18 research outputs found
Forecasting stability method of coal-containing rocks on the complex of geological and geophysical methods
Purpose. Development of a complex methodology for forecasting the stability of coal-bearing rocks, taking into account the whole existing array of geological-geophysical and mining-technological information, which can and should be used in the design of new coal producing enterprises and existing mines. Methodology. The proposed complex method for forecasting the stability of coal-bearing rocks involves the sequential implementation of three interrelated stages: 1) calculation of the compressive and tensile strength of rocks (layered and in massive) for 20-meter roof interval and 10-meter subsoil coal seams. 2) selection and quantitative assessment of weakened cavernous-fractured zones in well logs according to standard and acoustic logging and geological documentation; 3) characteristics of the active roof of coal seams in terms of stability, load-bearing properties and controllability
Results of dispersion and spatial analysis of the germanium distribution in coal seam c8B of Zahidno-Donbaska mine field (Ukraine)
The research actuality of studying the content of germanium in coal seams is due to the possibility of its industrial extraction and use as a valuable accompanying component. The main practical value of the performed research consists in the construction of germanium content maps, which make it possible to perform a medium- and long-term forecast of the content of this element in mined rock mass and to plan the following technical and organizational measures aimed at managing its content in coal mining products and waste. The main scientific significance of the obtained results is to establish the character of germanium distribution, which probably has a polygenic and polychronic nature of accumulation
Nickel in oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk depression (Ukraine)
The article contains the results of long-term research of geochemical features of nickel in oils from 36 deposits of the main oil and gas region of Ukraine - the DniproDonetsk basin. The results of correlation and regression analyzes revealed the character and forms of the relationship between the nickel content in oils and vanadium; zinc; chromium; the total content of V, Zn, Cr, Mn, Co, Fe, Hg, Al; average thickness of the productive horizon; oil density values; oil viscosity values; resin content; formation water density from the productive horizon; sulfur content in oil; manganese; cobalt; metal; mercury; aluminum; the current depth of the productive horizon; modern temperature of the productive horizon; modern pressure in the productive horizon; oil initial boiling point temperature; the content of paraffins; salinity values of formation water from the productive horizon; content of asphaltenes. The calculated correlation coefficients, linear pair regression equations and their graphs between these parameters are given. Based on the results of cluster analysis, a dendrogram of the results of clustering by the weighted centroid method of deposits on the nickel content in the oils of the considered deposits was constructed
The regional component of the total content of germanium increases in the south-northern direction. The content of germanium does not depend on the direction of fall, thickness and current depth of the coal seam, and its total sulfur in coal. Reverse relationship of the concentration of the studied element with the ash content of the formation, and therefore, its relationship with the organic component of coal.The research actuality of studying the content of germanium in coal seams is due to the possibility of its industrial extraction and use as a valuable accompanying component. In coal, germanium belongs to the group of "small elements" or elements - coal impurities, which must be investigated in the process of prospecting geological works carried out in the coal deposits of Ukraine.
