12 research outputs found

    The Study on the Influence of Diesel Fuel Oxygenates on Exhaust Emissions

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    The study discusses the use of oxygenated fuels in reduction of exhaust emissions from diesel engines. The study analyzes the physicochemical properties of oxygenated compounds in diesel fuels based on which 12 such compounds were selected for experimental research (glycol ethers, maleates, carbonates and alcohols). The study presents the results of investigations of the influence of oxygenated fuels on the exhaust emissions under dynamic homologation cycle chassis dynamometer conditions (diesel passenger vehicle, NEDC and FTP-75 cycles). The relationship among the content of individual oxygenated compounds, the conditions of the tests cycle and the exhaust emissions has been ascertained. The performed studies and experimental research have shown that the application of oxygenated fuels in diesel engines results in a significant reduction of the PM emission at a small increase in the emission of NOx. Changes in the emission of CO and HC depend not only on the oxygen content in the fuel but also on the self-ignition quality of the applied oxygenated compounds. The application of oxygenated fuels does not influence the emission of CO2. Out of the analyzed oxygenated compounds, the most advantageous emission changes (reduction of the emission of PM, CO and HC at a small increase in the emission of NOx) are generated by the compounds of the glycol ethers group

    Rapeseed Oil Methyl Esters (RME) as Fuel for Urban Transport

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    The use of biofuels is justified by the common agricultural policy decisions, by the need to improve environment protection and by the search of alternative energy sources. In such a context, methyl esters of vegetable oils, known as biodiesel and ethyl alcohol are receiving increasing attention as alternative fuels for automotive engines. The main advantages of biodiesel and ethyl alcohol are that these fuels are nontoxic, biodegradable, and renewable with the potential to reduce engine exhaust emissions, especially with regard to greenhouse gases emission. The fact that these biofuels are available in larger and larger quantities is of great importance as well. Currently, in the European market the most important biofuel is FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) manufactured mainly as Rapeseed Methyl Esters (RME). It is forecasted that the scale of production and consumption of this fuel will continue increasing as a result of the growing demand for diesel fuels and a levelled demand for spark-ignition engine fuels. Currently, FAME is added to regular diesel fuels in the amount of up to 7%. Besides, its consumption in a pure form grows as well. This chapter presents ecological properties of RME in relation to conventional diesel fuel. The aim of the research was to determine the potential of RME in reducing exhaust emissions (CO, HC, NOx and PM) from diesel engines operated in buses. The tests were carried out in real operating conditions of a city bus meeting EEV emissions standard. Comparative analysis made it possible to assess the environmental performance of buses depending on the type of fuel used. The obtained results indicate a slightly lower emission of CO, HC and PM when the vehicle was fuelled with RME but at the same time its application results in a slight increase in the emission of NOx. It seems that similar level of exhaust emissions recorded regardless of fuel type results from an advanced exhaust gas aftertreatment system (SCR + DPF) which was applied in the test vehicle

    Environmental Aspects of the Use of CNG in Public Urban Transport

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    This chapter concerns the problem of assessing the exhaust emission from the engines of city transport buses fuelled by CNG. It presents a comparative analysis of toxic exhaust emissions of CO, HC, NOx and PM, from urban buses powered by diesel and CNG. The measurements were carried out over the SORT standardised cycles as well as during a real drive condition on a city bus route. The research revealed that CNG bus generates significantly lower NOx emission, whereas its CO and HC emissions are higher. Taking into account low PM emissions, CNG buses should be regarded as eco-friendly means of public transport

    A comparison of thermogravimetric characteristics of fresh and used engine oils

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    The requirements set for engine oils are nowadays very high, varied, often contradictory and significantly go beyond the classic functions of engine oils. Also for the testing of engine oils, many different and advanced research methods are currently used. This article describes tests of fresh and used oil from a diesel engine using thermogravimetric analysis. This method was also used to determine the soot content of the used oil. The tests showed that the thermograms of fresh and used oil are similar, however in the oil used in the diesel engine the soot content increases

    Alkohol etylowy jako paliwo do współczesnych silników spalinowych

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    The article presents the conditions for the use of ethyl alcohol as a component and a sole fuel for internal combustion engines. Methods of ethanol production, its properties and the benefits and risks associated with using it as engine fuel have been described. The variants of commercial ethanol fuels allowed by law have also been presented. Ecological aspects of the use of ethanol fuels for modern internal combustion engines were presented. The opinion was expressed that although ethanol is used in bulk as a component of gasolines, its use as a self-contained fuel is and probably will continue to be small in the near future.W artykule przedstawiono uwarunkowania stosowania alkoholu etylowego jako składnika oraz samodzielnego paliwa do silników spalinowych. Opisano metody produkcji etanolu, jego właściwości oraz korzyści i zagrożenia związane ze stosowaniem go jako paliwa silnikowego. Zaprezentowano dopuszczalne prawem warianty handlowych paliw etanolowych. Przedstawiono ekologiczne aspekty stosowania paliw etanolowych do współczesnych silników spalinowych. Wyrażono opinię, iż mimo, że etanol stosowany jest masowo jako komponent benzyn silnikowych, to jego zastosowanie jako samodzielnego paliwa jest i prawdopodobnie w najbliższej przyszłości będzie niewielkie

