3,830 research outputs found

    Report of the sensor readout electronics panel

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    The findings of the Sensor Readout Electronics Panel are summarized in regard to technology assessment and recommended development plans. In addition to two specific readout issues, cryogenic readouts and sub-electron noise, the panel considered three advanced technology areas that impact the ability to achieve large format sensor arrays. These are mega-pixel focal plane packaging issues, focal plane to data processing module interfaces, and event driven readout architectures. Development in each of these five areas was judged to have significant impact in enabling the sensor performance desired for the Astrotech 21 mission set. Other readout issues, such as focal plane signal processing or other high volume data acquisition applications important for Eos-type mapping, were determined not to be relevant for astrophysics science goals

    Form factor approach to dynamical correlation functions in critical models

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    We develop a form factor approach to the study of dynamical correlation functions of quantum integrable models in the critical regime. As an example, we consider the quantum non-linear Schr\"odinger model. We derive long-distance/long-time asymptotic behavior of various two-point functions of this model. We also compute edge exponents and amplitudes characterizing the power-law behavior of dynamical response functions on the particle/hole excitation thresholds. These last results confirm predictions based on the non-linear Luttinger liquid method. Our results rely on a first principles derivation, based on the microscopic analysis of the model, without invoking, at any stage, some correspondence with a continuous field theory. Furthermore, our approach only makes use of certain general properties of the model, so that it should be applicable, with possibly minor modifications, to a wide class of (not necessarily integrable) gapless one dimensional Hamiltonians.Comment: 33 page

    Mini Max Wallpaper

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    Mini Max company formulated a problem for the automatic calculation of the number of wallpaper rolls necessary for decorating a room with wallpaper. The final goal is the development of a web-based calculator open for use to both Mini Max staff and the general public. We propose an approach for reducing the studied problem to the one-dimensional cutting-stock problem. We show this in details for the case of plain wallpapers as well as for the case of patterned wallpapers with straight match. The one-dimensional cutting-stock problem can be formulated as a linear integer programming problem. We develop an approach for calculating the needed number of wallpapers for relatively small problems, create an algorithm in a suitable graphical interface and make different tests. The tests show the efficiency of the proposed approach compared with the existent (available) wallpapers’ calculators

    Mid-infrared Variability from the Spitzer Deep Wide-field Survey

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    We use the multi-epoch, mid-infrared Spitzer Deep Wide-Field Survey to investigate the variability of objects in 8.1 deg^2 of the NOAO Deep Wide Field Survey Boötes field. We perform a Difference Image Analysis of the four available epochs between 2004 and 2008, focusing on the deeper 3.6 and 4.5 μm bands. Out of 474, 179 analyzed sources, 1.1% meet our standard variability selection criteria that the two light curves are strongly correlated (r > 0.8) and that their joint variance (σ_(12)) exceeds that for all sources with the same magnitude by 2σ. We then examine the mid-IR colors of the variable sources and match them with X-ray sources from the XBoötes survey, radio catalogs, 24 μm selected active galactic nucleus (AGN) candidates, and spectroscopically identified AGNs from the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES). Based on their mid-IR colors, most of the variable sources are AGNs (76%), with smaller contributions from stars (11%), galaxies (6%), and unclassified objects, although most of the stellar, galaxy, and unclassified sources are false positives. For our standard selection criteria, 11%-12% of the mid-IR counterparts to X-ray sources, 24 μm AGN candidates, and spectroscopically identified AGNs show variability. The exact fractions depend on both the search depth and the selection criteria. For example, 12% of the 1131 known z>1 AGNs in the field and 14%-17% of the known AGNs with well-measured fluxes in all four Infrared Array Camera bands meet our standard selection criteria. The mid-IR AGN variability can be well described by a single power-law structure function with an index of γ ≈ 0.5 at both 3.6 and 4.5 μm, and an amplitude of S _0 ≃ 0.1 mag on rest-frame timescales of 2 yr. The variability amplitude is higher for shorter rest-frame wavelengths and lower luminosities

    On the thermodynamic limit of form factors in the massless XXZ Heisenberg chain

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    We consider the problem of computing form factors of the massless XXZ Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field in the (thermodynamic) limit where the size M of the chain becomes large. For that purpose, we take the particular example of the matrix element of the third component of spin between the ground state and an excited state with one particle and one hole located at the opposite ends of the Fermi interval (umklapp-type term). We exhibit its power-law decrease in terms of the size of the chain M, and compute the corresponding exponent and amplitude. As a consequence, we show that this form factor is directly related to the amplitude of the leading oscillating term in the long-distance asymptotic expansion of the two-point correlation function of the third component of spin.Comment: 28 page

    Theory of agent-based market models with controlled levels of greed and anxiety

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    We use generating functional analysis to study minority-game type market models with generalized strategy valuation updates that control the psychology of agents' actions. The agents' choice between trend following and contrarian trading, and their vigor in each, depends on the overall state of the market. Even in `fake history' models, the theory now involves an effective overall bid process (coupled to the effective agent process) which can exhibit profound remanence effects and new phase transitions. For some models the bid process can be solved directly, others require Maxwell-construction type approximations.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    An ice giant exoplanet interpretation of the anomaly in microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0173

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    We analyze the microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0173, which shows a small perturbation at the end of the microlensing event caused by the primary lens. We consider both binary lens and binary source models and we explore their degeneracies, some of which have not previously been recognized. There are two families of binary lens solutions, one with a mass ratio q≈4×10−4q\approx4\times10^{-4} and a separation s~4.6 and the other with q~0.015 and s~0.22, i.e, both have companions in the planetary regime. We search for solutions by using Bayesian analysis that includes planet frequency as a prior and find that the s~4.6 family is the preferred one with ~4 M_Uranus mass planet on an orbit of ~10 AU. The degeneracies arise from a paucity of information on the anomaly, demonstrating that high-cadence observations are essential for characterizing wide-orbit microlensing planets. Hence, we predict that the planned WFIRST microlensing survey will be less prone to these degeneracies than the ongoing ground-based surveys. We discuss the known low-mass, wide-orbit companions and we notice that for the largest projected separations the mass ratios are either high (consistent with brown dwarf companions) or low (consistent with Uranus analogs), but intermediate mass ratios (Jupiter analogs on wide orbits) have not been detected to date, despite the fact that the sensitivity to such planets should be higher than that of Uranus analogs. This is therefore tentative evidence of the existence of a massive ice giant desert at wide separations. On the other hand, given their low intrinsic detection sensitivity, Uranus analogs may be ubiquitous.Comment: AJ accepted, 6 figures, 4 table
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