For an objective geological and economic assessment of the possibility of simultaneous extraction of germanium from coal, waste and products of its processing and planning of the most effective organizational and technical measures in this regard, it is first of all necessary to have information about the character of the distribution and concentration level of this element in coal and coal-bearing rocks. In order to obtain such information, detailed studies of the distribution of germanium over the area and in the cross-section of the coal seam с8в of "Zakhidno-Donbaska" mine field were carried out
Results of the correlation analysis of the relationship between germanium, beryllium and fluorine in the coal seam c8в of the "Dniprovska" mine of Western Donbas
The general relevance of research of germanium content in coal seams is explained by the possibility of its industrial extraction and use as a valuable accompanying component. Currently, coal deposits are considered as the most important mineral raw material base for the industrial production of germanium. Special relevance of the performed research provides a solution of the National
Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated July 16, 2021 "About stimulation of the search, extraction and enrichment of minerals that have strategic importance for the sustainable development and defense capability of the state" and Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 306/2021, which introduces this solution into effect. In these documents, germanium ores are included in the list of strategic importance for the sustainable development and defense capability of the state
Territorial distribution of germanium in the c5 coal seam on the territory of the “Pavlohradska” mine
The actual issues of the distribution of germanium in the c5 coal seam in the territory of the “Pavlohradska” mine of Western Donbas were studied. Three zones with high germanium content were found on the territory of the c5 seam, and their spatial location was determined. It was established that the geological structure of the c5 coal seam in places with the highest germanium content has common features: minimal thickness, the presence of one or two partings, as well as the presence of at least two low-amplitude northeast-trending disturbances, which can be used as predictive criteria for determining zones with the largest germanium content. The increased variability of the thickness of the coal seam, its structure, the presence of discontinuities, and the lithologicalfacies variability of the immediate and main roof contribute to the increase in the gradients of the germanium content. The growth of the regional component of germanium content in the north-eastern direction was established. It has been proven that both syngenetic and epigenetic factors influence the content of germanium in the coal seam. The regression equation between these parameters is calculated, which allows you to predict the germanium content without conducting new tests and analytical studies
Results data of the regression and correlation analysis of the concentration of germanium with thickness and ashity in the coal seam C 8Н of the Dniprovska mine
For an objective geological and economic assessment of the possibility of simultaneous extraction of germanium from coal, waste and products of its processing and planning of the most effective organizational and technical measures in this regard, it is first of all necessary to have information about the character of the distribution and concentration level of this element in coal and coal-bearing rocks. In order to obtain such information, detailed studies of the distribution of germanium over the area and in the cross-section of the coal seam с8 н of "Dniprovska" mine field were carried ou
Condition and prospects of the Ingichke deposit (Republic of Uzbekistan)
The results of the analysis of the geological features and rocks composition, in relation to the concept of metasomatic zoning by D.N. Korzhinskyi, allow us to attribute the studied mineral associations of the Ingichke deposit to the garnet-pyroxene association of endoskarns with epidote and plagioclase relics.
Based on the results of mineralogical and petrographic studies, typomorphic features of the main paragenetic mineral associations of the deposit were established.
The main geological and industrial prospects for the use and processing of ores from the Ingichke deposit and waste from their enrichment are associated with an integrated approach to the extraction of both metallic and non-metallic useful components.
The main geological and economic interest at present are ore minerals of wolfram, molybdenum, bismuth, gold, rare earths, germanium, copper and tin. Of non-metallic minerals, garnet and quartz are of particular interest, primarily as a mineral base for obtaining high-quality abrasive raw materials.Research convincingly show that all the prospects of Ingichke deposit are related to the issues of a comprehensive assessment and development of integrated processing technologies for both the remaining ore bodies and technogenic formations formed by enrichment waste
Condition and prospects of the Ingichke deposit (Republic of Uzbekistan)
The Ingichke skarn-scheelite deposit is administratively located in the Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The relief of the area of the deposit is relatively poorly dissected, the absolute elevation marks mainly range from 700 to 850 meters. The Ingichke skarn-scheelite deposit is located in the southeastern part of the Zirabulak Mountains and is related to the eastern contact of the Zirabulak intrusion with the terrigenous-carbonate formations of the Pyazynska suite. Thus, our research convincingly show that all the prospects of this deposit are related to the issues of a comprehensive assessment and development of integrated processing technologies for both the remaining ore bodies and technogenic formations formed by enrichment waste
Analysis of the spatial distribution of germanium in the coal seam c8H of Dniprovska mine field (Ukraine)
The actuality of research of the studying the germanium content in coal seams is due to the possibility of its industrial extraction and use as a valuable accompanying component. The purpose of the work: to establish a relationship between the germanium content and the thickness and ash content of the coal seam с8н of the "Dniprovska" mine field