    Oxygenated Diesel Fuels and Their Effect on PM Emissions

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    Particulate matter (PM) emitted by diesel engines is one of the most harmful components of exhaust gases, including its carcinogenic effect. Due to the widespread use of diesel engines, the health effects of PM emissions affect millions of people around the world. At the same time, diesel particulate matter is characterized by a very complicated structure and mechanisms of formation compared to other exhaust gas components. It is obvious that PM emissions should be limited by all means. This article focuses on the reduction of PM emissions with the use of oxygenated fuels. The mechanisms of oxygenated fuels influence on the soot formation process in the working process of diesel engines have been discussed. The importance of the chemical structure of oxygenated compounds for the effectiveness of PM emissions reduction was considered. The results of empirical research on the influence on PM emissions of oxygenated fuels containing 12 oxygenates from chemical groups such as glycol ethers, maleates, carbonates and butanol were analyzed. The emissions tests were undertaken on a diesel passenger car over the NEDC and FTP-75 cycles. The results showed a high potential of oxygenated fuels in PM emissions reduction, even at a low oxygenates concentration of 5% v/v; namely, PM emissions were reduced by up to 32%. According to tests results, 1% of oxygen in the fuel resulted in an average reduction of PM emissions by 7% to 10%. In the view of already limited possibilities of modifying conventional parameters of diesel fuels, the use of oxygenated compounds is a promising way to trade on the potential of fuels in PM emissions reduction

    Soot contamination of engine oil - the case of a small turbocharged spark-ignition engine

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    The paper presents the results of thermogravimetric tests of engine oil used in a small turbocharged spark-ignition engine. The main observation from the research was a significant soot contamination of engine oil, that appears even at its low mileage. This indicates that also in the case of port fuel injection spark-ignition engine, high particulate matter emissions may occur. A rapid soot contamination of the oil in this engine indicates that the oil change interval should be shortened

    Environmental analysis of the traffic closure on Piotrowo and Berdychowo streets in Poznań

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    The article deals with the ecological assessment of the potential road investment, which is the closure of Piotrowo and Berdychowo streets within the campus of the Poznań University of Technology. The research was carried out on a simulation model of the city of Poznań with the use of the PTV software. Research has shown that the closure of these streets has virtually no impact on city wide emissions. However, the emissions deterioration takes place on a local scale, i.e. in the vicinity of the campus of the Poznań University of Technology and on most of the streets leading to it

    Exhaust Emissions from a Hybrid City Bus Fuelled by Conventional and Oxygenated Fuel

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    City buses are one of the main means of public transport in cities. As they move in a limited and densely populated area and are intensively exploited, it is particularly important that they are environmentally friendly. There are many ways to reduce emissions from city buses, including the use of hybrid propulsion. Another way is to use low-emission fuels. This article presents the results of the emission tests of an 18 m articulated city bus with a serial hybrid drive fuelled comparatively by conventional diesel fuel and oxygenated fuel containing 10% v/v of triethylene glycol dimethyl ether (TEGDME). The emission tests were carried out during the actual operation of the bus on a route in Poznań (Poland) and over the SORT cycles. The obtained test results were compared also with the results obtained for a conventional bus. The reduction in emissions of some exhaust components was found when the hybrid bus was fuelled with oxygenated fuel during its actual operation on the bus route. There was a reduction in CO emissions by ~50% and NOx emissions by ~10%. Almost identical levels of PM and HC emissions and smoke opacity were observed for both fuels. In the SORT cycles, the differences in the emissions obtained for both types of fuel were small. In general, for the hybrid bus, a lower influence of oxygenated fuel on emissions was recorded than for the conventional bus

    The analysis of the environmental impact of road traffic in a transport node on the example of the Rondo Rataje roundabout in Poznan

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    Road transport is one of the main sources of environment pollution. Transport nodes are a particular challenge for the environment and are related to substantial traffic congestion and slow vehicle flow. One of the main transport nodes in the city of Poznan (Poland) is a roundabout known as Rondo Rataje. Within an hour, up to approximately 5500 vehicles pass through this intersection with an average speed of 10–15 km/h. The paper presents the exhaust emissions and fuel consumption by the vehicles passing through this intersection. These values have been determined based on complex traffic investigations carried out on this intersection, the knowledge of the vehicle structure in Poznan and the use of software for microsimulation of road traffic. The obtained results were subject to further analysis within which the shares of individual vehicle types and emission categories in the total exhaust emissions of individual exhaust components have been identified. The test procedure described in the paper may turn out to be useful in the evaluation of the influence of the traffic parameters on the exhaust emission level generated by vehicles, thus in the evaluation of various traffic control solutions or infrastructural options