100 research outputs found

    Новите медийни изкуства – основни аспекти, терминилогия и характеристики

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    Настоящият доклад има за цел да внесе яснота върху основните характеристики на широко очертаващия се спектър от дисциплини, които влизат в областта на изкуствата на новите медии под названието "Нови медийни изкуства". Направено e изследване на терминологията и дефинициите както на изкуствата на новите медии така и на самите нови медии. Чрез разбор на очерталите се категории са изследвани отличителните пунктове, концептуалните им основи, приложения и естетически стойности. Разгледани са: цифрово изкуство, компютърна графика, компютърна анимация, виртуално изкуство, интернет изкуство, дигитална фотография, интерактивно изкуство, компютърна роботика, 3D печат и др.This article aims to clarify the main features of the wide spectrum of disciplines that come under the term "New Media Arts". It has been made research about terminology and definitions of both, the arts of new media and the new media themselves. By analyzing the categories, the distinctive points, their conceptual foundations, applications and aesthetic values. It have been studied, as a part of the study digital arts, computer graphics, computer animations, virtual arts, internet arts, digital photography, interactive arts, computer robotics, 3D printing and others were all researched

    Types of dental prostheses and level of awareness of team work in dental medicine – from the patients’ point of view

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    Dental health is an essential part of the general health of citizens. According to information from the Bulgarian Dental Association, about 2 million Bulgarians have at least one tooth removed. A total of 20% of the population over the age of 60 have had all their upper teeth removed, 17% have no teeth in their lower jaw and 13% have no teeth in their mouth. Dental care associated with the development of structures for restoration of dental crowns and tooth rows is carried out by dental team (dentist, dental technician, dental assistant or nurse).Our goal was to investigate the presence and type of dental prostheses and awareness of team work in this area. To achieve the goal we used the following methods: study of literary sources and documents; sociological method - anonymous survey (via self-developed questionnaire). Data processing was performed with Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and graphical and comparative analysis were used to present the results. Based on the results, we found that: a relatively small part of the interviewed people indicate the presence of non-removable or removable dental prosthesis structures because of dental crowns and tooth rows defects; the vast majority of the respondents are not aware of the fact that dental services related to the manufacturing of dentures are performed by a team (dentist, dental technician and dental assistant/nurse)

    Positive Effects of Mindfulness Practices on Academic Performance and Well-being

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    This qualitative study explored potential positive effects of mindfulness practices among university students. The mindfulness practices were provided at an experiential space, the Brain Booth at the university library, meant to learn about the mind-body connection, reduce stress, and optimize learning. The Brain Booth activities were available to students at any time during the library working hours. The findings showed that the Brain Booth was experienced as helping students to 1) Relax and Destress; 2) Calm down; 3) Foster focus and clarity; 4) Actively engage and reenergize. A strong preference was outlined for mindfulness activities without a digital component or screen time. The study showed that the Brain Booth is helping students, at their point of need, with some of the major factors that affect their academic performance the most, as well as with their overall well-being

    Primary Dental Care And The Modifications In The National Framework Agreement For 2018 From The Patients`point Of View

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    Здравната система e секторът, който предоставя здравни грижи на здравноосигурени лица, с цел поддържане и подобряване на техния здравен статус и начин на живот. Цел на проучването е да се установи до каква степен здравноосигурените лица са информирани за това, което им се полага в пакета първична дентална помощ и промените, направени в Националния рамков договор за 2018 г. За постигане на целта използвахме следните методи: проучване на литературни източници и документи по темата, социологически с помощта на проведена пряка анонимна анкета (която разработихме специално за проучването), Microsoft Office Excel 2007 за обработка на данните, графичен и сравнителен анализ за представяне на резултатите. Обект на проучването са 100 лица от няколко населени места в България. Резултатите показват ниска степен на информираност на анкетираните относно: включените дейности в пакета за първична дентална помощ и промяната в Националния рамков договор за 2018 г., според която се включва изработването на 2 тотални протези (съответно по една за горна и/или долна челюст) за пациенти от 65 до 69 години за срок от 4 години. Много голяма част от респондентите научиха за направените промени от анкетьорите и едва тогава, по-голямата част от тях ги одобриха (72%).The healthcare system is the sector that provides healthcare services to health insured persons in order to maintain and improve their health status and lifestyle. The purpose of the study was to ascertain to what extent the health insured persons are informed about what they are entitled to as per the primary dental care package and the modifications made to the National Framework Agreement from 2018. To achieve the goal we used the following methods: study of literary sources and papers on the topic, sociological survey using a direct anonymous poll (which we created especially for the study), Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for data processing, graphical and comparative analysis to present the results. A total of 100 people from a number of settlements in Bulgaria were the subject of the survey. The results show a low level of awareness of respondents on: the activities included in the primary dental care package and the modification in the National Framework Agreement from 2018, which involves 2 total dentures (one for upper and/or lower jaw respectively) for patients aged 65 to 69 for 4 years. A great number of the respondents learned about the changes made from the interviewers and, only then, most of them approved them (72%)

    Locas del coño: una marca de empoderamiento femenino

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    El tema elegido para este trabajo de fin de grado podría resumirse en una aportación muy relevante para la sociedad, pero a la vez, en un objetivo personal. Así es, se trata de aportar relevancia a una serie de variables muy ligadas a la posición que todavía sufren muchísimas mujeres, y, por tanto, debería ser un tema que recibe mucha más atención. En este caso, se refiere al papel de la mujer, las desigualdades y prejuicios hacia su persona que han dañado la perspectiva que hay sobre ella. En consecuencia, muchas sufren acoso, situaciones desagradables y fuera de lugar; juzgadas por una sociedad que proyecta una confección arraigada y equivocada sobre la mujer desde hace siglos. Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para realzar la importancia de la mujer en la sociedad, y cómo se pueden cambiar las opiniones y comportamientos profundamente arraigados en todos los colectivos de la sociedad, incluyendo otras mujeres. Nosotras mismas somos, muchas veces, las responsables de juzgar a las demás en base a esos prejuicios anteriormente mencionados. Crear un espacio en el que se sienten seguras, y donde pueden entenderse unas a otras es de suma importancia. Con este objetivo planteado, la realización de una marca de carácter social dirigida hacia un público femenino es un medio perfecto. Las redes sociales pueden ser muy dañinas, sin embargo, poseen un carácter masivo que muchos consumen y visualizan. Por ello, la importancia de aprovechar estos medios e impactar a más y más personas es de gran ayuda y puede interferir en la vida de las personas, mejorando su punto de vista relacionado con muchos temas.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública


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