Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences over the past 22 years. An overview of the existing scientific equipment, current analytical techniques and some examples of their application in geological research are provided. It is shown that the availability of highly qualified personnel and modern scientific equipment at the Center for Geodynamics and Geochronology allows, both entirely on its base and in cooperation with other Russian and foreign organizations, to conduct state of the art research with the publication of results in leading international journals