30 research outputs found

    Exploring leadership and entrepreneurship in Polish supplementary schools in England: A pilot study

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    There is an extensive network of supplementary schools in the UK, yet the nuances related to the way they operate, are led and bring benefits to related communities and the public has not been well researched. There are between 3000 and 5000 supplementary schools in Britain (Ives and Wyvil, 2008) of which around 140 are Polish supplementary schools (PSS) (Pedrak, 2022). The Centre for the Development of Polish Education Abroad runs a database where PSS can register themselves to apply for support from the Polish government. Currently, 1129 PSS are registered worldwide; 20% are based in the UK (ORPEG, 2023). In England, Polish (1.1%, 591,000) was found to be the most common main language for those who did not speak English as a main language (ONS, 2021). PSS are largely set up by ethnic minority communities and offer educational programmes (mostly on Saturdays) focused on language and bilingual development, culture, history and traditions of the minority. The oldest PSS date back to the post WW II forced migration, for example St Joseph's PSS, established in 1947 in Amersham (ORPEG, 2023) 1950 (PSPO, 2022). Our interest in these schools stems from devoting the last 15 years of leading and teaching in two PSS – one set up by post WW II migration and the other after 2004 Poland’s accession to EU – as well as supporting the wider PSS’ networks, influencing curricula and working with Polish and British national exam bodies. We would like to gain deeper insight into this unique entrepreneurial ecosystem with a view of bringing deeper understanding about how they are led, establish closer collaborations with mainstream schools and influence relevant governmental policies. This paper explores leadership and entrepreneurship within PSS in England, employing semi-structured interviews and entrepreneurial auto reflection in a pilot study. Focusing on legal forms, leadership styles, and various challenges and opportunities, our research provides insights into the dynamic landscape of well-established minority-language supplementary education. It analyses leadership styles and legal structures that reveal diverse approaches and motivations with implications for organisational effectiveness and adaptability. The study also addresses challenges these schools face, exploring how leadership strategies have evolved pre- and post- COVID-19. This research contributes to understanding leadership and entrepreneurial practices in the context of supplementary education for the Polish diaspora, exploring nuanced strategies that drive innovation and sustainability. Preliminary research findings are expected to reveal additional themes for future studies and assist policymakers and school leaders and enhance leadership and entrepreneurial capacities within multicultural communities

    The challenges of leading and managing Polish Saturday schools in the United Kingdom.

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    An extensive network of supplementary schools in the UK presents a significant yet under-researched area. There are between 3000 and 5000 supplementary schools in Britain (Ives and Wyvil, 2008), of which around 140 are Polish supplementary schools (PSS) (Pedrak, 2022)). Notably, Polish is the third most common first language in England and Wales, after English and Welsh, representing 1.1% of the population, or 591,000 individuals (ONS, 2021). Polish supplementary schools, like many others set up by ethnic minority communities, focus on educational programmes based either on a curriculum provided by the Polish government or AQA’s GCSE and A-level specifications. The education is conducted primarily at weekends and focuses on language acquisition and bilingual development, as well as the culture, history, and traditions of the minority community. The establishment of these schools dates back to the post-World War II era, with one of the oldest, St Joseph's PSS, being founded in 1947 in Amersham (ORPEG, 2023). Due to lack of appropriate regulations and affiliations, the schools vary in size, organisational and management structures as well as leadership styles. Our interest stems from devoting the last 15 years to leading and teaching in two PSS, one set up by post WW II migration and the other after Poland’s 2004 accession to the EU, as well as supporting the wider PSS networks, influencing curricula and working with Polish and British national exam bodies. We would like to gain deeper insight into this unique entrepreneurial ecosystem with a view of bringing a deeper understanding into how they are led, the challenges they face, how they establish partnerships with other supplementary schools, collaborations with mainstream schools and influence on relevant governmental policies. This paper investigates leadership and entrepreneurship within two supplementary schools (PSSs) in England, using an autoethnographic approach and entrepreneurial self-reflection. By examining legal forms, leadership styles, and challenges and opportunities faced by these social enterprises, we aim to shed light on the dynamic landscape of well-established minority-language supplementary education that at first glance seems both attached and detached from the mainstream education. Our analysis of leadership styles and legal structures reveals diverse approaches and motivations, with implications for organizational effectiveness and adaptability. This preliminary exploration is intended to inform a larger study and assist policymakers and the government in supporting minority communities in the effective governance of supplementary schools, ultimately contributing to the education and development of minority communities and society at large

    Thalidomide, dexamethasone and lovastatin with autologous stem cell transplantation as a salvage immunomodulatory therapy in patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma

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    The treatment of patients with multiple myeloma usually includes many drugs including thalidomide, lenalidomide and bortezomib. Lovastatin and other inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase demonstrated to exhibit antineoplasmatic and proapoptotic properties in numerous in vitro studies involving myeloma cell lines. We treated 91 patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma with thalidomide, dexamethasone and lovastatin (TDL group, 49 patients) or thalidomide and dexamethasone (TD group, 42 patients). A clinical response defined of at least 50% reduction of monoclonal band has been observed in 32% of TD patients and 44% of TDL patients. Prolongation of overall survival and progression-free survival in the TDL group as compared with the TD group has been documented. The TDL regimen was safe and well tolerated. The incidence of side effects was comparable in both groups. Plasma cells have been cultured in vitro with thalidomide and lovastatin to assess the impact of both drugs on the apoptosis rate of plasma cells. In vitro experiments revealed that the combination of thalidomide and lovastatin induced higher apoptosis rate than apoptosis induced by each drug alone. Our results suggest that the addition of lovastatin to the TD regimen may improve the response rate in patients with relapsed or refractory myeloma

    SdiA, an N-Acylhomoserine Lactone Receptor, Becomes Active during the Transit of Salmonella enterica through the Gastrointestinal Tract of Turtles

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    encode a LuxR-type AHL receptor, SdiA, they cannot synthesize AHLs. In vitro, it is known that SdiA can detect AHLs produced by other bacterial species..We conclude that the normal gastrointestinal microbiota of most animal species do not produce AHLs of the correct type, in an appropriate location, or in sufficient quantities to activate SdiA. However, the results obtained with turtles represent the first demonstration of SdiA activity in animals