62 research outputs found

    Enacting Musical Time: The Bodily Experience of New Music

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    ABSTRACT What is musical time? Where is it manifested? How does it show up in our experience, and how do we capture it in our analyses? "Enacting Musical Time" offers several answers to these questions by considering musical time as the form of the listener’s interaction with music. Building on evidence from music theory, phenomenology, cognitive science, and social anthropology, the book develops a philosophical and critical argument that musical time is created by the moving bodies of participants engaged in musical activities. The central thesis is that musical time describes the form of a specific kind of interaction between musical sounds and a situated, embodied listener. This musical time emerges when the listener enacts his or her implicit kinesthetic knowledge about “how music goes”—knowledge expressed in the entire spectrum of behavior, from deliberate inactivity, through the simple action of tapping one’s foot in synchrony with the beat, to dancing in a way that engages the whole body. This idea is explored in the context of recent Western classical art music, where composers create temporal experiences that might feel unfamiliar or idiosyncratic, that blur the line between spectatorship and participation, and even challenge conventional notions of musical form. Basing the discussion on the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, and on the ecological psychology of J. J. Gibson, the volume examines different aspects of musical structure through the lens of embodied cognition and what phenomenologists call “lived time,” or time as it shows up in human lives

    Charakterystyka pacjentów z ostrym niedokrwieniem tętniczym — badanie retrospektywne, jednoośrodkowe

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    Introduction. Acute peripheral arterial occlusion is a serious medical condition that requires an immediate action. De- lays in diagnosis or treatment could lead to death or serious disability. The appropriate and early clinical evaluation of acute ischaemia is crucial. The goal of therapy for both acute embolic and thrombotic occlusion is reperfusion of the ischaemic organ.  Materials and methods. The aim of this study was a retrospective analysis of the demographic and epidemiological data of patients admitted to Surgical Department of Mazovian Brodnowski Hospital in Warsaw from 2014 to 2018 due to displaying symptoms of acute peripheral arterial ischaemia. 208 patients were evaluated. Our analysis included anthro- pometric parameters, history of cardiovascular and other important chronic diseases, and addictions. The aetiology, localisation, and type of primary surgery were also assessed.  Results. The analysed group contained 112 men (53.8%, average age: 67.9 years) and 96 women (46.2%, average age: 76.4). We find a statistically significant correlation was found between epidemiological factors [i.e. age, hypertension, atrial fibrillation (AF), peripheral artery disease, myocardial infarction, and smoking] and gender. Embolic ischaemia occurred in 50.5% of cases. Thrombosis was diagnosed in the remaining 49.5%. Lower extremity ischaemia occurred most frequently (81.3%). Open embolectomy/thrombectomy was the primary surgery in 155 cases. We find significance of the aetiology in relation to the type of intervention and to the ischaemia localisation, but there was no significance in terms of mortality. The presence of ischaemic heart disease, atherosclerosis and tobacco smoking were relevant factors affecting the aetiology of acute ischaemia.  Conclusion. Acute arterial ischaemia can occur regardless of gender. Embolic and thrombotic aetiologies occur with a very similar frequencies. Upper extremity arterial thrombosis occurs very rarely. An embolism is more often respon- sible for acute intestinal ischaemia. In patients with atherosclerosis and a history of previous vascular surgery, the presence of a vascular graft/stent graft is associated with a higher risk of arterial thrombosis. Among patients with AF and who were receiving vitamin K antagonists, the average level of international normalized ratio was non-therapeutic. Wstęp. Ostra niedrożność tętnicy obwodowej może prowadzić do niedokrwienia zaopatrywanego przez nią narządu wymagającego pilnej reakcji. Opóźnienie w rozpoznaniu i leczeniu może doprowadzić do śmierci lub inwalidztwa.  Materiał i metody. Celem pracy była retrospektywna analiza danych demograficznych i epidemiologicznych pacjentów z objawami ostrego niedokrwienia przyjętych do kliniki autorów w latach 2014–2018. Badana grupa obejmowała 112 mężczyzn (53,8%; średni wiek 67,9 roku) i 96 kobiet (46,2%; średni wiek 76,4 roku). Ocena uwzględniała dane antropometryczne, wywiad chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego, innych chorób przewlekłych i uzależnień. Analizowano przyczynę i lokalizację niedokrwienia oraz rodzaj interwencji chirurgicznej.  Wyniki. Zauważono istotny związek między płcią a wiekiem, nadciśnieniem tętniczym, migotaniem przedsionków, miażdżycą obwodową, zawałem serca, paleniem tytoniu. Niedokrwienie na podłożu zatorowym wystąpiło w 50,5% przy- padków, a zakrzepica tętnicza — w 49,5%. Niedokrwienie kończyny dolnej występowało najczęściej (81,3%). Otwarta embolektomia/trombektomia była pierwotną operacją w 155 przypadkach. Stwierdzono istotny związek między etiologią niedokrwienia a chorobą niedokrwienną serca, niedokrwieniem kończyn dolnych, paleniem tytoniu, rodzajem interwencji i lokalizacją zmian. Nie stwierdzono istotnej różnicy w śmiertelności.  Wnioski. Ostre niedokrwienie tętnicze może wystąpić niezależnie od płci. Ostre niedokrwienie kończyny górnej w na- stępstwie zakrzepu tętniczego występuje bardzo rzadko. Zator jest częściej odpowiedzialny za ostre niedokrwienie jelit. Pacjentów z miażdżycą tętnic obwodowych i po przebytych operacjach naczyniowych cechuje zwiększone ryzyko zakrze- picy tętniczej. Wśród pacjentów z wywiadem migotania przedsionków przyjmujących antagonistów witaminy K wartość międzynarodowego współczynnika znormalizowanego jest często nieterapeutyczna.

