
We develop a form factor approach to the study of dynamical correlation functions of quantum integrable models in the critical regime. As an example, we consider the quantum non-linear Schr\"odinger model. We derive long-distance/long-time asymptotic behavior of various two-point functions of this model. We also compute edge exponents and amplitudes characterizing the power-law behavior of dynamical response functions on the particle/hole excitation thresholds. These last results confirm predictions based on the non-linear Luttinger liquid method. Our results rely on a first principles derivation, based on the microscopic analysis of the model, without invoking, at any stage, some correspondence with a continuous field theory. Furthermore, our approach only makes use of certain general properties of the model, so that it should be applicable, with possibly minor modifications, to a wide class of (not necessarily integrable) gapless one dimensional Hamiltonians.Comment: 33 page

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