    Wieloetapowe, wewnątrznaczyniowe leczenie ostrego, jatrogennego niedokrwienia kończyny dolnej u pacjenta z penetrującym owrzodzeniem aorty

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    Introduction. Acute limb ischaemia (ALI) is a potentially treatable disease of the arteries. ALI can be caused by many factors. A rare cause of ALI is embolisation due to a penetrating aortic ulcer (PAU). The endovascular approach has made progress as an alternative treatment for ALI. However, using only one method of treatment may not be enough to salvage the limb. Case report. We present a case of an iatrogenic, intraoperative embolisation of the lower limb arteries after left external iliac artery (EIA) stenting in a patient with a potential source of embolisation from a PAU. In the treatment process, we performed an elective percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, left EIA stenting, and emergency intra-arterial thrombolysis. The patient was discharged from the clinic in a good condition and without limb ischaemia. After one month, an aortic stent graft was implanted to supply abdominal aortic aneurysm with PAU. Control angiography of computed tomography of the abdominal aorta and lower limb arteries was performed, and a correct stent graft and stent patency in left EIA was demonstrated. Conclusions. Endovascular treatment of acute limb ischaemia may require the use of different techniques to solve the problem, especially in complicated cases. Catheter directed thrombolysis is an effective method of treatment in an iatrogenic, distal embolisation. Stent graft implantation seems to be an effective method of eliminating emboli sourced from the aortic ulcer.Wstęp. Ostre niedokrwienie kończyn (ALI) jest jedną z najbardziej niebezpiecznych, ale potencjalnie wyleczalnych choróbspowodowanych zaburzeniami drożności tętnic. Przyczyną ALI może być ostry zakrzep, zator, uraz (w tym jatrogenny) lubrozwarstwienie. Rzadką przyczyną jest zatorowość spowodowana przez penetrujące owrzodzenie aorty (PAU). Metodywewnątrznaczyniowe i techniki otwarte w leczeniu ALI stosuje się zależnie od dostępności tętnic i drożności na obwodzie.Zastosowanie tylko jednej metody leczenia może nie wystarczyć do uratowania kończyny.Opis przypadku. Zaprezentowano przypadek jatrogennej, śródoperacyjnej zatorowości tętnic kończyny dolnej po stentowaniulewej tętnicy biodrowej zewnętrznej (EIA) z prawdopodobnym źródłem materiału zatorowego pochodzącymz PAU. Wykonano planową przezskórną angioplastykę wieńcową z posadowieniem stentu w lewej EIA oraz trombolizędotętniczą w trybie pilnym. Pacjenta wypisano z kliniki w dobrym stanie ogólnym, bez cech niedokrwienia kończyny. Pomiesiącu implantowano stentgraft, wyłączając PAU. Kontrolna angiografia tomografii komputerowej aorty brzusznej oraztętnic lewej kończyny dolnej wykazała prawidłowy przepływ przez stentgraft, przez stent w lewej EIA oraz przez tętnicekończyn dolnych.Wnioski. Wewnątrznaczyniowe leczenie ALI może wymagać zastosowania różnych technik, zwłaszcza w skomplikowanychprzypadkach. Tromboliza dotętnicza jest skuteczną metodą leczenia jatrogennej, dystalnej zatorowości. Wszczepieniestentgraftu wydaje się pewną metodą zapobiegającą zatorowości z owrzodzenia aorty.Sława kluczowe: ostre niedokrwienie kończyn dolnych, tętniak aorty brzusznej, penetrujące owrzodzenie aorty,tromboliza dotętnicz

    The role of atmospheric precipitation in introducing contaminants to the surface waters of the Fuglebekken catchment, Spitsbergen

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    Although the Svalbard Archipelago is located at a high latitude, far from potential contaminant sources, it is not free from anthropogenic impact. Towards the Fuglebekken catchment, in the southern part of Spitsbergen, north of Hornsund fjord, contaminants can be transported from mainland pollution sources. In the precipitation and surface water collected in the catchment, the following elements were detected and quantified: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Cs, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, Vand Zn. Additionally, pH, electrical conductivity and total organic carbon (TOC) were determined in those samples. The acidic reaction of precipitation waters was identified as an important factor intensifying the metal migration in this Arctic tundra environment. The air mass trajectory, surprisingly, explained the variability of only a small fraction of trace elements in precipitation water. The air mass origin area was correlated only with the concentrations of As, V and Cr. Wind directions were helpful in explaining the variability of Mn, U and Ba concentrations (east north-easterly wind) and the contents of B, As, Rb, Se, Sr and Li in precipitation (south-westerly wind), which may indicate the local geological source of those. Atmospheric deposition was found to play a key role in the transport of contaminants into the Fuglebekken catchment; however, the surface water composition was modified by its pH and TOC content

    Retained neuroprotection filter after stenting of the internal carotid artery

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    Retained neuroprotection filter after carotid stenting (CAS) is an extremely rare complication. We report thecase of a 61-year old patient with an accidentally retained neuroprotection filter after urgent CAS. The patientdid not consent to open surgical removal of the retained basket. We did not observe any flow disturbances inthe filter and the patient remains asymptomatic in ten years follow-up. In some cases, the neuroprotectionfilter left in the internal carotid artery may not cause cerebral flow disturbances or occlusion of the stent. Incase of the poor neurological or general condition of the patient, we can wait for its improvement or stenting

    National comparison of methods for determination of radon in water

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    The article describes three interlaboratory experiments concerning 222Rn determination in water samples. The fi rst two experiments were carried out with the use of artifi cial radon waters prepared by the Laboratory of Radiometric Expertise (LER), Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków in 2014 and 2018. The third experiment was performed using natural environment waters collected in the vicinity of the former uranium mine in Kowary in 2016. Most of the institutions performing radon in water measurements in Poland were gathered in the Polish Radon Centre Network, and they participated in the experiments. The goal of these exercises was to evaluate different measurement techniques used routinely in Polish laboratories and the laboratories’ profi ciency of radon in water measurements. In the experiment performed in 2018, the reference values of 222Rn concentration in water were calculated based on the method developed at LER. The participants’ results appeared to be worse for low radon concentration than for high radon concentrations. The conclusions drawn on that base indicated the weaknesses of the used methods and probably the sampling. The interlaboratory experiments, in term, can help to improve the participants’ skills and reliability of their results